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  1. Heather7465

    I want panda fry. 🐟 Tips on spawning!

    Two weeks after I posted this question They spawned. She layed six eggs over a two day period and four of those were fertile. I did everything people suggested to increase chances for spawning. Colder water changes, high protein diet, & ect. I did set up my Fluval lighting on a daily timer & I...
  2. Heather7465

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Longfin Zebra Danio's a fast pace swimming fish with beautiful flowing fins that has the personality of a moody Cichlid. Their swimming behavior made me dizzy to watch and they fin nipped eachother?!! And I thought they were a schooling species?
  3. Heather7465

    Frustrated with algae killing everything

    I doubt it's the substrate that caused it. I have sand substrate and have never come across BGA. More than likely, this bacteria entered your aquarium on a plant. Instead of figuring out how it happened focus on how to get rid of it. Because of this post I looked at pictures online and this...
  4. Heather7465

    Frustrated with algae killing everything

  5. Heather7465

    My betta...

    I disagree that ALL Betta's are solitary fish, but in saying that you might end up with an aggressive Betta that is not ideal for a community tank. Have a back up plan, incase you need to relocate that fish if it shows signs of aggression/stress. I've always had my male Betta's in their own...
  6. Heather7465

    Java moss is brown

    Healthy Java is green, so if you purchased it brown then you bought dead Java. If it's green turning brown, then you have insufficient nutrients in your water.
  7. Heather7465

    Swim bladder?

    Do you see your anglefish eat dry foods floating on the surface of the water? Maybe your little guy gulped too much air when he took a bite of food. Also, my brother in law's angelfish was extremely sensitive to any high spikes in Nitrates. When you checked ammonia was your nitrates elevated?
  8. Heather7465

    Badger's 150g Rainbowfish Tank

    I'm so jealous!!! Your aquarium is perfection!! I agree with others you need to enter this aquarium in one of the monthly contests. I've never seen a Boeseman's Rainbowfish! Good choice on this fish they are breathtakingly beautiful on video. Their vibrant colors contrast against eachother...
  9. Heather7465

    Betta fish fin issues

    I would follow the help/suggestions ThatFishgirl and Colin gave you. Remove rough decorations & water change. I have had a few Bettas over the last 20 years, so I'm familiar with them. The first betta picture has a Crowntail fin and the second picture it's a Plakat fin Betta. Are you sure it's...
  10. Heather7465

    Frustrated with algae killing everything

    BGA treatment with 200mg of erythromycin phosphate for every 10 gallons of water (40L) is effective and will usually eliminate it within a few days. If still observed after 4-5 days then repeat the treatment. Charcoal filtration and UV equipment must be turned off before applying. By treating it...
  11. Heather7465

    Tropical Storm Preparation

    I have a battery powered Marina air pump that lasted almost 3 days using two 2D batteries. Look on Amazon because I had a difficult time finding them in a local pet store. If you loose power in the summer freeze water bottles to float in the tank. Like Boundava suggested! I lost power in the...
  12. Heather7465

    Don't feed newly hatch Cory fry?

    Feed them 4x's a day. OK thank you! I'll have to look online what the yolk sac looks like, because they are so small what am I looking for? Is this sac attached to them or is it inside the egg they hatched out of?
  13. Heather7465

    Don't feed newly hatch Cory fry?

    Yes Sgoosh! The one I saw under our microscope had two things on either side of its body. Then I must have seen a female.
  14. Heather7465

    Haven't begun very well.

    Use the Fluval beneficial bacteria bottle as directed. I wouldn't add extra. Are you able to return the remaining Tetras, so you can fishless cycle your aquarium? If not, then they might not be strong enough to survive ammonia/Nitrite spikes. Sadly, ammonia burns fish. Test your aquarium water...
  15. Heather7465

    Haven't begun very well.

    TragedyFin, Watch a video on cycling your aquarium without fish. Cycling an aquarium will take 6-8 weeks, then you can add fish. It is extremely important to have a Freshwater Test Kit. You cannot cycle your aquarium without it. Hopefully in three months when your aquarium and fish are all...
  16. Heather7465

    Don't feed newly hatch Cory fry?

    Ok good👍 Yes you're probably right it had to have been on one of my plants. I rinse, clean, & soak my plants so I guess the little cyclops critter clinged on
  17. Heather7465

    Don't feed newly hatch Cory fry?

    Yesterday, four Corydoras hatched! I read to hold off on feeding for 2 days is this correct? They'll survive by eating their yolk sac. Once they are ready for food which is a better fry food to start feeding them Hikari First bites or Aquarium Co op Easy Fry? Also, I cannot find online how many...
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  19. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    My fish are respected and taken care of.
  20. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    Maybe it is important to sensitive fish and certain species of fish. I had my fish shop show me their water parameters which was more basic/alkaline. I drip acclimate all my fish when I introduce them to their aquarium. I have not encountered one illness in my aquarium, my fish are fed high...
  21. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    He's my youngest C. panda when I got him 2 months ago he was smaller than the length of my fingernail. I rotate my foods feeding small breakfast such as fluval Bug bites or Aquarium Co op Easy Fry/Small Fish. Their dinner portion is bigger rotating foods nightly Xtreme Flakes, frozen Bloodworms...
  22. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    Yes, please give me the link to the threads on spawning and raising! I've been online all day watching Otter Creek Aquatics, Girl Talks Fish, Prime Time Aquatics, and LRB Aquatics taking notes. I have a battery operated air pump on hand with additional hosing and airstones that is in my...
  23. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    Thank you AdoraBelle!!! Yes I will update next week on my little panda buddy! I'm feeling exactly as you did with your bronze spawn. Feeling so excited that I can possibly have cory fry to raise, but also very nervous that they won't hatch. (Note to self always have Methylene Blue on hand). Awe...
  24. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    CoriesinHawaii, It looks to me like a growth possibly a tumor, but I'm still going to treat for external parasites to help the little guy out. If symptoms are still there after a week, then plan B internal meds. I appreciate your help
  25. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    Oh, leave the tap water out overnight then test. That's something new I've never read! I'll try it to test pH because my faucet water reads alot lower than my aquarium. Thanks 👍
  26. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    kH 120 ppm and gH 60-120 ppm (it's hard to tell). I can't chase my pH nor do I want to mess with it incase it causes more harm than good. My tap water is neutral (I tested it before deciding my species of fish. Being a new fish owner I should have tested pH in aquarium), so I don't know why my...
  27. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    All my readings are fine. pH is high 8 but I'm not about to throw in chemicals to lower my pH to neutral. Thanks for the compliment AdoraBelle, on my guy Meghji my little honey gourami. He's the kindest smartest gourami you'll ever meet! Anyways, I'm off stupid question could it be...
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  31. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    All 10 of my Corydoras p. have their barbels. I had to feed them to get this picture, so they are digging in the substrate. I'll post additional pictures of my fish so you can see their barbels
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  34. Heather7465

    Whats on my Corydoras skin?!

    I'm at a loss to what my little Panda has? Please give me your thoughts on what he has, so I know how to treat it. Look behind his eye and gill. It's an oval raised shaped thing on his skin. It has a hard appearance not fuzzy such as, cotton wool disease. He has one protruding spot not multiple...
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