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  1. M

    Cold Water / Fresh Water Fish

    Ok, to put it another way, if I already have an RO unit would it be worth using it for gold fish, or would tap water suffice?
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    Cold Water / Fresh Water Fish

    Hello - does anyone know if RO water is any good for cold water gold fish?
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    New Marine Tank

    Am almost at the end of an 8 week tank cycle from new. Tank is 180 litre with the following : Eheim Pro 2 exteranl filter, UV lamp, in-line heater, Deltec internal skimmer, lighting. The temperature reading on the thermometer thats stuck to the inside of the front of the tank has been reading...
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    Marine Tank Protein Skimmer

    Hello - I am now 8 weeks along the tank maturation cycle. I have a RIO 180 tank, external Eheim 2 Pro filter, heater, UV Lamp, 4 powerheads, and £250 worth of Fiji Live Rock. I also have a Deltec Protein Skimmer, that for various reasons I cant get on with. Ideally I dont want it - but can I...
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    Deltec Protein Skimmer

    Eventually got round to filling tank with RO water and salt (how long does that take?!). Added £200 of live rock, installed powerheads (2of), got main filter running. I have installed a Deltec Multi Compact MC500 Protein Skimmer, thats hangs on the edge of the tank (Rio 180) but sits inside the...
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    Marine Tank Background

    Hi, am slowly putting together a Marine tank, after keeping tropical fish for a few years. I have pretty much all the hardware in the tank, minus live rock and water.... Before I put the tank into place where back and side access is quite restricted I wanted to get some thoughts on...
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    Marine Rock

    Hello - quick question what is a good rock to use for decorative purposes in a marine tank?
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    After reading lots of cycling posts on here, I have decided to fishless cycle my tank in preperation for adding fish (i have been under the impression my "Cycle" product done this) Where in the UK, specifically Surrey, or even more specific Epsom, can I buy pure amonia to cycle my tank? I went...
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    New Tank

    I think I have got a bit confused with cycling - well what to cycle with. I was under the impression that the Nutrafin Cycle that LFS say was good for kick-starting a tank actually contained amonia. I guess unless I introduce amonia, the water is not going to magically produce it - doh...
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    New Tank

    Yep, I have kept an eye on the water, and even kept a spreadsheet (dont laugh!). Results as of this morning: pH: 7.5 (was 8.0) GH: 7.84 NH: 0.0 - 0.6 NO2 : 0.8 NO3: 50 (was 20) Test kit is Nutrafin. I have not done any water change yet, the water was added to the tank two weeks ago, and...
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    New Tank

    I am at the end of my two week fishless cycle, and all the tank chemistry looks ok, has been stable for the past few days. I dont know if I should wait any longer - but according to my "Week by Week Tropical Aquarium" book, I am ready to add the first fish('s). My tank is a Juwell RIO 180, sand...
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    You can get those that fit to the inside of the tank, they are usually a bit more expensive and require fixing with a silicone glue (like bathroom sealant). Personally I dont like the backgrounds. I have used plastic plants that look as real as possible to create a backdrop.
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    New Tank

    Hello , again! Into week 2 of cycling and all seems to be going ok. I have added an air stone, but the pump makes such a noise it sort of takes away the pleasure of having the tank in my front room. Are there any ways of making it quiet? I remember my dad used to keep fish years ago and had a...
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    New Tank

    Thanks for advice guys. I have no fish in the tank at the minute, am on week 2 of cycling. Assume then when the time comes to change the water, I can use hot tap water to take the edge of the (now cold) tap water?
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    New Tank

    Hi, new to all this fish keeping game... Wander if anyone can advise me. I am doing a fishless cycle at the moment, into week2 and the tests look like they are doing the correct thing. Am using Nutrafin products (water treatment and cycle). When I start the regular water changes (every week?)...
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    New Tropical Tank

    Hello everyone, my first post! Please be gentle.... Ok, I have a Juwel RIO 180 and am setting it up for the first time. I am planning to keep tropical fish. I have bought some fine gravel, and aquarium sand. I am planning to use both, 70% of the tank gravel, and the rest sand, to create a...