New tank....


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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Hi all,

After being out of the loop for 7 years I have got myself a new 40g aquarium. Up an running - just doing the cycling thing.

So, whilst I am waiting for it to settle etc. I am pondering what fish to buy. My original intention was to go for a mixed community tank as I had before. But I was thinking about maybe having a tank pretty much dedicated to a single fish (or maybe 2).

I was wondering about Tin Foil barbs (need to check how big they get) or something like that.

If anybody has any suggestions with regard to fish that look good and are interesting to watch then I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

Many thanks
Tinfoils school and get to 12". They need a bigger tank realy.

I'd go for moonlight gouramies (just 7" and quite peaceful) or ksising gouramies (a little over 8" max. and semi-aggressive) but that's just me and my gourami obsession. Or maybe try some kind of ctenopoma. A lot of them get quite big and would do well as solitary fish as they are territorial and some are considerably aggressive.

Otherwise, obvious choices are cichlids. There's a wide range to choose from. If you only want one or two there are some more aggressive types that would work but I'm more for the smaller, peaceful ones and would likely go for a group of keyholes. If you go for more aggressive, be careful you don't pick out anything that grows too big - such as oscars. If they're your kind of thing parrots (the hybrids - check that section) would also work and be quite unusual - to say the least. Avoid dyed parrots.

If you'd be willing to go brackish, puffers are an excellent, if not a little more demanding, choice. A lot of species would work in a 40 gallon on their own and they are quite puppy-like so may be just what you're after. There are some freshwater ones as well. Research carefuly beforehand no matter what though.

Lastly, though I'm sure there are plenty of other tropical options, might I suggest the humble goldfish? I know they are coldwater but 3 fancy goldies would realy love an adequately-sized tank to live in for a change (or go for 2 of the common/shubunkin/comet types).

I know you asked for fish that can be kept single or as apirs and that grow quite large. I realise you decided to not go for your typical community. Still, I can't help thinking that maybe you haven't considered going for a community but one that is more specialised - say a bio-tope of some sort or, and this is realy what I had in mind, an african rift-lake cichlid set-up. Mbuna cichlids in particular. 40 gallons is realy the minnimum size where you can realy get this sort of tank going IMO so, if you want something different from what you're used to, maybe this is it. I suggest yellow labs, p. acei, i. sprengerae (rusty), p. socolofi and p. saulosi as interesting and attractive choices. Research them, look the specific species up and read up on their requirements.

Having said that, if it were me and I wanted a tank with your specifications, I'd go for ctenopoma acutirostre... or a chocolate gourami species tank (well maybe that's less to your taste - but the ctenopoma still works :p).
Steve_R said:
Hi all,

I happen to have fell in liove with loaches. The clown loach is my favorite they can grow up to 12 -18 inches i have read and heard. I have two of them and some small fat bellied buppys which are so cute that you just have to name them haha. Mine is named sweetpea he is orange and almost feels like he knows you he jsut stares at me haha I know get a life right ? Loaches are fun to watch they also keep the tank miraqculously clean. I also have one green barb who is rather the master of the tank. nOt agressive only to any new fish so I guess that will keep me in line when thinking of new fish. I am planning a 95 gallon tank in a year so my loaches can be free to swim around when they get bigger they swim very fast. Anyway good luck with whatever you pick.

After being out of the loop for 7 years I have got myself a new 40g aquarium. Up an running - just doing the cycling thing.

So, whilst I am waiting for it to settle etc. I am pondering what fish to buy. My original intention was to go for a mixed community tank as I had before. But I was thinking about maybe having a tank pretty much dedicated to a single fish (or maybe 2).

I was wondering about Tin Foil barbs (need to check how big they get) or something like that.

If anybody has any suggestions with regard to fish that look good and are interesting to watch then I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

Many thanks
if its a very low and long tank id go with... CORYS ALL THE WAY!!!!
but then if its just normal long, then id go with lots and lots and lots and lots of toger barbs or cherry barbs. it would be pretty.
Hi all, thanks for everybodies replies.

I realise now that I made a slight error in my original post - I meant to say 1 or 2 species of fish and not 1 or 2 fish! :/

Sorry all - I can't have proof read that very well if at all - apologies for wasting some your folks time - I really appreciate the answers though.

I do like the idea of having a specialised community tank - that might be very nice indeed. Thanks for this - I will look into this some more.

So, if I was to have a single species tank then my idea of tiger barbs are out of the question if they grow that large! What about silver sharks - they look great and seem to get on well with each other - again I need to check the size.

Kind regards
Tiger barbs or Tinfoil barbs?

