catfish mystery!


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
we bought three cat fish and i think there name was a species name or someting liek that its began with O i think they are spoty but have darker spoty line down each side and turn redy in coulr when the mature and grow to about 10 cm or so this is what i remmber form the shop we got them to eat the algae and have done! they are funny the are called ' The Fish Finger Crew' hehhehe :lol: hope u guy can help!!! :D
Otocinclus affinis??? Commonly referred to as otos

what do i feed them cos atthe mo they just finding there own food and it said on one website that if they get really hungary the stick them selves to fish and eat them!!!!!!! :-( :sad:
aernympha said:
what do i feed them cos atthe mo they just finding there own food and it said on one website that if they get really hungary the stick them selves to fish and eat them!!!!!!! :-( :sad:
I've never had one and don't know too much about them, only from what I see others say. They get around an 1-1/2" and eat algea and green foods. There are herbivores.

HERE'S the link I got that info from.
Ottos are eating machines,they starve because they`ll keep the tank so have to be sure they`ll take algae tablets. Watch them to be sure they eat the tablets. Ottos are neat fish some won`t eat the tablets and starve :(

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