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    A Nano 10g Tank Possible In A Dorm Room?

    Yeah, I'm actually an RA as well, but I live three hours from campus. I may just stay on campus though, once I get it. I've decided I'm just going to get two or three large pieces of live rock, and when I take the aquarium apart to take it home, I'll just siphon the water into a minnow bucket...
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    Does This Look Like A Good Tank Setup?

    AGA 10 Gallon with glass lid Satellite 2 x 40 watt power compact light with mountable legs 40 watt Current Dual Actinic 420nm/460nm 40 watt Current Smartpaq 10000K/460nm Aquaclear 20g Power Filter Microjet 320 Power Head Tronic 50 watt heater Thermometer Twister TW-40 cleaning magnet Instant...
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    A Nano 10g Tank Possible In A Dorm Room?

    Yeah, I'm actually a chemistry major, haha. It did cross my mind to just take water from the faucets considering there are probably like 400 RO faucets in the chem building, but I'd feel bad doing that. I'd also feel wierd asking one of my professors for permission, haha.
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    A Nano 10g Tank Possible In A Dorm Room?

    Yeah, I know, but freshwater fish I just find really boring. I talked to my parents about this. They said that over winter break they'd help me get everything I need for one. My mom told me I'd most likely get really stressed out trying to set up a 10g since they require so much work, but she...
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    A Nano 10g Tank Possible In A Dorm Room?

    Thanks. Do you know if I'd have to do anything to transport liverock? Do you need to just keep them moist, or do you need to keep them fully submurged and in warm water? One thing the girl who has a marine tank doesn't have is live rock. Is that a bad idea? I doubt I would want to have a...
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    A Nano 10g Tank Possible In A Dorm Room?

    Hello everyone, I've always loved marine tanks, and I'd really like to start one for my dorm room, as I saw someone else in the building who has one. My main concern is, would it be stressful for the fish/live rocks to have to transport it home twice a year? Is there any tips on transporting...
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    Rogues Gallery

    i took this picture especially for you tonight in my dorm room. i'm so punk rock with the guitar and tight shirt.
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    Fighting Betta Fish.

    well, we can tell them to stop but we can't do anything about it. we're not allowed to confiscate items from the residents.
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    Fighting Betta Fish.

    i'm a resident assistant on campus, so i'm in a dorm with a bunch of freshmen. i went into the louge of our building, and some of my residents were fighting their betta fish against each other. needless to say, i couldn't do anything about it, but i thought it was mean.
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    What Cant Bettas Go With

    i just have five neons and a male betta. they both leave each other alone, but i've heard things can change quickly, in which case i'm ready to move the betta if such happens.
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    What Cant Bettas Go With

    my betta is actually doing ok with my neon tetras so far. i've never seen them pay any attention to each other. my betta is more interested in his reflection in the tank, and the neon tetras are more interested in nipping at each other. however, i'm ready and willing to move him if things go...
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    This Is Urgent

    are you sure it's a female? males make bubbles at the top of their tank when they're wanting to mate.
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    29 Gallon At Work

    you can buy an automatic feeder at walmart for $10. no clue how good it works, though.
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    Is It Normal For Bettas To Be Rather Lethargic?

    hello everyone, i got my first betta yesterday to put in my community tank containing five neon tetras. i know they can be nippy, but i'm keeping and eye on them, so far so good. i wasn't planning on even getting one, but he was just really beautiful, so i bought him. for the most part, i...
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    Neon Tetras Mean To Each Other

    well, he doesn't puff up, but fans out. whatever it's called, where he is threatening them. the aggressive tetra is actually the smallest of the five.
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    Neon Tetras Mean To Each Other

    hey everyone, so my tank finally cycled, and i purchased five neon tetras and a male betta for my community tank. i've been watching my betta, and he seems to be doing ok with them, but i'll take him out if he starts to get aggressive. however, one of the neon tetras is really mean to the...
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    My tank will not cycle.

    yeah, i saw a chart like that, so if i'm at like day 10, shouldn't my tank have started cycling? it's kind of been sitting at 1ppm for a long time.
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    My tank will not cycle.

    I'm not doing a fishless cycle. I'm cycling it with a platty.
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    My tank will not cycle.