Originally you said Tinfoil barbs
I was wondering about Tin Foil barbs (need to check how big they get) or something like that.
as in Barbus schwanefeldi but now your saying tiger barbs
So, if I was to have a single species tank then my idea of tiger barbs are out of the question if they grow that large!
as in Barbus tetrazona. There are BIG differences between the two species, like about 11 inches.

Silver sharks; Balaniocheilus melanopterus grow to similar sizes as Tinfoil barbs (12" plus), they also need to be in a school and require a minimum of a 75g tank.
CFC said:
Tiger barbs or Tinfoil barbs?

Originally you said Tinfoil barbs
I was wondering about Tin Foil barbs (need to check how big they get) or something like that.
as in Barbus schwanefeldi but now your saying tiger barbs
So, if I was to have a single species tank then my idea of tiger barbs are out of the question if they grow that large!
as in Barbus tetrazona. There are BIG differences between the two species, like about 11 inches.

Silver sharks; Balaniocheilus melanopterus grow to similar sizes as Tinfoil barbs (12" plus), they also need to be in a school and require a minimum of a 75g tank.

Ah hells bells - I am not doing well here am I! I did indeed mean Tinfoils. I had a feeling that the s/sharks were also big - shame as I think they look great. I obviously have a thing for silvery coloured fish.

Thanks for the reply.

Well a lot of what I suggested before could still work with a few modifications.

Anyway, if you like silver/bala sharks, take a look at the scissortail rasbora and the giant scissortail rasbora - kind of look-a-like miniature versions. The giant gets to 6", the other to half that. Both need to be kept as a school of at least 6.

Again, give an indication of what sort of fish you like so it's easier to make suggestions.
I've got plans for a tank of that size with sailfin mollies in it cause I just love the way they look.
Thanks again for responses - you guys are quick on this forum!! :)

In terms of being more specific I think I am looking for a species that are about 2 inches in size, quite energetic (i.e. interesting to watch) and silver (silver/gold etc) in colour. Silver shark shaped as opposed to gourami shaped. Hoping to keep maybe 10 or so, as many as the tank can safely support.

I suggest you look into danios, rasboras and tetras. There are plenty that fit your description. In particular, take a look at the scissortails I mentioned before, zebra, pearl, blue and leopard danios (maybe also look into giant danios), half-banded and golden barbs (though these are a bit bigger), banded barbs, white cloud mountain minnows (borderline tropical), eye-spot rasbora, red-striped rasbora and copper-nosed minnow (gets to 5"). Look them up on google to find images. With the tetras, I feel it's no use telling you to look at internet pics - you have to see them in person as pics simply don't represent them realisticly (don't ask me what it is about them - I think it has to do with the way they move). I find a lot of people who like sharks also like black phantom tetras - though they don't realy look alike - but only if they see them in person. If you'd like something just a little more colorful, rainbowfish are varied, active and interesting. Again, there are a lot of possibilities but I suggest you visit your LFS to pick some you like out as not all are commonly offered for sale. In fact, that's probably your best option - go to your LFS and note down the common AND scientific names of any fish you like the look of and then research them to see if they are suitable. A 40 gallon tank can hold approx. 20 2" fish so, if you go for 2 species that get to 2", you could keep 10 of each.
If u want some info on fish size and stuff like that try these

I have been reading up on some fish to put in my tank and after reading your post i came up with some ideas for yours... just a suggestion,

Gold barb -

Rosy barb -

Gold Danio - (you can keep these with Rosy barbs but i dont think you can keep them with the gold barb)

Zebra Danio - (you can keep these with them all)

They are all active (from what i read) and around 1.5 ~ 3 inch in size.

Ive never kept fish and this is my first tank so some of the others here will correct anything ive said thats wrong (i hope) but i hope this helps

Steve_R said:
Thanks again for responses - you guys are quick on this forum!! :)

In terms of being more specific I think I am looking for a species that are about 2 inches in size, quite energetic (i.e. interesting to watch) and silver (silver/gold etc) in colour. Silver shark shaped as opposed to gourami shaped. Hoping to keep maybe 10 or so, as many as the tank can safely support.


hummm, 2 inches kind of rules out sailfin mollies as they go 4+ fully grown depending on the breed, although there is a gorgeous silver variety imo.

the other posters here probably have things right when suggesting barbs or danios as far as 2" silver fish goes. you might also want to go and check out your LFS to see what kinds of fish are appealing to you since in the end if you think they're ugly, all our suggestions make no sense. Make sure you do your research on the kind of fish you think you like as far as size, water quality, temp, feeding, compatibility, etc.

good luck with your decision

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