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  1. J

    Is this fin rot? What to do?

    Are you suggesting just doing water changes for now? Maybe daily?
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    Is this fin rot? What to do?

    Hey all. I noticed one of my guppies had damage on her caudal fin. I took it out from the main tank, and it's now in a separate tank with only cherry shrimps. From the picture, is it possible to tell if it's fin rot? Or could it be because of some aggression from other fish? In the same tank...
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    Struggling Angelfish

    I'm definitely sure he ate a bunch of them, I saw it happening a few times. I moved it to a smaller tank by himself, raised the temp to 84F and added salt. Right now, he's definitely straight, but lying on the ground, no swimming, really just keeping upright.
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    Struggling Angelfish

    Hey all. I recently set up a 75-gallon planted tank and moved all my fish and shrimp to it. I have in it a bunch of guppies/endlers, one molly, three swordtails, two neons, six corys, three siamese algae eaters, a lot of cherry shrimps and one angelfish. Since I moved them in (the angelfish...
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    My first real aquascape. What should be the next steps?

    That sounds good, thank you. I’m also injecting co2. Should I stop that until it’s cycled? How about lights? I’m currently turning them on for 9 hours a day, together when co2 is on.
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    My first real aquascape. What should be the next steps?

    Hello all. After a few months of planning and playing with hardscape, I finally concluded my 75-gallon aquascape. I used about five 9-liters bags of ADA Amazonia v2, and as expected, it resulted in a huge ammonia spike. I did use a canister filter with media from another tank, but that didn’t...
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    Moving canister filter to a new tank. Do I need to be concerned about algae?

    Hello all. I'm setting up a new tank and will move a canister filter (biomaster 350) from a running tank to the new one. Do I need to be concerned about algae? The old tank has quite a lot hairy black/green algae all over the decor. I'm definitely cleaning the inflow and outflow pipes, but I...
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    Is it safe to recycle substrate from an old infected tank?

    re bottom dwellers, would it still be an issue if there's a layer of sand on top of the stratum?
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    Is it safe to recycle substrate from an old infected tank?

    Hello all. I'm setting up a new 75-gallon tank and I have some old Fluval Stratum that was in a tank that had a camallanus worm outbreak. This substrate has been out in a bag for more than six months now. Is this safe to use? Same applies to some gravel that I was planning to use for just filling.
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    Keeping fish alive during a four-week long vacation

    I plan to have a pill box or similar with individual dosages if I can get someone to come. I'm actually looking at automatic feeders, but I never had one of those, and I don't know if I can set these only to feed every three days or so to avoid waste. Any recommendations?
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    Keeping fish alive during a four-week long vacation

    Hello all. We're going to be out for four weeks and will not be able to have someone perform water changes during this time. I have two tanks: - 29-gallon with a small angelfish, two neons, two mollys, three swordtails and five endlers. - 10-gallon with a ton of small cherry shrimps (if I...
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    No signs of nitrates. Should I still do water changes?

    I did use the Seacham Flourish tabs, yes. Regarding the Stratum, I had no idea it was not recommended. Is it because of those issues that could cause to corys? As for the water changes vs no water changes, yeah, that whole debate loses all sense when it's said that doing water changes is a...
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    No signs of nitrates. Should I still do water changes?

    Yeah, I do shake hard them for the full 30 seconds as recommended. Thank you, @WhistlingBadger. Does feel good, not gonna lie :) Thank you, @TwoTankAmin. This is extremely helpful. I do add a small amount of Seachem Flourish (this one here). I started adding between 1 to 2ml once a week. When...
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    No signs of nitrates. Should I still do water changes?

    I'm learning every day! Thank you, everyone. I guess I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend :)
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    No signs of nitrates. Should I still do water changes?

    Hello all. I have a 10-gallon tank with live plants and quite some livestock as well: about a dozen endlers, maybe 10 adult cherry shrimps, maybe 20 more baby shrimps and a dozen baby ramhorn snails. My last water change was two weeks ago, and I've been testing the water, and there's no sign of...
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    Considering buying a 110-gallon used tank, but there's a catch...

