Blue Rams


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Hi, I am new to this forum.
I have a 28 gal freshwater tank with 4 Angels, 2 Blue Rams, 3 cory's and 1 plec.
My Rams were introduced last weekend and all was well. This friday past, I noticed that the Rams had coloured up and the female's ovipositor was showing. They proceeded to clear an area of the tank and later that night spawned on the gravel. They were keeping all other fish away from the area but not causing any damage to the other fish. Next morning most of the eggs had disappeared but I decided to save some that were still on a stone. I scooped them up and put them in a floating trap in the hope that I could save some of them. I have read that the fry are very tiny and when I looked in this morning I thought I could possibly see what is termed "wrigglers". What do you recommend I use for a first feed for these ? Also I was wondering if I should move the pair of Rams into a spare tank that I have. Would an 18" long tank be large enough for a pair ? or should I get a larger one for them ?
wait a couple days before you feed them . they will feed off the yolk sack. when i first fed my ram babies i fed them finely crushed fish flakes but there is a lot more choices than that.
yer I did the same once, but you gotta keep the water perfect (!), I guess 18" would be perfect.

Good luck with breeding them
Seb R said:
yer I did the same once, but you gotta keep the water perfect (!), I guess 18" would be perfect.

Good luck with breeding them

Thanks !!
Well, I set up the 18" tank that I mentioned previously. I left it bare bottomed, put a cave and an ornamental stone wall in for hiding places, small heater and small air powered filter. I introduced the pair into the tank on friday night and at first they hid away. Today(Sunday) after feeding them I noticed that they have spawned on the floor of the tank. Should I keep feeding them as normal ? With the tank being quite small, should I do lots of partial water changes ? I am prepared with liquifry and some ZM-100 Fry food in the hope that this batch hatches. Is it best to just leave the parents in the tank with the eggs ? I hope that I can rear some of this batch as they are really lovely fish. I will let you know how they get on.

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