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    Confused About Tank Size For Parrots/jellybeans?

    Evening ppl Iv been reading thru the posts about blood parrots, and they need a 55 gal tank is this us or uk gal? Also iv red in some posts 55gal is enuf for two there for shouldnt one need less. just an observation and somethings id like clearing, im only planning on keeping one. Also what is...
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    Measuremetns For 55 Gallon?

    Afternoon ppl Iv been reading up on Bloood parrots and have gathered that 55 gallons is needed. What measuremtns would you say 55gallons is? Plus its been a while since i was aroung here but does anyone know of a tank calculator i could use? Thanks Vicky
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    ? On A Parrot

    what sort of measurements would you say a 55g would be?
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    Omg I Want This Guy

    I WANT I WANT I WANT, how childish does that sound but i so do and this one
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    My Brand Spanking New Ct

    Ah you beat me , i just e-mailed them the other to see if he was still available, but i guess not
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    What Size Filter?

    thanks alot il look in to it
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    Suggestions For Fish?

    I have a tropical tank and was wondering if someone could give me an idea of something else i can put in.Looking for sumthing a little different if possible.Theres a list below of whats in there at the mo Angel fish x2 Platies x6 Tetras x4 (not sure what kind) Mollie x1 (male)...
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    Tail Biting Or Fit Rot?

    Hi guys How do you tell if a betta is biting his tail or if its fin rot? I have a tank divided into 3 with 2 super deltas and a veil fin the 2 super deltas tails look all shabby and horrid esp my gorgeous purple and gold one(hes my pride and looks a mess the veil tail looks completly normal...
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    What Size Filter?

    Hi guys I have a tank which measures 18inches long - 24inches high - 12inches wide im question is wat size filter do i need?how much water should it pump?
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    Filter Need That Does 500 Litres An Hour In Uk?

    sorry i ment 500 litre.So should i got for one that does about 200-250 litres? Can you suggest one?
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    Removing Aquarium Siliocne- Help?

    well il go and try.I have a feeling this is going to take a while cheers guys
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    Removing Aquarium Siliocne- Help?

    i have a very sharp stanley knife should this work? will it scratch the glass? thanks
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    Filter Need That Does 500 Litres An Hour In Uk?

    I have a tank which im planning on putting a goldfish in and have been told I need a filter which filters my water 10 times and hour Iv been told my tanks about 50 litres so I need a filter that turns out 500 litres an hour Is this right? If so can anyone in the uk recommend one? if not then...
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    Removing Aquarium Siliocne- Help?

    Hi guys I have a glass tank that I divided to put betas in. I secured the divides in place using aquarium silicone. There’s my problem! I want to remove the silicone and just use it as one tank. Iv tried just peeling it off but that’s not working and was going to just scrap it off but I don’t...
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    Giant Plakats

    Hi guys I cant across a unusual plakat on and on closer inspection its turns out hes a giant plakat Does anyone know anything bout them? Do they require any special treatment. Iv spoken to the ppl who is selling him and from what i can tell there just an unusual large plakat thats...
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    Got My First Bubblenest!

    Hi guys Came home today to find one of my guys building my first bubblenest! Bless hes only three month old a copper/gold super delta and only arrived yesterday morning from The Best Betta webiste.Hes so adorably cute He he be watching him all evening coz the tanks right next to my tv. Anyway...
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    Are There Any Uk Betta Clubs?

    Hi guys Like the title says are there any UK Betta clubs? Either online or that meet in person? I know all you guys in the US have. Thanks
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    Questions On Soroity Tanks

    Bump Can anyone help me? My first little girl arrived to day and shes gorgeous!Little steel blue hal moon Would really like to make an all girls tank as my lfs has some gorgeous female in a the mo thanks
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    Questions On Soroity Tanks

    Well I dont have the space or money to buy another tank I have one already set up for my axolotl who wouldnt mind re-locating but the tanks only 7 gallons. its 18inch long - 10 inches wide- 10inches high. Can I make an all girls tank in this or would I be better dividing up for 3-4males?
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    Questions On Soroity Tanks

    Hello Im new to keeping bettas and currently have 2 males with another one arriving tomorrow Iv seen msgs on here from people who keep all girls tanks. I didnt realise this was possible I just have a few questions because i think i may try this out. Is there a certain number of female you have...
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    Evil, Evil Fish!

    Both my bettas do that and iv only had them since wednesday. Lie on the bottom looking like their dead.You have this mini heart attack thinking your gorgeous fish are dead, you get there and they starting swimming about and it feels like their saying ' Ha fooled you but since your up FEED ME...
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    My First Betta Arrived Today...

    you can get bags of play sand from argos for about £2.50 if you in the uk
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    Look What Im Getting!

    Cheers im really excited already have two other gorgeous boys. The greeny coloured one is an super delta name Malty(little sister named him0 and the white on is Fagon whos a super delta-double tail. There both tiny compared to my shop bought veil tail who massive!
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    Look What Im Getting!

    I know the pictures not clear heres the other one of him Hes arriving tuesday so il take my own pictures Averys gorgeous.I actually saw him. I got him from thes best bettas in the uk
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    Look What Im Getting!

    He he Hiya guys. Well posted on here as wanted help picking a beeta.I said I only had room for 1. I have two with this little copper/gold SD cuming on tuesday which will make it 3! Hes only 3months old :drool: Sorry its not to clear. Iv called Him Phoenix which means purple in Greek...
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    Ohboy, More New Fish!

    I was looking at them but shipping to the uk was too expensive there totally gorgeous :drool: Congrats
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    Possible White Spot

    Thanks alot for your help
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    Possible White Spot

    Ok so a half teaspoon tonight...Half tomorrow. They are both still acting fine swimming to the top looking to be fed everytime the top is lifted.He definatly has it just checked both still feeding well
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    Possible White Spot

    oops thanks for the correction il do that tonight before I go to bed.Il go and turn up the temp now and add the salt before I go to bed Thank you so much for your help im very greatful These two are my first bettas and there only about 3-4motnhs old hope to give them a long happy life thanks again
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    Possible White Spot

    Thanks shall i mix it in a jug first the pour into the tank.Do I just add one tablespoon and when the med come do a water change and add them or do I add it everyday? How long can I keep the temp turned up?
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    Possible White Spot

    the tank holds 3.69 uk gallons according to the calculator iv used should i still add the table spoon or will that overdose them? I read its because of temperature drops it can trigger white spot.That would explain it as the were shipped to me yesterday and it wasnt that warm out
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    Possible White Spot

    Yeah it looks like that.I have him in a divided tank since they arrived yesterday so just to be on the safe side il treat them both since they have been sharing water. Will this do the other one any harm? Hes not showing any symtoms How do I work out how much salt to add? thanks
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    Possible White Spot

    Iv bought a bottle of interpet white spot plus of ebay that will be here in a day or two.I cant get to the shops cause of my shifts Iv never had white spot before so not sure if it is. Can anyone tell from my description if this is what he has? Will it hust to treat him even if it isnt? thanks guys
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    Possible White Spot

    Hi guys just recntly got a new betta and think her may have white spot. Its looks like he has tiny white pin pricked size spots on certain parts of his body. Would it be ok to treat him with this stuff? Its seems like a good treat...
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    My Bettas Arrived Today

    Hi guys.Well todays the day.Came home from work to find my first two gorgeous betta males waiting for me :hyper: Sorry -_- I know iv posted these pictures before but im just so excited and wanted to know what you guys think? Heres the first guy Fabian This pictures does him no justice...