    Thank you, everyone. I ended up not getting the tank. I'm still new to all this, and I'm sure I would have regretted it sooner or later. Thank you for sharing that YT channel, @kiko. Really great content.
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    Considering buying a 110-gallon used tank, but there's a catch...

    It is the type of tank where I should definitely do it the right way, no cutting corners. That said, I'll want to find a professional to do this for me. I contacted a few reps from that brand in Toronto, but if someone here knows or has a recommendation from someone here in Toronto, that would...
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    Considering buying a 110-gallon used tank, but there's a catch...

    Yeah, I am definitely hesitant to move forward. I honestly wouldn't mind paying someone to reseal the whole front glass, but for a tank this size, I'll need to be careful in finding a good professional precisely to avoid having bad dreams.
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    Considering buying a 110-gallon used tank, but there's a catch...

    Hey all. I am looking at a sweet deal to get a Red Sea 525 XL rimless glass tank (about 110 gallons, I believe). The tank was decommissioned as a bubble formed in the silicon seal (picture below). The bubble is right at the top, but I guess that makes no difference. How serious is such an...
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    White thing on angelfish long fin/veil

    Thank you, all. This was very helpful. Salt ftw! Fortunately, the issue was gone within a couple of weeks. His behaviour seems normal, and no signs of the issue coming back.
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    White thing on angelfish long fin/veil

    I noticed today a white “cotton-like” blob on my angelfish long fin/veil(?) is it a kind of fungus? What should I do? Water parameters are normal (ph 8.2, ammonia/nitrite 0, nitrate 5) I'm away for about a week and have someone to feed the fish twice in the following days. Is there anything...
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    Doing daily water changes. Should I add Seachem Stability every time?

    Oh, dang it. Alright, I'll stop adding it then. Any suggestions for how to promote beneficial bacteria? Ammonia is in the clear, but nitrites get really high every day. I'm doing 50 to 70% water changes daily (give or take), and from yesterday's water change to 24 hours after, nitrites were at...
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    Doing daily water changes. Should I add Seachem Stability every time?

    I'm adding it because something happened to the bacteria in the tank, I've been having huge levels of nitrite every day.
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    Doing daily water changes. Should I add Seachem Stability every time?

    Hello all. Because of a sudden nitrite spike, I'm now doing daily (sometimes every other day) water changes. I've been adding Stability to promote beneficial bacteria growth. I always added it on my weekly water changes, but now doing it daily, I wonder if it's even good adding this every time...
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    A sudden spike of nitrites in both my tanks

    The only medication I used was Fritz Expel-P. Once a week for a whole month, with constant water changes. The filter I use is a sponge filter with some ceramic balls at the bottom (this one). It's been a while since I last cleaned the sponges, definitely longer than a month now. But the way I...
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    A sudden spike of nitrites in both my tanks

    Hello all. I had fully cycled tanks (29 gallons + 5 gallons), and a bit more than a month ago, I had a camallanus outbreak in both and ended up having to treat both tanks for one month. The fish are now fully treated, but recently I noticed my fully-black mollies started to show some fungus...
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    Desinfect plants from possible camallanus

    Hello everyone. A month ago, I had a camallanus outbreak in my tank. At the same time, I had decided to redo the scape, so I took out all the plants and decor before I even started the treatment (which has been going on for a whole month now). Since then, the plants have been in a separate...
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    Molly with white spots. Is it fungus?

    I found out yesterday that nitrites were high. I’m not sure how the cycle got screwed up. I did do a 50% water change yesterday, will do one today again if 75% and add expel-p. Will follow your advice and hopefully get the fish healthy again. Thank you 🙏
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    Molly with white spots. Is it fungus?

    Hello all. I noticed last night that one of my full black mollies has some "faint" or "soft" white spots on him. At a glance, it does not look like ich like I experienced before, these seem a tiny bigger, and it's kind of fainted (the picture below doesn't make it justice). From what I saw...
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