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  1. M

    Small Plec?

    2 1/2 gal ? get a snail.They have some really cool ones,i`m not talking about the tiny ones that multiply so much :D They`re a mess to have unless you feed them to you loaches :D.................Nooooooo plecos in a 2 1/2 gal thats so cruel :o
  2. M

    Chineses Algae Eaters

    ottos are small and docile but they`l starve if you don`t feed then algae tablets because they`re so good at cleaning.I`ve heard chinese algae eater are vicious unless you have the False chinese algae eaters,they`re just territorial.But this isn`t first hand info.
  3. M

    Breeding plecos

    You have brackish fish and a clownloache?I hope he isn`t in salty water :o Clownloaches are freshwater fish mollies are brackish water (1T salt per gallon)....... ....... i love that site.
  4. M

    catfish mystery!

    Ottos are eating machines,they starve because they`ll keep the tank so have to be sure they`ll take algae tablets. Watch them to be sure they eat the tablets. Ottos are neat fish some won`t eat the tablets and starve :(
  5. M

    shovelnose Catfish?

    There`s a site it`s awesome.It has everything you wanted to know about all catfish. ugh i keep messing up the site addy :P Got it right now.
  6. M


    Treat him with Maracyn made by Merdel.Yes he could catch it from the bettas.Good luck.Treat the entire tank.
  7. M

    Do I really need to feed them

    :o wow what kind of plecos is it.Some grow to about 20" the smallest about 4" and thats too big for a tank that small.Yes feed him!!!!!!! You need to do some research on the adult size of fish you plan on getting.Now you have getto conditions :( .....the inch per gallon only goes for small fish...
  8. M

    Why did my old Pleco disapear?

    :lol: plecos love to scare their owners by hiding.I pick up all the furniture in their tanks and vaccum the poo out and check to see if everyone is ok.Plecos also c an jump out of the tank,they`re famous for that.Os the tank covered all the time? Do you have openings in the back of the cover...
  9. M

    Are plec's to big for a 10 gallon tank

    :o Common plecostomus grow to about 20" or more.I can`t think of any pleco thats small enough for a 10 gal.A 4" pleco would need at least a 20 gal or more.10 gallon tank are good for neon tetras,a couple female bettas or guppies. No plecos please your tank is wayyyyyyyyy too small.Have you ever...
  10. M

    urgent questions!

    :o :sick: Corydoras are freshwater fish not brackish,please don`t add salt.
  11. M

    TOO H O T !!!!!!!

    I have several plastic ice packs i keep in my freezer in a bag(marked fish only).I use these when the tank get too warm or add some icecubes made from tank water(also kept in their own trays and put in bags)