Can i see your tank set ups?


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2005
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Halifax, west yorkshire, England.
I was just wondering what peoples betta tank set ups are (not the divided tank ones) with a betta on their own, as i am hoping to get one soon and i'd like to see wha people keep theirs in.
I don't have a digital camera but I can tell you what I have my bettas in. I have one in a 2.5 minibow tank with no filter even though it came with one. But it was the thing that tore my other bettas fins up. And another betta I have is in a 1/2 gallon fish bowl and he seems happier their than in the 2.5 stange as it is. The betta thats in their now seems to like the big one to is his cat shaped fish bowl.
I dont have it set up right this minute but I'm buying the stuff for it: I'm getting six girls for my 10 gallon, naming them all after goddesses, getting some greek columns, sand, a heavy duty filter, and a piece of white construction paper for the back and making it look like Mount Oylmpus.

Sound cool to anyone?
I have a one gal minibow (my fav tank actually) with blue gravel to match the outside of the tank, blue marbles lining the front of the inside of the tank and a single silk plant about small sized off to the left. I like this because it gives then one half to hide in and one half to swim about in! I'll get some pics in later.

This is my favorite tank, so far. Its a round 2gallon Kritter Keeper, hot pink. It only cost about $15. I added some plain aquarium sand (make sure its not reef sand), some hotpink gravel mixed in with that for color, and a few clear marbles along with a silk plant. Sand is a little bit of a pain to start up, because you have to keep filling it with water then draining it until all of the really fine sand that makes the water cloudy is eliminated. BUT, I love how it looks :hey:

Valkyrie (female) 5 gallon eclipse corner tank.


Jeff Klee (male) 5 gallon eclipse corner tank


Shyboy (male) 6 gallon tank, unknown make (possibly eclipse)


Matamoras (male) 5 gallon tank, unknown make


Kedamono (male) 5 gallon eclipse hex tank, only filled to 2.5 gallons until he can be moved into a better tank (I hate the eclipse hex). The water is not dirty, it has blackwater extract in it.

And below was Dickey Barret's ten gallon tank, before he passed on =(


  • dickeytank.jpg
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Rather than post all of my tanks again, here is a link to a thread with their pictures.

Click Me!

I used ambulia, water sprite, java fern and java moss in the tanks.
Here is Jerry's tank:


I have another one which is the same as Jeremiah's... green KK with natural gravel and a silk plant, but the fish is coming tomorrow. :p :kana:
splashluff said:

This is my favorite tank, so far. Its a round 2gallon Kritter Keeper, hot pink. It only cost about $15. I added some plain aquarium sand (make sure its not reef sand), some hotpink gravel mixed in with that for color, and a few clear marbles along with a silk plant. Sand is a little bit of a pain to start up, because you have to keep filling it with water then draining it until all of the really fine sand that makes the water cloudy is eliminated. BUT, I love how it looks :hey:
Do your Betta's like listening to the Ramones then ????
i have pictures somewhere,
but Bruce is currently in a 2g fish bowl with a tasteful cling film (with holes) lid and some fern thing stuck to a bit of drift wood, and gets to watch his new 5g Fish R Fun hex tank cycling nextdoor (with only large fake plants to fill the space for now, and his driftwood will go in too when it's cycled)
Here are some pics of my boys in their homes:

In this image you can see the 2 aquaviews and the 2.5g mini-bow. I've since changed the gravel in the aquaviews to blue marbles and the gravel in the 2.5 to river rocks.

This is what the 2.5g looks like with the river rocks but its not divided anymore:

This is Rusty on my desk at the office:

This is the 1.5g vase:
OKay, here we go, got a couple of tank shots for you:

Carp in his 1 gal (which is going soon to be home for Synirr's little man)

This is Carp and Ula when they shared the split 2.5 (BTW, I took out those little weed plants on the bottom next to the divider, they tore up Carp's fins!!)

Here is the 10 gal sorority before I added the extra cave and more plants:


Here is 5 gal before I re-did the dividers, now there is two better dividers and each section looks like the last section in this picture (One plant, rocks, and a see-through cave)

Heres a good pic of two of my tanks:

Hope all these pics help!!!

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