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  1. T

    TofferMora tank journal

    Getting there, need to deal with the algae on the sand and then may look at getting some Corydora
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    Blue green algae?

    Is this blue green algae? It pretty much covers my sand substrate. Not on anything else just there. Any ideas how to get rid of it? I tried vacuuming it but ended up sucking up the sand as well!
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    The Cultural Differences of.......Biscuits

    What are goldfish crackers?!
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    The Cultural Differences of.......Biscuits

    I am partial to one or two, or the full box of these.
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    The Cultural Differences of.......Biscuits

    I worked for Lidl until last year and was given a full box of their hobnobs as a leaving present! Think it was 24 packets. Went down well with my squad mates in my new job as I took a packet in every day!
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    TofferMora tank journal

    It's fine, I can get some here it just all seems to be the stuff that grows well in the substrate not the stuff that does better floating. Sure some will turn up soon or later.
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    TofferMora tank journal

    Did a water change last night and moved some plants around and added my other piece of wood. It's still floating a bit so had to weigh it down for now. Trying to get hold of some water sprite to add to my surface plants but can't get hold of any at the moment.
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    Water sprite in the uk

    Ok thanks, I will keep an eye out on there then!
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    Water sprite in the uk

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to get water sprite in the UK that won't cost a fortune just to post one plant? Also why is it in the UK you can only seem to get Ceratopteris thalictroides rather than Ceratopteris cornuta? Is there any difference if using it as a floating plant? I am sure I read...
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    If it doesn't then I would say you need to do a water change for a start as you want zero ammonia and Nitrite and lower than you have in nitrate. Also I think you should be doing bigger changes 50-75%.
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    Don't know if it makes a difference but that's a saltwater test kit not freshwater.
  15. T

    TofferMora tank journal

    As it looks now:
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    TofferMora tank journal

    Will do cheers
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    TofferMora tank journal

    Seems to be, it was supposed to be going longer with just plants before I added fish but I added some on @Byron's recommendation. Readings have been 5 on Nitrate, 0 on Ammonia and Nitrite. Ph is 6.6/6.8
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    TofferMora tank journal

    Oh and I added a black bin bag to the back until I get around to purchasing something nicer.
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    TofferMora tank journal

    Just remembered I also added a sponge filter, more so I could use it as a filter for a quarantine tank in the future hopefully. Also added a condensation cover as I was loosing so much water through evaporation with no lid!!
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    TofferMora tank journal

    I thought i would start one of these so i could keep a track of what i am doing with my (my sons) tank. So it all started when my son said he would like a tank for his 6th birthday. I have kept fish in the past, the normal tetras, a betta, goldfish etc all in tanks that were looking back too...
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    A few questions regarding a new filter and heater

    Can you not cut the old ones down so they fit in the new filter? The more established filter media you get in there the better surely.
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    What’s the coolest place you’ve travelled to?

    Kenya or South Africa. Visited one for my honeymoon, the other for my 30th birthday, both incredible. Thinking though Italy comes a close second. Visited it a few times and love it.
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    Fishless cycling

    Where about in the UK are you? Sounds like a shop I went to recently. I did some research on the JBL kit which does look good but it is a lot more expensive than the API one. You can get a cheaper JBL one but it doesn't test ammonia?!
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    10g Planted Betta Tank(my first tank)

    Thanks think that is going on my list of things I would like!
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    10g Planted Betta Tank(my first tank)

    Looks great! What is the plant with the pink stems at the back in the middle?
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    Floating plant suggestions/photos

    I got some frogbit Friday/ Saturday last week and it is already producing new plants, and the roots are extending down. Should hopefully do well dealing with my fish waste when I get some!
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    Sponge filter thoughts

    Yea I think I like the look of the double barrel ones better but then they take up more room. Thanks for the positives and negatives, not something I am rushing to purchase anyway so good to get the info to think over.
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    Sponge filter thoughts

    Hey, been looking at sponge filters today, thinking of getting one to aid my hob and also as a backup for if I setup a quarantine tank. I already have a pump from my previous foray into this hobby so wouldn't need that. What are people's thoughts and do people have recommendations? I would want...
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    Stock suggestions

    Ok thanks very much for your detailed response @Byron, will look at getting some lemon Tetra in a couple of days to get me started.
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    Stock suggestions

    Trigonostigma espei for the Rasbora. Not sure on the Tetra there are a few I/ my son likes, lemon, black neon, rummynose, any you think would cope better out of these? Ordered some TNC lite, will be here tomorrow so will start on that straight away.
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    Stock suggestions

    I wanted some kind of Tetra, some Rasbora and eventually some Otos and shrimp when it has established more. Which would you go for first?
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    Stock suggestions

    It's on a timer, 8 hrs a day, just reduced it to 6, is that enough? No added fertilizers/ additives
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    Stock suggestions

    @Byron what do you think? Definitely some kind of algae. I do have some surface plants but as I only got them a few days ago, they haven't had a chance to expand yet. I will reduce the lights time and hope that helps it settle down.
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