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  1. H


    Hi Ketyana, I have 2 feather fin catfish in my 130 litre tank along with 3 corys, 1 common plec, 1 sailfin plec, 2 orange rainbows, 1 angel, 2 Bolivian rams & 2 Pakistani loaches. I purchased the featherfins approx 5 - 6 months ago at approx 2" in size. They remained hidden at the back of the...
  2. H

    Fish Room/house

    Thanks for the replies so far. I guess that the spare room idea is no good and I would go for a well insulated shed. The weather here can get pretty cold during the winter so heating costs could get high. I am just at the early planning stage and havent made my mind up yet whether I will...
  3. H

    Fish Room/house

    I would like some advice regarding setting up a fish room or fish house. If I was to use a spare room in my house, what problems would I have regarding condensation from the fish tanks? I'm sure that I once read that this can be a problem. What would be the most efficient method of heating the...
  4. H

    Cheap Slate

    Where I live in Scotland they used to mine slate from a local hill. There is still tons of the stuff lying around in heaps, all sorts of shapes and sizes from thin roof slate size to great thick chunks of the stuff, all free to carry away. Bit of a walk to get to it but a strong bag and the...
  5. H

    Raising Angel Fry

    Thanks for the information. My trial and error has obviously went wrong as I have now lost all the fry. I may try moving the parents to a tank of their own and see if they will spawn again and let them rear the fry in peaceful surroundings without the commotion of other fish.
  6. H

    Blue Ram Help.

    May be the fact your friend only purchased one blue ram that it hid at the back of his tank all day. I used to have a pair and they were active, swimming at front and back of tank, even spawning in community tank.
  7. H

    Raising Angel Fry

    My Angel fry are now 10 days old but I'm still not sure how much I should be feeding them. I use hatched baby brine shrimp(this is the first time I've hatched and used them), squeezed egg yolk and very small amounts of ZM-100 fry food. I do water changes daily and syphon off any dead fry and...
  8. H

    Rams And Angels

    I had Angels and German Rams living in the same tank with no problems. I currently have Angels with Bolivian Rams, only been in tank together for 1 week but doesnt appear to be any problems so far. Tha Angels have even spawned regularly whilst these Rams have shared a tank and the German Rams...
  9. H

    2g betta cubes

    Try ASDA. They have plastic boxes(approx 4-5 Gallon) for £1.79 or £1.99. They are storage type boxes, quite hardy and you can also buy lids for them too for about £1.00 odds. I'm sure they would make good breeding / rearing tanks.
  10. H

    Fishroom update

    Looks absolutely great. I'm thinking of getting some Betta's myself to try and breed with. You must have a full time job looking after all that !!!
  11. H

    Can i see your tank set ups?

    Do your Betta's like listening to the Ramones then ????
  12. H

    My blue rams spawned!

    Arrrrrrrrr. Most of the eggs are now gone. Guess I've just got a hungry pair of Rams. Next time they spawn I'll try removing the parents and leaving the eggs in the tank by themselves. Hope you are having better luck.
  13. H

    My blue rams spawned!

    Hi, I have had the same problems. I am now on to my third spawning of my Blue Rams. First time was in the community tank with Angels and cory's and the eggs ended up as food for either the parents or the other fish. I then moved the parents to a small tank that I had spare and they spawned...
  14. H

    Blue Rams

    Thanks !! Well, I set up the 18" tank that I mentioned previously. I left it bare bottomed, put a cave and an ornamental stone wall in for hiding places, small heater and small air powered filter. I introduced the pair into the tank on friday night and at first they hid away. Today(Sunday) after...
  15. H

    Blue Rams

    Hi, I am new to this forum. I have a 28 gal freshwater tank with 4 Angels, 2 Blue Rams, 3 cory's and 1 plec. My Rams were introduced last weekend and all was well. This friday past, I noticed that the Rams had coloured up and the female's ovipositor was showing. They proceeded to clear an area...