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  1. G

    Suggestions for 1/2 gravel 1/2 sand substrate and for transitioning tanks?

    I'm upgrading my tank from a 30 gallon to a 75 and need some help. Mostly, I'm upgrading so that I can make a bit of a higher current for my butterfly hillstream loaches without blowing my guppies all over. (right now, it's just a 50gph small submersible pump. The HOB filter I have doesn't seem...
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  3. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Thanks! All the fish I have would do better in harder water so I definitely want to stay that route if I can. I’m going to see what my options are that I can obtain locally this afternoon.
  4. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Thanks! My nitrates usually only spike to 40 when a fish dies, so I think now that I know I have soft water I should be able to keep them lower than 10 consistently. I made the terrible assumption that since I have a higher ph my water was hard :(
  5. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    @AdoraBelle Dearheart @Slaphppy7 @Byron so apparently I do have soft water. I’ve used several test strips and they all measure 25/30ppm (which is about a 2dGH I think :( my kh is at about 180. These aren’t liquid tests so I’ll definitely confirm on Monday when I get the liquid tests in, but...
  6. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    I have, but I still have no way of knowing if the ones online are reputable. Do you have any suggestions for good websites? I've just been too nervous to go through with an order. Plus, the shipping from who knows where kind of worries me.
  7. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Maybe so :( I wish we had a reputable breeder nearby. I have yet to find one.
  8. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    I plan on keeping the small tank around as a hospital or quarantine tank
  9. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Absolutely any advice is welcomed! I'm still kind of new to this, but I'm throwing a lot of money out the window trying things that don't seem to work. I have a bunch of other fake plants, decorations, and a large piece of driftwood. I at least plan on putting the driftwood back in. The other...
  10. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Actually I found a few pictures I had taken of the aquarium and the cory cats. It's not the best quality, but you can see the general layout. I have a lot more decorations and fake plants, I just took them out because I was trying to rule those out as hurting the fish.
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  13. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    I'll get some pictures after work this afternoon. Thanks!
  14. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    That's really sad :( I've gotten them from Petco primarily, but there is a mom and pop pet store a few towns over I like. I just hate buying fish from there because it's a 40 minute drive back home and I don't want to stress them out with that long of a drive. If they're better quality fish...
  15. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Generally about 3 or 4 days, but there are a couple that have lasted. I really hope it's a simple fix like that. I want to get some pretty more expensive ones, but certainly not going to do that yet. I do know that higher pH is generally harder water, so I kind of assumed my water was on the...
  16. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    It could be the source though I guess. hopefully the GH / KH test I have coming in will provide some answers. Not sure what else to test for (other than those and the nitrite, pH, nitrate, and ammonia that I already do)
  17. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Thank you! I have some of the equilibrium, but I'm weary of adding too many chemicals. I already add prime and stress zyme+ with my water changes. Maybe I should try switching the stress zyme out.
  18. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    I have no clue about the gh; I have that test kit on the way but it wont be here until Monday. I cant find any place local that sells them. As far as the danio goes, I don't think I plan on replacing it after it dies (heading towards an all guppy/ bottom-feeder tank) I have considered re-homing...
  19. G

    Please Help - My Guppies keep dying

    Okay, so I have absolutely no clue what to do. Tank - 29 gallon Filter - MarineLand Penguin 200 Power FIlter (for 30-50 Gallon) Two additional bubblers and plenty of aggitation at the top A very small current runs at the bottom of the...
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