Search results

  1. O

    Extinct fish.

    yes.... spot on. It would be a massive effort, and greed and climate change I agree %100 will be the death of everything eventually. Sadly. I think your also right about hobbyists... it would take a national entity or international to take on such a challenge. Thank you for taking the time to...
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    Extinct fish.

    Excellent reply, says it all really. I couldn't add to that when the dollars are rolling and fish are falling.
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    Extinct fish.

    I have seen a lot of posts and videos ("Fishtory" is my go to) about breeds becoming extinct in the wild because usually mans greed destroys habitats, and kept going as a strain in the hobby. It made wander if anyone knows if any wild extinct species have been bred in enough quantities to be...
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    There does seem to be good evidence for the good products, I'm going to give it a go, and I'll post what happens on here, I'm just aquascaping a new four foot tank at the moment. I'm not greatly experienced as my job has kept me travelling for forty years (60 or more) countries, but I did live...
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    I suppose not revealing the precise bacteria is to protect their sales from would be competition. They do seem trustable, you tube interviews.... Yes I agree, the bacteria drawn from vats, and sent out the same day to be used the next day on arrival should be bug free. I think I'm pretty much...
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    Yes Yes they have a large selection of sponges.
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    Thanks for that comprehensive reply.... you've worked so hard. Do you still sell? I have to admit I don't have the knowledge and expertise you clearly have, it was very interesting. and intriguing. Do you sell your cycled media... sponges? I can't find any swap or sell meetings in my area. Be...
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    Thanks for your reply, I have seen videos of their production plant and it looks cool to me, They do say, I've called them ;-) and they recomend squeezing the goop onto filter material in your filter and "massaging" it in. Do you not have seasoned hardscape and filter sponges to transfer to new...
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    Thanks JB... I agree but there does seem to be good evidence posted that this is the real deal, but of course I'll test, lots of plants, then test some more lol. I've looked at your beautiful art too, and your passion... as someone who lost his son at only 18yrs to Ewings sarcoma, a rare bone...
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    I\ve been seeing great reports about this fairly new English mage bacteria in a bag for fast cycling a new tank. Made by Nitrico. Anyone experienced it. They put it in the bag when you order it and you must introduce it within 24 Hrs. It sounds better than say Fritz ir API, they reckon fish can...
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    Best YouTube channels

    Fishstory, this guy Alex is amazing with his knowledge and research and doesn't do the boring "I'm opening this box" videos., Keeping fish simple he's great at sharing his knowledge on breeding, Green Aqua for some beautiful scapes, and a young Japanese lad called Ryo Watanabi, other than that...
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    Kia Ora all, Hi, during a part of my retirement through illness I started valeting cars, just a hobby relay doing family, friends and others cars. It's also a very chemical intensive job, I didn't charge but most gave me £10 - £20 towards the chemicals which are if they are proper can be...
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    Pressurized Co2, Equipment, Flow And Fertilization

    Great well put together piece of research and advice.
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    Fire Extinguishers and Co2 and solenoids.

    Sorry mods. Posted this in the wrong thread... new and just finding my way around. Kia Ora. Hi all. I'm a marine electrical engineer, and certificated Marine Engineer, with 40 years of experience. I've read through threads about FE (Fire Extinguisher) as a source of Co2. There are some failures...
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    Fluval "T" if you don't mind an LED in your tank.
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    Best fish to breed for someone getting back into hobby

    Kia Ora, Unless you have a dedicated grow out tank then live bearers like endlers, and other guppies are great, also a good investment is a floating birthing tank, so your fry can avoid been eaten. Dwarf cichlids are not hard to breed either and they are beautiful, but you'll need to set your...
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    Best fish to breed for someone getting back into hobby

    It all depends on your goal mate. I've made a bit of cash selling bred fish, look around the LFS if you want to do that and see what is a good price on the shelf, and if you can go and breed them. As I said before The Endler Tiger Guppies are really popular and really easy to breed and go for a...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, another good reply. You're right about our human need for order, but you can never achieve order in an aquarium, something will always happen a dead fish hidden somewhere causing spikes in Ammonia etc... I see the UV as a no brainer, once you've made that initial investment they run on...
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    Best fish to breed for someone getting back into hobby

    Kia Ora, Welcome back. Live breeders will always be the best, and if you go for say a couple of pair of endler tiger guppies, which are beautiful, they fly off the shelves you would be able to sell them or...
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    How to lower water hardness fast?

