New Tank


New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Epsom, Surrey, UK
Hi, new to all this fish keeping game...

Wander if anyone can advise me. I am doing a fishless cycle at the moment, into week2 and the tests look like they are doing the correct thing. Am using Nutrafin products (water treatment and cycle).

When I start the regular water changes (every week?) do I need to add the water treatment before putting the "fresh" water into the tank? Does any of the Cycle product that I am using now have to be added?

One last question, I am keeping tropical fish and the tank (Juwell RIO 180) is at a steady 27 degress, does the new water being added need to be the same temperature, hotter, or tap water cold (or even colder) ?


[email protected]
Your heater will bring the new water up to temperature and yes, the new tap water does need to be treated - you need to add stuff to remove the chlorine before adding it to the tank (even more so when fish are in it!)

--- See, i'm getting the hang of it! :crazy:
thats correct, but i'm confused... do you have fish in the tank now? cause if so its not a fishless cycle ;)
I'll add that if you can get the tapwater to approximately the same temperature as the tank water, that's best. Feeling the water with the back of the hand works fine. You just don't want to cause any major temperature fluctuations if you can avoid them.
I'll add that if you can get the tapwater to approximately the same temperature as the tank water, that's best. Feeling the water with the back of the hand works fine. You just don't want to cause any major temperature fluctuations if you can avoid them.

Thanks for advice guys. I have no fish in the tank at the minute, am on week 2 of cycling. Assume then when the time comes to change the water, I can use hot tap water to take the edge of the (now cold) tap water?
Actually, you can probably stop using the Cycle now as it is pretty much useless in most peoples experience, including mine. YOu will need to continue using dechlorinator to remove chlorine and chloramine. While you are cycling, you should turn the temp up to about 29 or 30C (about 85F). It will greatly speed the bacteria growth as bacteria grows faster at higher temps. I actually cycle my tanks at near 90F. Just make sure you turn it back down about 10 or 12 hours before you add fish.

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