Possible White Spot


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Hi guys just recntly got a new betta and think her may have white spot.
Its looks like he has tiny white pin pricked size spots on certain parts of his body.
Would it be ok to treat him with this stuff?


Its seems like a good treat ment just wanted your guys input as I only got him yesterday and hes my favorite guy
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Hmmmm.....looks dodgy to me, Ive never heard of it before and looks like the person has made it themselves....I would stick with a more well known product. I use Interpet whitespot plus and its great, Ive tried other products but thats the best in my opinion.
Buy a whitespot med from the lfs, i wouldn't bother with that either, never heard of it.
Im sure if this 'wonder treatment' did treat all the things it claims to Im pretty sure the guy that makes it would be a millionair by now rather than resorting to selling his 'potion' on e-bay......the term "jack of all trades, master of none" springs to mind.

When it comes to whitespot treating it early is the key.
Also saying that 10% if the money goes to charity sounds dodgy to me.
Iv bought a bottle of interpet white spot plus of ebay that will be here in a day or two.I cant get to the shops cause of my shifts
Iv never had white spot before so not sure if it is.
Can anyone tell from my description if this is what he has?
Will it hust to treat him even if it isnt?
thanks guys
Yeah it looks like that.I have him in a divided tank since they arrived yesterday so just to be on the safe side il treat them both since they have been sharing water. Will this do the other one any harm? Hes not showing any symtoms
How do I work out how much salt to add?

Might as well treat them both, one tablespoon to 5gals.
the tank holds 3.69 uk gallons according to the calculator iv used
should i still add the table spoon or will that overdose them?
I read its because of temperature drops it can trigger white spot.That would explain it as the were shipped to me yesterday and it wasnt that warm out
Go in with a teaspoon then.
shall i mix it in a jug first the pour into the tank.Do I just add one tablespoon and when the med come do a water change and add them or do I add it everyday? How long can I keep the temp turned up?
Get abit of water from his bowl, add a teaspoon not a tablespoon, and mix well till the salt has disolved then add to his bowl, keep temp up till all signs of whitespot has gone, good luck, if you have to preform a water change add the right amount of salt back to the water removed, so say half the bowl, that would be half a teaspoon.
oops thanks for the correction il do that tonight before I go to bed.Il go and turn up the temp now and add the salt before I go to bed

Thank you so much for your help im very greatful
These two are my first bettas and there only about 3-4motnhs old hope to give them a long happy life
thanks again
Just watch him for a while with the salt to make sure he's handling it, actually i would start with half a teaspoon first, then if he's ok tomorrow with it, add the other half of teaspoon, good luck.

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