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  1. F

    My Betta Won't Eat, Help!

    Thanks everyone! I'll try some live and frozen food. What can I do if he is constipated??
  2. F

    My Betta Won't Eat, Help!

    Okay, so I haven't been on in months, not since my last betta, Dante, died. In Jan. when I was out of town and left him in the care of my mother who washed his tank out using soap. A couple of days later I get a phone call saying he's passed on. Strangely enough, I was in the hospital awaiting...
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    Health Question

    i change all of it every week, at the least once every other week. the tank is at least one or two gallons.
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    Health Question

    Right, well, I think but betta has fin rot but it seems the BettaFix I bought isn't helping, he's doesn't get better. What can I do??? here are some of the syptoms, just in case: Does not eat at all or eats reluctantly and may spit out his food Is not active. stays at the surface in a corner...
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    Adding Fish Question

    Thanks, I just had another question, whether I get an algea eater or a snail, will the betta water condtioner be harmful to them in anyway?
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    Adding Fish Question

    alright, well, despite the fact that i clean my betta tank out every week, i'm still having problems with algea or whatever it is. what fish or water creature can i get that would help get rid of the algea and if i get another water animal, will my betta attack it??
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    Fish Question For Starters

    yes yes, its a castle and a teddy sticker. the castle was for decor, the teddy... well, i was just bored.
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    Fish Question For Starters

    thats what i said, but she wants multiple fish and she doesnt want female bettas cuz they're "ugly"
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    Fish Question For Starters

    i know this question has nothing to do with bettas but i have a friend who wants to get fish but she would like low maintenance fish that aren't goldfish, any tips??
  10. dante.JPG


  11. F

    Happy Betta

    i just wanted to thank everyone that gave me advice and tips on how to care for my sick betta. he's happy and healthy now! stress free and fin rot free. thanks again everyone!
  12. F

    Betta Changing Color

    alright, i'll do that. thanks everyone!!!
  13. F

    Betta Changing Color

    it's not useless at all. it helps to know something. every little bit helps. but so far those are the only symptoms he has. fin roit and stress. he's eating will and swimming like always. so yeah thanks. so the bettafix should help, right??
  14. F

    Betta Changing Color

    actully, my mistake, i do feed him pellets. i give him blood worms now and then but he doesnt seem to like them. and i've tried getting pictures but it's hard. he swims around a lot. also, the supposed stress stripes dont come out in the pictures and you can't really see the part of his fin that...
  15. F

    Betta Changing Color

    the water is good i just cleaned out the tank. the temp is worm i keep it above 70 F all the time. he's eating well, i feed him twice a day. one or two flakes in the morning then two more at night. for the water i always add that liquid stuff to make the water safe. he likes his food. and i hear...
  16. F

    Betta Changing Color

    well, my betta has those light stripes. and i've had him for over a month now. so, does that mean he's stressed? and if it does, how can i "unstress" him? also, i woke up this morning and part of his dorsel fin had come off. it was small but still, im worried now. he's changing color and how his...
  17. F

    Betta Changing Color

    okay, so i went off to work today and i came back and my betta was two toned. his top half was still red but the rest of him was orange-ish. should i be worried? he seems normal. just he's color has changed. so, yeah, should i be worried?? be honest.
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    well, the water is about 70 F, and he's definitly going white, not pale
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    his attitude doesnt seem to have changed
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    alright, so i've had my new betta for about.... i dont remember but for at the least 3 weeks, maybe 4... anyways, i think he's changing color. he is or was all red but now i think he's turning white. is this bad?? should i be worried??? please help!!!!
  21. F

    Tank Question

    right, so there's lots and lots of bubbles on the water in my new tank. they just appeared over night. is this normal? or does it mean there's some sort of health risk?
  22. F

    Its Been A While

    wow, so its been a while since i'vbe been here. well a quick update, my betta fish committed suicide. he jumped out of his tank. but i have new one now, this one is also red. i got a bigger tank for hiim. its about a 4 gallon tank, but i only fill it up to 2 gallons so that he doesnt jump out...
  23. F

    Betta Behavior

    Does anyone know why betta fish jump out of their tanks? Unfortunetly my betta fish jumped out of his tank last night when I wasn't home. Now, I have no fish. I miss. But yeah, if anyone can tell me why they do that I would really appercate it. Thanks
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    My Betta Fish

    My betta is in a tank thats at the least 2 liters big. I'm not really sure. But the mirror thing doesn't work. I've tried it before. Also, is it recommend to have the tank with a heating pump of some kind? I want to know since winter is on its way and it gets really cold in my room. Thanks ahead...
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    My Betta Fish

    thanks for your help. im glad to know that it's nothing to worry about!!!
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    My Betta Fish

    so apparently because i'm a "newbie", im not allowed to post in the betta fish forum. pff. well, here's the deal, i've had my betta fish for about two weeks now. i've had other fish before but never a tropical fish. well, lately my fish has been leaning on the walls of his tank and on the castle...