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  1. M

    Hits Keep Coming...

    3rd day. getting better. the haze in the eye is gowing away and the scales on the jaw no longer protrude.
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    Adding Blue Cathodes...

    I was reading the moonlight stick about adding cold cathodes. great info and i plan on doing this. my only question the actual wiring of the lights to the voltage adapter. thats the one thing i didnt see in the sticky. my total experience with electricty is shocking myself on a electric...
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    More Thoughts On My Lighting....

    Well thats settled. A friend said he would take the plants off my hands, this way the plants still survive. And I seceded to the wife and agreed to arrange the tank as it was before. only this time, im using a black substrate. mostly sand with a little bit of gravel. Thanks for the help...
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    Changing My Substrate.

    lol, thats twice i got burned with pinned threads. doh! thanks ;)
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    Changing My Substrate.

    Im changing from a tan/ brown gravel to black sand. Im doing this tomorrow morning. was wondering if anyone had any do's/ dont do's from past experience. laters.
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    Violet Goby

    thanks. great link. i should hit that search button more often.... :blush:
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    Violet Goby

    Anyone have this fish? Im told its rater docile and difficult to feed (you need a siringe right in front of his mouth). i want a couple but need to research first.
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    Changing Water With A Python

    yes. your fish would be fine for a few hours before they get drunk from the tap water (give or take how much you change). just add the water, then add the conditioner. thats what i use for my 55 gallon tanks.
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    More Thoughts On My Lighting....

    I just figured something. my planted tank is one of my 55 gallons. 48l 18w 24t. threw a simple math formula, i figured with 110 w i will need to run the lights for 15 hours a day for the plants to do well. 15 is too long. i need more light. and i cant afford the nifty lighting assemblies...
  10. M

    Hits Keep Coming...

    2nd day of treatment. So far no changes. Not worse, but not better.
  11. M

    Dwarf Puffers...

    just fed them some bloodworms. they love that. so do the other fish. thanks.
  12. M

    Grrrr Bad Luck Continues....

    I feel for ya. ive had a bad disease week myself. hope it gets better for ya! make sure to update and let us know.
  13. M

    Hits Keep Coming...

    got maracyn 1 and 2. was confused about using both together and didnt want to overdose. the directions call for 2 packs per 10 gallons. so i split the dose between the 2 meds. 5 packs of maracyn 1, and 5 packs of maracyn 2. definitely going to need more med, but tomorrow is payday. this is...
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    Hits Keep Coming...

    yeah, i already said to HECK with plants. this molly's pattern is unique. and he is from the first batch of fry i had in this tank. so im sorta attached to this girl.
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    Hits Keep Coming...

    will the plants be ok?
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    Disease After Disease...

    other than that one fish, no problems. no bent spines and no lost weight.
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    Disease After Disease...

    Ive been fighting this disease roller coaster. I treat one, then next thing i know i get another. i dont get it. my water is good. my nitrates got up to almost 40 last week, but has dropped down to under 20 now and getting better. no ammonia, no nitrates, steady temp and ph at a steady 7...
  18. M

    Hits Keep Coming...

    Its a bad pic, but he wont sit still. My first thought is dropsy. the scales in the circle have protruded a little. and its like he hase tiny white blisters, and his eye has clouded a little. NOT SALT SPECS (ich). he still eats and swims like normal. fins are clamped cuz he hates the...
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    Dwarf Puffers...

  20. M

    Dwarf Puffers...

    they are quite young. id say 1/2 inch. had them for 2 days now. i havent seen them eat. dont seem stressed. they explore really good. but when i add food, they dont go near it. will they enjoy some ghost shrimp? or are they too young.
  21. M

    Feeding Cooked Fish

    careful they may get mad fish
  22. M

    Java Moss..

    I got some moss and a slate at the lfs. i got home and realized that i had nothing to hold it to the slate. with little options, i ran across the street and bought some hairnets. gay, i know. but it held the moss to the slate like a charm. i just hope it takes. had to jump through hoops to...
  23. M

    Melafix Question

    yes you need to take out the carbon in the filter. do you use a cartridge filter? all i did was take the cartridge out, turn it inside out and dump the carbon out, and then placed the cartridge back into the filter. when i was done with the treatment, i put carbon back into the cartridge...
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    Building For Profit?

    the tank im making is also going to have a stand and canopy. this is gonna be fun.
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    Building For Profit?

    If one was possible would it be to make a profit on selling tanks youve built. im building a 100 gallon tank. will cost 209 usd. wife says i should sell it to someone here locally through something like craigslist. is this feasable? not wanting to make a living with it, but...
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    Glass Thickness

    I am going to build a 100 gallon glass tank. 60"x18"x24". however im not sure on the glass thickness. didnt want to buy the wrong kind. is there a vormula or calculator out there that will tell me what i need?
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    Dwarf Sagittaria

    I have this plant for 2 days. and the leaf edges are browing. running pressurized co2. 2wpg. ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 35ppm. all other plants are cool. the java ferns are growing, but the roots look like they are growing little bitty hairs. dont know what that is about.
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    Throwing In The Towel...

    holy crap thats nice. :D
  29. M

    Proffesional Aquariasts...

    There is a 250 marine tank in my wifes office. The office owns the tank, and inhabitants. They pay someone 800 usd a month to maintain the tank. after talking to the guy that works on it, i find out that he owns a several tanks out in town. a few at rubios and some hotels downtown. the...
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    Hes gone. my daughter is really upset... :-(
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    I called it. Time of death: 8:43 pm PST. Man this really sucks. all attached and bumbed about something as small as a fish. Just something about raising any animal and the desire for them to thrive. edit: whoa, as i went to net him out, he took off like crazy barrel rolling across the...
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    I havent had him for two years. Just under 1. But his previous owner had him for a while.
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    Well, "Tony Stewart", the sailfin molly in my avatar, is on his way to aquarium heaven. He is about 2 years old or so. He had a fungus infection a couple weeks ago. I lost 2 fish from it. But I treated the fish and all but Tony recovered. The infection stopped progressing, but he never...
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    Throwing In The Towel...

    the glass panes are for my glass hood im going to make. i have to get the glass cut to size and the hinges.
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    Is Super Glue Safe Once Dried?

    super glue even when dry, is not good for aquariums. think of it as kids who live under power lines. maybe not immediately, but the fish will eventually, if not immediatly, be very prone to sickness. check your LFS for aquarium sealant. works like a charm.
  36. M

    Glass Hood.

    its ok. once the glass heated up a little from the light the fog went away. after about 10 mins. lol. maybe i should wait a bit before posting next time. lol
  37. M

    Glass Hood.

    I came across a plane of glass that i could have trimed to make a glass hood. i put it on the tank just to see. and of course it gets fogged up. is there a way to keep this from happening?
  38. M

    Dagnabbed Flourescent Bulbs...

    i had a bad ballast. took that fixure back and cot a new/ different one. tremendous difference. not i go the full 80w for a 55 gallon. i still place my old lamps on the hood for a few hours a day. an extra 30 w.
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    Dagnabbed Flourescent Bulbs...

    1 bump. just in case. :/
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    Dagnabbed Flourescent Bulbs...

    I just built a DIY lighting shelf. i have a 48" shoplight with 2 t12 40w bulb. for now just run of the mill full spectrum white light (GE brand). after a couple hours of burning the bulbs will dim and looks like the stuff inside moves around. weird looking, i think its called snaking...