    Ok, and I meant to post this in Beginner Questions. Sorry.
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    My tank will not cycle.

    Hey everyone, I've had a tank set up for a little over one week, and it is not cycling at all. Every day, the ammonia level is a 1.0ppm, and the nitrite level is a .005ppm. It never changes. The fish seems happy in the tank, and I haven't changed the filter or anything, so I have no clue why...
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    some nifty wild aquatic plant pictures i took

    i know this isn't totally related. i took these pictures about a month ago in montana when i was out there visiting graduate schools. these pictures are of some springs in great falls, montana, and it reminded me of a fish tank, so i figured i could share them. i'd never seen aquatic plants...
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    I have 2 of the most beginner questions ever

    wow, that's pretty bad of me. i'm a junior chemistry major, and i've never encountered alkalinity. i just assumed it was just another way of saying something is alkaline or basic. alkalinity may be more of an evironmental science thing, and that's why i've never encountered it in inorganic or...
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    I have 2 of the most beginner questions ever

    alkalinity is basically a term of how basic a solution is. on the pH scale, 7.0 is in the middle. this is what pure water is. anything higher than 7.0 is considered basic or alkaline because the solution is considered a base, something that accepts hydrogen ions. if it is less than 7.0 it is...
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    mollies and babies

    Do you mean to imply that one should do less research when setting a child up with a pet? More, I would have thought. To your responsibilities for the fish are added your responsibility of teaching the child and making her pet experience enjoyable. 905835 100+ hours of research for buying one...
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    mollies and babies

    anyone who does 100+ hours of research buying a fish for their three year old daughter is insane.
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    i got a gravel vaccuum, and a ph test kit today. i emptied all the water out except for a bit in the gravel, but i got all the debris out (there was a lot already, wow). and i added fresh water, and i put the danio back in. she seems a lot happier now. the water is no longer cloudy, but the...
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    ugh, my danio gave birth while cycling.

    i have a pearl danio in my tank and that is it. it did lay eggs, is it possible they hatched already? nevermind it hasn't been a week. i have no clue where these babies came from then. it was labeled pearl danio at the pet store and looks exactly like the one in the picture.
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    ugh, my danio gave birth while cycling.

    i already called. they told me they don't take back baby fish.
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    ugh, my danio gave birth while cycling.

    so i'm cycling my tank right now, and i picked up a danio to do it since they were out of plattys. apparently they gave me a pregnant danio because i was changing the water and noticed six or so little babies swimming around. i caught them all, and they are all sitting in cups right now. what...
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    yep, i took it back. i just have a danio now because they didn't have any plattys anymore.
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    more fish newby questions

    i know the danio is too small, but they were out of plattys. i was told i could probably do a platty and a few tetras in this tank by other people on another fish forum. i really don't want a betta. they're super boring.
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    hello everyone

    hello everyone, my name is joe. i'm a junior chemistry major, minoring in molecular biology at the university of wisconsin in green bay. next year i'm going to graduate school at hopefully the university of montana to get my phd in synthetic organic chemistry. after five years of grad school...
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    more fish newby questions

    yes, i have a tank filter, but it doesn't really cause aeration in the water, so i'm not sure if the tank is getting oxygen.
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    more fish newby questions

    ok, i made a topic about how i'm having a smelly tank problem after only having the tank for two days. it's a minibowl 5 gallon. i'm thinking of starting the tank over from scratch save the filter pad and filter, of course. tomorrow i'm going to the petstore. i'm going to buy: a water...
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    yeah, the lighting is really bad. it's yellow light. but oh well.
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    i actually have the minibowl 5 gallon. i'll probably pick up a heater then as well. thanks. :)
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    yeah, right now i'm just going to cycle the tank with a danio. i'm ordering a small gravel filter pump thing online and then a water testing kit. do you guys know if a water heater for a tank will be ok in an acrylic tank? thanks.
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    New tank smells really bad and is cloudy

    hello everyone, i purchased a 5 gallon tank with a power filter yesterday. not knowing that i needed to cycle and the associates giving me horrible information, i came home with a few fish and a pleco. they told me to purchase algea wafers for the pleco, so i did. i got the tank set up, and...