New Tank


New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Epsom, Surrey, UK
I am at the end of my two week fishless cycle, and all the tank chemistry looks ok, has been stable for the past few days. I dont know if I should wait any longer - but according to my "Week by Week Tropical Aquarium" book, I am ready to add the first fish('s).

My tank is a Juwell RIO 180, sand substrate, rocks, real wood, platic plants, steady 28 degrees.

The book suggests , among others I have omitted, the following fish to start with:

- Zebra Danio
- Leopard Danio
- Black Widow Tetra
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Pentazona Barb
- Cherry barb

The book gives a brief description of each, and reccommends quantity per fish for company etc.

What it does not make clear is exactly how many fish to add. Should I choose 1 of each, or go by the book and choose x amount of each, and therefore be adding what I think is way too much?

I intend to keep community fish, so I think the above are all compatible. Any advice on exactly how many fish I should be adding to the new tank?

Right, all the fish you are looking at are schooling fish (except the cherry barbs which I think can be happy in a trio- please correct me, folks). So, don't go for 1 of each type, they will feel very threatened and unhappy as their instinct will be telling them that they are in danger. Fish that feel threatened can get veryaggressive towards other tank members, and the stress can even shorten their lifespan. Choose a few and aim at 2 or 3 nice-sized schools. Or maybe 2 schools and then a group of bottom-feeders, like corys. A big school looks wonderful and will behave better.

180 ltrs is roughly 45 US gallons (correct me folks!); with these fish you could fit in about that many inches (45). The ones you've listed are roughly 2 inch fish; the harlequins perhaps a little less.

After a fishless, (assuming you buy fish within 24 hours of adding last ammonia+ doing big water change), you should be looking at adding about 1/2 - 2/3 of your full stock= I work that out at about 25-30 inches.

So you could add a nice-sized group of danios, and either a group of tetras or barbs or rasboras, or a group of 4-5 corys. Then gradually add another group of tetras or barbs or rasboras after a few weeks, when everything seems settled.

I am at the end of my two week fishless cycle, and all the tank chemistry looks ok, has been stable for the past few days. I dont know if I should wait any longer - but according to my "Week by Week Tropical Aquarium" book, I am ready to add the first fish('s).

My tank is a Juwell RIO 180, sand substrate, rocks, real wood, platic plants, steady 28 degrees.

The book suggests , among others I have omitted, the following fish to start with:

- Zebra Danio
- Leopard Danio
- Black Widow Tetra
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Pentazona Barb
- Cherry barb

The book gives a brief description of each, and reccommends quantity per fish for company etc.

What it does not make clear is exactly how many fish to add. Should I choose 1 of each, or go by the book and choose x amount of each, and therefore be adding what I think is way too much?

I intend to keep community fish, so I think the above are all compatible. Any advice on exactly how many fish I should be adding to the new tank?

yeah, what he said :)

do you have a testkit to monitor your water chemistry? pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?
yeah, what he said :)

do you have a testkit to monitor your water chemistry? pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?

Yep, I have kept an eye on the water, and even kept a spreadsheet (dont laugh!). Results as of this morning:

pH: 7.5 (was 8.0)
GH: 7.84
NH: 0.0 - 0.6
NO2 : 0.8
NO3: 50 (was 20)

Test kit is Nutrafin.

I have not done any water change yet, the water was added to the tank two weeks ago, and have been using Nutrafin water safe and Nurtafin Cycle in the correct doses for the tank.

Hope thats not too much info!!
If you have been cycling using a Cycle product rather than pure ammonia there is a risk that the tank is not fully cycled. In this case, I would start adding fish much more slowly. Or alternatively, do a real fishless cycle.

If you are going to add fish now, you should go for the hardiest ones, danios or black widow tetras. About 1 small fish/5 gallon I have heard, but can't vouch for it.
If you have been cycling using a Cycle product rather than pure ammonia there is a risk that the tank is not fully cycled. In this case, I would start adding fish much more slowly. Or alternatively, do a real fishless cycle.

If you are going to add fish now, you should go for the hardiest ones, danios or black widow tetras. About 1 small fish/5 gallon I have heard, but can't vouch for it.

very much agreed. a school of 6 danios to start would be the best way if you reall want some fish now. if you do add them, keep an eye on your chemistry and if your ammonia and nitrite start creeping up, do daily water changes of 20-30% to keep the toxins at bay. danios are very hardy and can usually survive the cycling process. Then, once your ammonia and nitrite are reading 0 you can go ahead and add a few fish at a time ~6 or so usually every week. Remember to test for chemicals daily after adding new fish to make sure you dont get any ammonia or nitrite spikes from the increased fish load.

As for the spreadsheet, I have one too :)
If you have been cycling using a Cycle product rather than pure ammonia there is a risk that the tank is not fully cycled. In this case, I would start adding fish much more slowly. Or alternatively, do a real fishless cycle.

If you are going to add fish now, you should go for the hardiest ones, danios or black widow tetras. About 1 small fish/5 gallon I have heard, but can't vouch for it.

I think I have got a bit confused with cycling - well what to cycle with. I was under the impression that the Nutrafin Cycle that LFS say was good for kick-starting a tank actually contained amonia.

I guess unless I introduce amonia, the water is not going to magically produce it - doh! Bugger, looks like I will start over with a product that conatins amonia, or buy some neat amonia if possible.

Hee ho..

I think I have got a bit confused with cycling - well what to cycle with. I was under the impression that the Nutrafin Cycle that LFS say was good for kick-starting a tank actually contained amonia.

I guess unless I introduce amonia, the water is not going to magically produce it - doh! Bugger, looks like I will start over with a product that conatins amonia, or buy some neat amonia if possible.

Hee ho..

A wise choice! Take a look at the Fishless Cycling link in my sig. Should help you out...

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