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  1. H

    White growth on the glass.

    That is the odd thing. It started in a tank that has been cycled and perfectly fine for 2+ years. It is a pain, and that is fine, but something caused the water to get cloudy and the O2 to get sucked out of the water.
  2. H

    White growth on the glass.

    Here it is. It only appears to be on the glass, but then the water got cloudy too. One is the tank that I had to remove the remaining live fish. The other one you can see it starting in another tank.
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    White STuff 3.jpg

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    White Stuff 2.jpg

  5. H

    White growth on the glass.

    We have had a stubborn white growth on the glass. You have to look at it really close to see that it is like a hairy, wavy growth. We scrub it off and it comes back faster and faster. The water parameters were fine. 50% water change weekly and not heavily stocked. I notice the fish seemed...
  6. H

    Peacock not eating and has lump under chin. Swollen face

    Nope, she won't eat anything, but seems to get very excited when food is dropping. She'll rush up to it, but then stops short. She will not eat anything. For not eating for what seems like almost 2 weeks, she seems oddly healthy. Hangs near one spot, but will wonder off, will even chase...
  7. H

    Peacock not eating and has lump under chin. Swollen face

    A variety of small cichlid pellets. blood worms, brine shrimp, cichlid flakes.
  8. H

    Peacock not eating and has lump under chin. Swollen face

    If I didn't know better I would say she is carrying eggs, but she is very small. She literally has not eaten in over a week, but seems healthy otherwise. Will dart out when I put food in the tank and rush right up to it, but not eat. She seems to hover near the same spot, but will swim around...
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  10. H

    Baby Oscar, gasping, stringy poo

    I have a 125 gallon with 2 Oscars, 3 yellow labs, a red tail shark, and pleco. All very small. They all are doing great except for 1 of the oscars. White stringy poo pretty much hanging their 100% of the time. General malaise, shows interest in food, but will not eat. Gasping for air. No...
  11. H

    Bright Red Spot. Happened fast

    That was my first reaction too. I just don't know what could have happened to case an injury that bad. When you looked really close it did not seem like it was something growing on the outside, so it was confusing. In any case she died already. The other 4 remain fine. Still a mystery.
  12. H

    Bright Red Spot. Happened fast

    I thought that too. I did just turn the heater down a few degrees.
  13. H

    Bright Red Spot. Happened fast

    There are 4 females and 1 male. The male is doing pretty typical harassing. The 4 females all are pretty aggressive, but nothing that would cause something like that.
  14. H

    Bright Red Spot. Happened fast

    Her fin is always that dark color, but the rest of her is usually uniformly orange. The red is the concern. She is breathing pretty fast. Lying on the bottom. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, Temp 79.3. I do add a little salt each time I do a water change. 4 other swordtails in the tank...
  15. H

    Bright Red Spot. Happened fast

    I just noticed one of my swordtail females lying on the bottom. Shen she turned to the left I noticed her tail. Yikes. I sit right in front of this tank all day long. This happened really fast. Thoughts?
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  17. H

    Oscar seems to have a problem eating

    I have had that problem with Oscars in the past. Since I have a brown Algae problem, I am doing more then usual water changes too. You are right, the are Oscar Madison's or the fish world. That said I have been vacuuming and doing a lot to keep up with them. They are only 3 small fish in a...
  18. H

    Oscar seems to have a problem eating

    Well the 2 I have do have very unique personalities. One turns dark when he gets mad. When I separate them, they sit on the bottom and look at each other through the divider acting depressed. The little one is reluctant, but will come up and gently take from my hand. The big one will...
  19. H

    Oscar seems to have a problem eating

    Think I should put him in a separate tank to do that? Eventually work the salt back to 0 and then move him back if he gets better? I hate to give up on him since he seems healthy otherwise. Other than being a "special needs fish".
  20. H

    Oscar seems to have a problem eating

    Tank is 125 gallons had has 3 fish. Been setup for 4 months. Had the fish for 3 months. 2 of them are oscars that were roughly the same size when they were added.. The one was definitely the dwarf of the batch we picked from. Making me think this might have been an issue before we even got...
  21. H

    Oscar seems to have a problem eating

    I have a small oscar, and he is small for a reason. He has an appetite but he does not seem able to swallow food very well. no matter how small or soft you make something, he seems to work it to death with his mouth. Then spits it out, sucks it back in. He can spend 15 minutes eating a small...
  22. H

    What is wrong?

    Thanks, I recently had a bout where a few of them (mostly the 2 males) where shimmying and seemed to be wasting away. Added a little salt and treated the tank with API General Cure. Seemed to bring them right back. This did not seem related. In fact it was the opposite. In any case, I heard...
  23. H

    What is wrong?

    Thank you. At first, her change in shape appeared very much like progressing pregnancy, but by this point, it was pretty clear something else is going on. I hope it is not contagious at least. She was in a tank with 5 others.
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    What is wrong?

    This poor fish has looked like a macy's day balloon for 3+ weeks. I would have normally bet she would have dropped 2+ weeks ago. She has more recently shifted her weight to the back. The troubling thing is that the gravid spot continues to look almost translucent. She appears healthy. Eats...
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  26. H

    Uneven Stand

    Thanks all, I did return it, After some googling and amateur engineering, I built this wood stand. Just 4 8' 2x4s. Much happier.
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  28. H

    Uneven Stand

    Unfortunately it is the metal frame that is welded poorly and support itself is out of alignment. The tank does not sit evenly on the frame. I wish it were that simple. The frame that the tank sits on is actually welded poorly and it not level. Hard to see in the picture maybe, but one edge...
  29. H

    Uneven Stand

    They are rimmed tanks. I was thinking something like that too. Starting to get expensive. I thought about just breaking the welds and getting it rewelded right. I also toying with just buying a couple 2 x 4s and building my own. I am not sure I trust that I will do any better...LOL
  30. H

    Uneven Stand

    I got this 2 tank stand (for 10 gallon tanks). The supports are not welded perfect straight and the tank literally wobbles like a table with a short leg. I could return it, but there are not a lot of good alternatives out there, and I want to get my tanks setup. Any ideas on what I could do...
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  32. H

    Just joined, not new to aquariums, but been a while. Hi all

    Thanks for the detailed reply. They are in my office so unless I get up and move around there is not much going on. I am torn between forcing them to get used to us, and not stressing them out too much. If I did not know Oscars I would be concerned they were dying. They go lie on their side...
  33. H

    Just joined, not new to aquariums, but been a while. Hi all

    A lot has changed in the last 20 years. I love the lights I can adjust from my phone. So, I have even had Oscars before, but something I don't remember. I don't recall them being so neurotic. They are small...2" maybe. 2 of them. They are in a 125 gallon by themselves. They race all...