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  1. MaloK

    What are you cooking?

    Loll. Mine too is pretty soft, I like it when it has the texture of cake and good acidity. The last one I made with milk turned to soup too 🤣
  2. MaloK

    What are you cooking?

    International style meatloaf. 1 large Pack of lean ground beef 1 minced onion 2 minced slice of Maple leaf smoked bacon... Make that 3 :) 1 large egg 1 small can of tomato paste 1 cup of bread crumb 1 dash of Worcestershire Montreal beef steak spice Black pepper Mix everything until...
  3. MaloK

    Horrible help at a hardware store

    The only thing I really ask for any kind of store. Is someone that can find what I'm looking for. That's all. I'm able enough to mess things by myself, so I don't need help for that.
  4. MaloK

    60L Paludarium

    This brave fish requires a monument. 😖 Sorry it's stronger than me.
  5. ScreenShot00237c.jpg


  6. MaloK

    Generational fishkeepers?

    My father introduced me to the hobby quite young, and I have nobody else in the family known to have Aquariums at any time besides him. And he only had guppies the whole time. Not sure if that qualifies. When you have a farm, You have enough pets to care of, I guess...
  7. MaloK

    hydro tote

    Maybe a rigid water tote instead, will last forever. 3 Gallon Water Jug
  8. MaloK

    Am I screwed?

    This Video will show you how to dismantle the Head, So you can use Water Proof Epoxy to fix the lid. Make sure you push the broken piece in place so it is as close as original as possible. Once bonded use aquarium silicone to make sure the joint is watertight. This is perfectly salvageable.
  9. MaloK

    Help! My betta fish is injured

    You are doing a great job 👍
  10. MaloK

    How to tell if bladder snails eggs hatched?

    If you can bring a little bunch, they are not really water dependent. And minimal food is required. If you like them, you can add Cuttlefish bones and spirulina, they will get color. It's true that they can become huge and fun. And at some point will eat their own eggs and smaller acolytes...
  11. MaloK

    Small Planted Setup

    Ok, I need to keep some kind of structure, But I get pulled by the moment most exciting side. I haven't witness a single dead shrimp in a good lapse, But that is still not an heavy weight argument taking into account that the whole tank is an hiding place. And I have difficulty rescinding...
  12. MaloK

    How to tell if bladder snails eggs hatched?

    And they don't need food, only plants and light.
  13. MaloK

    Horrible help at a hardware store

    Between 18 and at least 24 to be honest... I knew nearly everything... That my reach of studying had... And the guts to go down the rabbit hole. And make BS up to be on top... But At least I tried to use as much as possible what was studied and verified. Since logic and my father would have...
  14. MaloK

    How to tell if bladder snails eggs hatched?

    If it succeeded, they will come in large number. But I hate them, so many could not have not lived long enough to achieve that. I'm pretty sure that, when there is only one, it's difficult. I have them in masses in water so soft, they are translucent, but they are still able to reproduce and...
  15. MaloK

    Horrible help at a hardware store

    The last time I booked something like that, it ended in a fishtail !
  16. MaloK

    How to tell if bladder snails eggs hatched?

    Unlike many other hermaphroditic species, blader snails cannot self-fertilize. They need to mate with another snail to produce offspring. Whatever they are identifying to.
  17. MaloK

    Fishless cycling

    You're in range, Wait 48 hrs and test again. 👍
  18. MaloK

    Horrible help at a hardware store

    I'm your boss... And, You're fired.
  19. MaloK

    Algae Infestation in Cycled Tank

    While this comment wont help much.I never had such aquariums, but I participated at troubleshooting some. High tech planted aquarium are like ballistic missile... Once launched ,You can only destroy them. They go to their destination no matter what. Avoiding nutrients that build up, to build...
  20. MaloK

    Horrible help at a hardware store

    Now, I know where you live :)
  21. MaloK

    Ammonia in the tap water

    I tend to think that it's a bad Chloramine mix at the treatment plant that resulted in free unbounded ammonia in the water. I get the same here from time to time, but it never went to 1 ppm.
  22. MaloK

    Ammonia in the tap water

    Yes Prime will bind the ammonia to detoxify it in the water and leave it bio available for bacteria for a period of time... You might have to use a little more than the dose used to remove Chloramine tho.
  23. MaloK

    5 weeks into cycle - No nitrites or nitrates

    A little, But it should help to get some bacterial activity going.
  24. MaloK

    Does this guy have the marble gene?

