Uneven Stand

Henry Weldon

New Member
Jan 25, 2022
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I got this 2 tank stand (for 10 gallon tanks). The supports are not welded perfect straight and the tank literally wobbles like a table with a short leg. I could return it, but there are not a lot of good alternatives out there, and I want to get my tanks setup. Any ideas on what I could do to alleviate this problem? Put a strip of something around the supports? Would that still cause uneven weight distribution?

It's harder on carpet, but some kind of shimming would be needed. Sawed off paint stir sticks are what I use, but never on a carpet.
I got this 2 tank stand (for 10 gallon tanks). The supports are not welded perfect straight and the tank literally wobbles like a table with a short leg. I could return it, but there are not a lot of good alternatives out there, and I want to get my tanks setup. Any ideas on what I could do to alleviate this problem? Put a strip of something around the supports? Would that still cause uneven weight distribution?

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Imho I would return it and either make your own or get a very high quality wooden stand with areas to store tank supplies... Even if you dont know how to build well I have heard it is very easy to build one. But if you dont feel so DIY then a high quality stand made of wood is a good idea
I agree with returning it, you paid for first quality, you should get first quality. Remember the stand is the foundation of your little ecosystem.
I'd get a piece of mdf to fit under the tank and then a layer of something between your uneven stand and the wood such as; thick carpet, foam playmat tile, washing machine mat. Do the tanks have their own rim around the base? Or are you sitting glass tank directly on its base? 10 gallon tanks arent too heavy so I can't see them warping a good thick sheet of mdf thats supported by some aforementioned padding
I'd get a piece of mdf to fit under the tank and then a layer of something between your uneven stand and the wood such as; thick carpet, foam playmat tile, washing machine mat. Do the tanks have their own rim around the base? Or are you sitting glass tank directly on its base? 10 gallon tanks arent too heavy so I can't see them warping a good thick sheet of mdf thats supported by some aforementioned padding
They are rimmed tanks. I was thinking something like that too. Starting to get expensive. I thought about just breaking the welds and getting it rewelded right. I also toying with just buying a couple 2 x 4s and building my own. I am not sure I trust that I will do any better...LOL
Will the frames of each tank fit level and squarely on the stand and it's only the stand's legs that aren't sitting evenly and level on your floor? Meaning a solid shim on the short leg(s) would be a solution?
This seems to be a common problem with metal tank stands, and has been for years. As suggested earlier, I've always just put a thin shim under the short legs(s) to level the stand off, a little harder on carpet as the weight will cause the legs to sink into the carpet a bit which may mean extra shims; unlike on a solid floor when the gap will be more "fixed" to the leg length. Hope that makes sense - I know what I mean:confused:.

What I've done when practical is to put in some shims then put weight on the stand, as close to the final weight as possible, to see how it levels out & whether more/less shims are needed.
This seems to be a common problem with metal tank stands, and has been for years. As suggested earlier, I've always just put a thin shim under the short legs(s) to level the stand off, a little harder on carpet as the weight will cause the legs to sink into the carpet a bit which may mean extra shims; unlike on a solid floor when the gap will be more "fixed" to the leg length. Hope that makes sense - I know what I mean:confused:.

What I've done when practical is to put in some shims then put weight on the stand, as close to the final weight as possible, to see how it levels out & whether more/less shims are needed.
Unfortunately it is the metal frame that is welded poorly and support itself is out of alignment. The tank does not sit evenly on the frame.
This seems to be a common problem with metal tank stands, and has been for years. As suggested earlier, I've always just put a thin shim under the short legs(s) to level the stand off, a little harder on carpet as the weight will cause the legs to sink into the carpet a bit which may mean extra shims; unlike on a solid floor when the gap will be more "fixed" to the leg length. Hope that makes sense - I know what I mean:confused:.

What I've done when practical is to put in some shims then put weight on the stand, as close to the final weight as possible, to see how it levels out & whether more/less shims are needed.
I wish it were that simple. The frame that the tank sits on is actually welded poorly and it not level. Hard to see in the picture maybe, but one edge is a little higher. The same is true on the opposite corner so it literally rocks back and forth.
Can you exchange it for another from the seller? One that may actually have more accurate tolerances with regard to being plumb and level.

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