Doing daily water changes. Should I add Seachem Stability every time?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2022
Reaction score
Newmarket, Canada
Hello all. Because of a sudden nitrite spike, I'm now doing daily (sometimes every other day) water changes. I've been adding Stability to promote beneficial bacteria growth. I always added it on my weekly water changes, but now doing it daily, I wonder if it's even good adding this every time. Thoughts?
Actually, no. It does not contain the nitrifying bacteria species to begin with. And going forward, you should definitely not b adding this weekly, there is certainly no benefit to this.

I'm tagging @TwoTankAmin as he has knowledge on nitrite issues that I do not.
Oh, dang it. Alright, I'll stop adding it then.

Any suggestions for how to promote beneficial bacteria? Ammonia is in the clear, but nitrites get really high every day. I'm doing 50 to 70% water changes daily (give or take), and from yesterday's water change to 24 hours after, nitrites were at around 1.5 ppm.

I read somewhere that nitrites are not as harmful in water with high pH. My pH is around 8.2 to 8.4. Is this true? Am I overkilling doing daily water changes?

Also, with these daily water changes, I vacuum fish waste from the substrate. I'm not doing deep gravel vacuums every day, but I'm definitely cleaning any poop that I can catch. Is that ok?
If you want to add a bacteria product there are just two known to have the correct nitrite eaters - Dr Tim's One & Only and Tetra Safe Start.

You can also use salt to block the fish taking up nitrite. Details in the second part of this.

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