    The strongest indicator is that over time, your betta's colors will shift dramatically with unpredictable color changes appearing in mottled or marbled way. There's no definitive way to guarantee a betta has the marble gene until you see it in action.
  25. MaloK

    5 weeks into cycle - No nitrites or nitrates

    If the tank new and is sterile if it has no plants or decaying matter. You can add a little fish food and make sure you have good surface agitation. You can also add a little plant fertilizer that contains Co2. Keep the light off all the time for the moment.
  26. MaloK

    5 weeks into cycle - No nitrites or nitrates

    Do you have plants in the tank at the moment ? It can influence the cycling process significantly.
  27. MaloK

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    I think the big magic trick a HOB can pull over many other kind of filters. They really increase surface area exchange by bringing a lot more of water in contact with air. Compared with all of them. It's why I always liked Hob's, sump's and air powered sponges.
  28. MaloK

    5 weeks into cycle - No nitrites or nitrates

    You have at least 0.25 nitrite atm from the picture.
  29. MaloK

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    You are supposed to seed your substrate with this product. Not your filter. I seeded Biohome Ultra that I have, and installed it in the intake steam compartment of my AC 30, there is always a very low current in there because of the air vent used to prime the filter, it also serve as an over...
  30. MaloK

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    Weekly Nitrate Bulletin. I maintained feeding the tank as stated all week. Nitrate oscillating between 0 and 5 since. I added 1/2 dose of fertilizer Saturday, today's nitrate reading is <5 and conductivity has not moved. at 480 μS, 229 ppm... This also oscillate between 220-230 between...
  31. MaloK

    Suggestions for Planted 6 Gallon

    If it's a tall tank with a small footprint, I would leave it at that, If it's a shallow tank with a larger footprint... I would wait a month or two to see how the filtration does... Then probably add another 12-18 Pygmy corydoras. But, that's me :)
  32. MaloK

    Good decor brands

    Wow... Those are pricey :blink: !!! I really prefer everything natural too. there's nearly never a bad surprise with well chosen natural stuff.
  33. MaloK

    Suggestions for Planted 6 Gallon

  34. MaloK

    Angelfish mystery disease?

    Nearly all ciclids and a lot of other will start to aim at the gills of their opponent as soon as it starts to have difficulty. defending self. Operculum scratches and broken fin "ribs" are witness to attacks occurrences. Fishes with pectoral fin damages are often "gill targeted" and use their...
  35. MaloK

    What are you doing today?

    We literally live out of E-350 V8 TorqShift® :) :) :) They are the simplest to fix and can make donuts with 2 pallets of barrels of industrial racking bolts in the box. Take that chevy !!!
  36. MaloK

    What are you doing today?

    Scraped front glass of 2 abandoned tanks, to see what's going on inside.
  37. MaloK

    Angelfish mystery disease?

    They look awesome ! And your picture quality is outstanding ! 👍
  38. MaloK

    What are you doing today?

    @Back in the fold. You’re not alone in this journey. Many people care about you and are there to support. Strength comes in many forms, and yours is admirable.
  39. MaloK

    A bio filter only, for a hard to reach / service filter position

    Yes, why not, If you put the rocks directly in the basket loose enough, It will become a strong biofilter. And produce a lot of biofilm. At this point repeatedly seed the filter with pods or seed shrimps are the best. Most of the time I rinse them when they start to trow back biofilm in the...
  40. MaloK

    Substrate observations

    Water flow is the key. Any Cory need 3 different layers of possible activity... Not that easy to achieve in small tanks.... Any imo. But that all relies on water current. 1: slow, more near to not moving water, in the center area. Cories still requires a lot of rest, need some quiet places...