    Kia Ora, yes and beware of the "experts". Watch and read and research, there are people who you quickly realise you can listen to... Byron is one.. there are others, filter them out. The first tank is the scariest tank, but there is a good community here and elsewhere as Byron pointed out...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, Hi Alice, Just out of interest how was she exposed to UV surely she wouldn't survive direct contact with UV? Or was the ich treated medically and the water treated with UV to stop reinfection? My own thoughts are to see UV as a prophylactic to be run 24 hrs.
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, great reply, I'm a dedicated user of UV, 24hrs, even if it's just considered a prophylactic. Except when cycling a new tank when it will kill the bacteria we are trying to foster. I think people are overthinking this far too much. Good tank maintenance, lighting (understanding what...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, a very interesting reply, but would the organism need to survive regular or constant exposure to develop an "immunity"? Maybe in lab conditions an organism could be manipulated to develop a resistance? As you say there doesn't seem to be enough documented research, but anecdotally UV...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora, sorry about the tank... B-) . The magnets idea is certainly one I've not heard of outside mounting hardware or tools, powerheads, scarpers etc... Will you stick the magnet base to the inside of the tank, What do you think caused the ugly brown look? Did it leach into the water? I've...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora Amin, hope your well. Very interesting extracts. I'm sure the big players must have that on R & D, if they come to the market with something "better" they'll grab that share of the market, it would be the marketing departments dream, but if they all feel what we've got is enough then it...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora, Wow thats brilliant, a lovely piece of wood. I'd throw a party if I could find something like this. We don't have many opportunities here in the urban sprawl but maybe driftwood after a drive to the beach, or a couple of small wooded areas I could look at. The aqua scape is lovely by...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora Magnum...I doubt this very very much, UV is very powerful and what you are talking about it rendering harmless in the case of algae spores which it doesn't "kill" but renders impotent as it were so the spores can not reproduce and just die away through their normal cycle. Anything...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, Hi Byron. You're right I think uptp a point, if the UV is running none stop it will eventually have mades enough passes to have cleared the water. I think some algae are tough and more then one pass will need to be made and it will over time clear your tank as long as growing algae is...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, Absolutely a great description, but it does no harm to leave the UV on all the time to ensure the whole water mass flows past it I do this and to ensure algae can't reproduce. You're absolutely right, do your research and get the best filter you can, wattage and I would say an inline...
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    UV... any down sides???

    Kia Ora, Hi. It doesn't matter what the flow is or length of the lamp, it is only efficacious if the water passes directly past the lamp, unless you can make your fish swim past the uv light, which will kill it, which you can't, a UV lamp can't cure something already on the fish. It will prevent...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora Wills, Yes I have thought about the florist foam... I'm not sure and need more research. Maybe I need a rethink... yes another one. Thank you so much for your advice. I've a while yet before I need a final decision I guess I'm tossing ideas around but I will have to make a decision soon...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora, Thanks Byron. I think you're right, good advice. I didn't see how I could have a naturally cloudy habitat as the filter would probably end up cleaning everything up anyway. Yes I knew about the tannins in blackwater, but I wake up in the morning with a different idea lol.
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    UV... any down sides???

    UV lights do work very well, and don't "kill" algae it renders the spores impotent so they don't spread, they won't kill algae attached and growing like hair algae or any other, they will kill green algae. But UV lights also kill good nitrifying bacteria, so shouldn't be switched on a new...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Sounds great Wills. I don't know if I'm aiming at a tannin tank so much as one that reflects a murky knocked about sub scape. But I might well end ups with Tannins. One question I have that I haven't had a sensible answer to yet is ... if you set up a bioscope with tannin, how do you maintain...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora, Thanks Wills... quick reply:-) I think most of the detritus is free floating and while he's probably staring some up, it appears a natural phenomenon. I'm going to Horizon in a couple of weeks to pick up a Co2Art regulator and whatever takes my fancy... I'll definitely check out those...
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    African aqua scape... can it really be done?

    Kia Ora, Hi, I came across this guy who has filmed many parts of the African and South American waterways and ponds. I realised how often aquascapes are wrongly showing environments. Many, maybe most are dirty, full of floating particles...
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    Air pumps - opinions

    No problem there then brilliant.
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    A philosophy of aquascaping and fish keeping.

    Kia Ora Byron mate hope your well. Its a contentious issue because if we eliminated all the people who just saw a tank and wanted that beauty but then bought all the plastic plants and ornaments of pirate ships, there would be no hobby for us, because its those people who pay for the companies...