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  1. TheDudeAbides818

    Glass surfing

    My Red Dwarf Gourami and Pleco are glass surfing like crazy lately. Two angels seem to be staying together but away from the activity. Think it’s freaking them out a bit. Thoughts?
  2. TheDudeAbides818

    Extracting debris without removing water???

    It’s not that a lot builds up in between, it’s just that after the last water change I realized there were some significant spots I missed that had a lot of debris built up. Perhaps I’m just overthinking this too much. It’s never going to be 100% debris-free, and my water is currently crystal...
  3. TheDudeAbides818

    Extracting debris without removing water???

    Does anyone have any suggestions for removing waste and debris from gravel without the removal of the tank water? In between water changes I’d like to be able to do a little upkeep. Can only remove so much without removing so much water.
  4. TheDudeAbides818

    Recommendations for adding fish???

    I currently have a 20 gal tall tank with one Pleco, one Red Dwarf Gourami, and 2 small angels. Anyone have some suggestions as to what kind of suitable tank mates I can add at some point? I just performed another partial water change and tested my water levels… everything seems to be in good range.
  5. TheDudeAbides818

    New to the forum…

    If that’s official than I need to be!
  6. TheDudeAbides818

    Gourami issue!

    Well, I did return the Powder Blue… (briefly named Blue Ragu as a compliment to the Red gourami named Rigatoni, clearly the only time pasta and sauce didn’t mix) and he is now hopefully no longer stressed. Took the red guy a little while to calm down in the tank even after the other was removed...
  7. TheDudeAbides818

    Gourami issue!

    Ha… well that can’t happen. I live in a small space and don’t have the room. I’m going to have to do a return based on misinformation.
  8. TheDudeAbides818

    Gourami issue!

    I feel bad for the new guy because he’s just trying to chill and acclimate, but at the same time the red dwarf was there first and it’s more his domain than the blue ones.
  9. TheDudeAbides818

    Gourami issue!

    Thank you all.. yeah I kind of screwed myself by not doing my research beforehand. Have to make a decision here I guess
  10. TheDudeAbides818

    Filter question…

    Thank you all for the input. I was actually just figuring on not completely changing it out for at least 6 months. Was going to just give it a rinse in the removed tank water on the next water change. I’m always cautious to not disturb the water parameters too much.
  11. TheDudeAbides818

    Filter question…

    I have a 20 gallon tank that is about 2 & 1/2 months old now… I was weary of changing the filter too soon for fear of losing any “good bacteria” that may have developed on it. I was told by one enthusiast that it’s not necessary to change the filters as often as the manufacturers suggest. I’ve...
  12. TheDudeAbides818

    Gourami issue!

    I have a 20 gal tank that had already had a Red Dwarf Gourami as well as a few other fish… I recently added a Pleco and a Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami. The store employee asked if I had other gouramis because according to her “they like to be in pairs”. Little I did realize that this was completely...
  13. TheDudeAbides818

    New to the forum…

    Hello… new guy to the forum. I wouldn’t say I’m a complete novice when it comes to owning fish, as I’ve had fish in the past, but many many years ago. I recently started again, but I have a modest set up. I have only a 20 gallon tall tank. I understand the basics of everything including...