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  1. S

    Brown Algae...can I Help It Go Away?

    Hi guys, you are mentionng that an Otinculus? Thanks Steve
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    Jewel Rio 180 Lighting Problem...

    Indeed - these and other Internet forums are wonderful ways to obtain and give help. It's so cool that everyone likes to contribute. :)
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    Jewel Rio 180 Lighting Problem...

    Just a note to say that I have changed my tubes now and everything is now fine again. Many thanks again. Steve
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    Jewel Rio 180 Lighting Problem...

    Ah many thanks Chris and Justin - I was hoping it was one of the tubes rather than the main unit. I will get a new set of tubes. Thanks for the tip about the rings - this will save some money! Cheers again. Steve
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    Jewel Rio 180 Lighting Problem...

    Hi all, I was wondering if somebody can help me. I have Jewel Rio 180 tank and have a problem with the lights. The lights have been working fine until yesterday when (after they had been on for a number of hours) they just turned themselves off. Now what happens is that when you switch them...
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    Juwel Reflectors For A Rio180

    Hey Jimbooo, thanks for the reply. I rather suspected 50% was a bit of a lie! :) I'll get the info across to the plants forum asap - I just need to get a new test kit. Thanks. Steve
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    Juwel Reflectors For A Rio180

    Hi all, I have a Rio180 tank and I am finding the plants are susceptible to brown hair algea. After some research here on the forums I think I need to increase the lighting of the tank - it is currently using just the default lights. My question is, are the reflectors and effective way of...
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    Brush Algea?

    Hi all, hope everyone is well. I am having a brown algea problem in my aquarium - it is manifesting itself everywhere but it is most problematic on my plants because I can't clean it off. After about 3 weeks I need to clean the front glass as it is becoming visible. A photo is here to...
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    Cleaning Outside Glass....

    Thanks to everybody for replying, guess I am being a bit paranoid. :) I'll just use glass cleaner! Many thanks Steve
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    Cleaning Outside Glass....

    Hi all, hope well. Bit of a newbie question this, and couldn't find anything with a search. What are the best materials/cleaning fluids to clean the outside of my tank? You can buy special 'tank glass cleaner' which is presumably non-toxic but I was wondering if there was any household...
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    New tank....

    Thanks for the replies - the Rasbora's are a very interesting option! I think I'm going to have to think long and hard about what to go for - you guys have certainly provided some ideas - many thanks. I am so looking forward to keeping fish again! :) Steve
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    New tank....

    Thanks again for responses - you guys are quick on this forum!! :) In terms of being more specific I think I am looking for a species that are about 2 inches in size, quite energetic (i.e. interesting to watch) and silver (silver/gold etc) in colour. Silver shark shaped as opposed to gourami...
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    New tank....

    Ah hells bells - I am not doing well here am I! I did indeed mean Tinfoils. I had a feeling that the s/sharks were also big - shame as I think they look great. I obviously have a thing for silvery coloured fish. Thanks for the reply. Steve
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    New tank....

    Hi all, thanks for everybodies replies. I realise now that I made a slight error in my original post - I meant to say 1 or 2 species of fish and not 1 or 2 fish! :/ Sorry all - I can't have proof read that very well if at all - apologies for wasting some your folks time - I really appreciate...
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    New tank....

    Hi all, After being out of the loop for 7 years I have got myself a new 40g aquarium. Up an running - just doing the cycling thing. So, whilst I am waiting for it to settle etc. I am pondering what fish to buy. My original intention was to go for a mixed community tank as I had before. But I...
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    Juwel tank question

    Hi, if the ligitng system has the sealed connectors (the ones that twist off) - then these provide the necessary condensation protection - provided that they are tight! So, if it is like my Juwel Rio 180 then no, you don't need algea trays, sorry condensation lids :) Regards Steve
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    Juwel Rio 180

    Thanks for the replies folks - appreciate the reassurance. I'll get shot of the plastic now. Thanks again, looking forward to becoming an active member of this community. Kind regards Steve
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    Juwel Rio 180

    Hi all, Just getting back into tropial fish keeping again after 7 years (kids etc!). Just bought a Rio 180 from Jewel and am in the process of setting it up. I have one question that I cannot fine the answer to - and that is why is there a very thin piece of plastic attached to the top of the...