The majority of people who breed in this board have been doing research for many months and know exactly what they want to do. Some of them are working on very specific genetic lines. Not to offend you, but breeding bettas is not about randomly throwing together a male and female and seeing what the results are. A lot of genetic planning goes into this endeavor, as well as the acquistion of quality stock. You also have to take into account where to house and raise a spawn that could result in as many as 300 babies, maybe more.
I have been keeping fish for a long time, and I still don't even want to attempt to breed bettas. Now, if your serious and really want to think this through, I really recommend that you read, read, read, read, and read. This of course, will take patience, patience, and patience. Ask the experienced breeders in this forum questions, and if you still feel like you want to try this in a year, after loads of research and more experience keeping bettas, then the decision you make then will be a far more educated decision than the one you make now.
I hope I haven't offended you, but I really felt that this needed to be addressed. Enjoy your fish, they make great pets and won't suffer in the least if they're not spawned.