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  1. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    I wish I could say there was…. None have died but they are still very confused, best way to describe their behaviour. They swim around still bumping into things, float around like they are died! Haven’t experienced any major fits like a couple weeks ago where they smash into everything until...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    Danios sorry auto correct got me there… I think you know it’s a common plec 😭😂 I’m so attached to the plec, but he is ok at the moment once he’s too big. I will take him to our local zoo as they home common plecs because stupid store sell them and don’t tell you how big they get when you buy...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    So tap water Nitrate & nitrites - 0 GH 6/7 KH 3/6 PH 7.6 Chlorine 0 So tank 1 (clown loach) now 4 clown loaches :( was 6 8 guppies 2 endlers 2 dappinos 3 corys 1 Congo tetra 2 albino neon tetras 3 black shirt or black widow 2 platys 1 bristle nose plec Tank 2 (yoyo) 3 yoyos the chubby one is a...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    I’ve read so many, swear I saw someone say API and saw them in the pet store. Sadly couldn’t find liquid test kits, went to three stores. So my other test stripes are eSHa? Nitrate - 10/20 Nitrite - 0 GH -6/7 KH - 0/3 PH - 6.4 Chlorine -0 I’ve never tested the tap water, is it with the same...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    Replying to the water company issue, I have two tanks and I always do a minimum of 50% each Sunday on both. My other tank does not have a issue (has yoyo loaches), think that could rule out the tap water problem.
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    So just drove and brought API test stripes as recommended… Results are NO3 - 20 NO2 - 0 PH - 6-6.5 KH - 0 GH - 60-120 Ammonia -0 Temperature is 29 degrees, a little warm but it’s set at 28 degrees.
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    Sorry, they don’t seem interested in food
  11. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    Last week, the speed they were traveling and me having to easy them out of holes and splits in the roof of the tank. The damage the two who died had, were even worse. Cuts across their faces and one of the hit something so hard it went blind in one eye 😭 I’ve done another probably more 60% at...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    It’s probably more than 50%…. It’s as far as I can really go without moving all the objects in the tank and scaring the fish? I’ve attached the photos I can currently get, you can see the damage to one of clown loaches nose from smashing into things. They are acting like a fish suffering from...
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  19. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    So little update… they’ve stopped going crazy but now are just floating about and laid completely drained and lifeless. I’ve done 50% changes 3 times this week. Don’t throw away the filter cartridges, just the dirty water. My dad feed my fish while I was on holiday but this was only a month ago...
  20. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    I did have a pet store mention this too, I do have two tanks. My other tanks have yo-yo loaches and they haven’t shown a single difference in behaviour? I clean and use all the same equipment and water source for both 🤔
  21. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    I’ll give everything a try to save them…. Isn’t doing that many water changes a little bad for the tank and the fish? I clean my tank every week, one week do the substrate with a gravel sucker. The next week clean the filter in the water I’ve taken out of the tank before I throw it away. All...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    The two I can find at the moment, I have the light off to try and keep them relaxed. The one upside down is the one currently freaking out and now settled in the corner upside down :(
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  25. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    I do have aquarium salt, I do believe it wasn’t the best thing to add with loaches as they don’t have scales but I am at that stage now. If I don’t do anything they will die anyways, it’s heart breaking!
  26. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    I recently added a anti parasite treatment into the tank as a last chance type of thing, after my first two died and I couldn’t find any reasons why. The clown loaches seem to get better and stop freaking out. They started to act normal again but now after a week they are freaking out again...
  27. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    Ammonia is 0 I’ve had the clown loaches for years. I don’t have a clue what to do next to try and save them. If I don’t try, they are just killing themselves. Anyone at all experienced something like this? I can’t film it as they are so fast you can’t catch anything when they are freaking out...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    My nitrate is always between 0-25 on all checks. All the plants on the left (green ones) of the photo are real, my guppies were swapped into the tank two weeks ago as I move a rainbow stark from this tank into their previous home in my 350L tank. I swapped the shark and guppies around because I...
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    Suicidal clown loaches

    Thanks for a reply, So parameters are: nitrate 25 Nitrite 0 General hardness 6/7 Carbonate hardness 3 PH/ acidity 6.5 Chlorine 0 I got the clown loaches when I was starting my first tank and they don’t tell you how big they get but they are still about 5/6 inches each so not a problem...
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  31. B

    Suicidal clown loaches

    Please help…. I’ve looked everywhere online and in to many pets stores for answers. I have two fish tanks. The one I am having issues with has been set up and running for about 10-8 years now, my clown loaches have been living happily in the tank for about 5/4 years. Suddenly from no where, I...