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  1. fishymortician

    Pineconing due to old age

    I'd say that it is definitely worth trying.
  2. fishymortician


    Thank you, Everyone!! Honestly, doing a Journal sounds like a great idea!!
  3. fishymortician

    Pineconing due to old age

    Even with him being an older betta I would still try to treat and take care of the pineconing. To me, this does look like it could be caused by dropsy rather than old age. I am not an expert though. Dropsy is very hard to treat, but I definitely would treat him. Treating this could help extend...
  4. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    I currently have glass cats and have never had a problem with them before. However, I will definitely be keeping this in mind when it comes to the new tank.
  5. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    Thank you!! I don't think I have ever come across this site before.
  6. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    Gosh... I keep forgetting to do the quoted reply when replying. That is great to know about the Celestial Pearl Danio's!! I could not find much online about them and their required conditions. I will have to think about if I would rather have the cories or glass cats with celestial pearl Danio.
  7. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    Yes, that makes sense to me. Honestly, I do not know a lot when it comes to testing KH and GH as it was something I only recently started testing. I never realized it was important when I first started. Before I only tested PH, Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrites. Although I have been at this for 2...
  8. fishymortician


    Thanks LOL Currently, I have 3 tanks. I have two 20 gallons (about to be three) and one 5 gallon. My 5 gallon has 4 cardinal tetras, My 1st 20 gallon has 3 Otocinclus, 3 Corydoras and I recently moved my 4 glass cats out of this tank and into my 2nd 20 gallon with my betta due to wanting my fish...
  9. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    I had a feeling that having all 3 would probably be too much due to all 3 fish being better in numbers. I apologize I failed to mention the parameters of my tank. PH 7.4 GH 130ppm KH 80ppm currently. I apologize for the slow response. I am new and still trying to figure out how to reply and post.
  10. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    whoops...completely forgot to state the dimensions. It is 24 in L x 12 in W x 16 in H
  11. fishymortician


    Thanks! :) I probably should have mentioned I am a female mortician. Lol
  12. IMG_20201014_080758_643.jpg


  13. fishymortician

    Thoughts on New Tank Idea?

    Hello Everyone! I am currently in the process of cycling and planning my next 20-gallon tank. Currently, I am thinking about having 3 Glass Catfish, 4 Celestial Pearl Danios, and 3 Emerald Corydoras. I have had Glass Cats and Corydoras in a tank before so I know they are good tank mates...
  14. fishymortician

    Stocking for a 10 gallon

    Based on what others have said I agree with the water parameters not being ideal for those fish. I would look into multiple Corydoras Catfish. They are very active and come in an array of colors due to there being many different species. They do not get large and have a fairly long lifespan. In...
  15. fishymortician


    I am an avid fish hobbyist and workaholic! To explain my username I am a mortician and started in the hobby 2 years ago as a way to alleviate stress from my job. I am new to fish forums and look forward to learning more about the hobby and gaining advice from others. I started with 1 betta in a...