Swim bladder?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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I came home this afternoon from work to find one of my angels swimming sideways then tilting nose up randomly. I tested my water and my ammonia tested at I think .50ppm (according to the api test kit chart) so I did two 50% water changes over a course of 4 hours and I’m waiting to test again tonight.. All my other fish (one female angel, some black neon tetra, Bn pleco, and 8 corydora) are all well and not showing signs of stress, lethargy, regular appetite and coloring. My female angel is also swimming and begging for food like normal. I made a brace for him in quarantine to keep him upright while I have a sponge filter running on low inside his quarantine bucket. I have seachem kanaplex, metroplex, sulfaplex, paragaurd, and stress guard on hand for medicine but I’m hesitating to treat as reading online has told me meds can make it worse? Also his coloring is normal, no red steaks, pale patches, milky spots or fuzz, no swollen belly or raised scales so I’m not sure constipation is the problem.


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video of fish swimming?
I’m unable to post a video without removing his brace and stressing him more, but it was basically him swimming at an angle with his pointed up, then slowly drifting to the bottom of the tank and laying on his side then repeat. He’s showing improvement today, normal breathing and moving his fins more, I’ll remove his brace this afternoon after work and get a video of him if he is still swimming the same, fingers crossed.
Wouldn't it be better to put him as close to the surface as possible to relieve pressure from the bladder ?
Unless picture angle of view misleads me ?
Wouldn't it be better to put him as close to the surface as possible to relieve pressure from the bladder ?
Unless picture angle of view misleads me ?
I have him close yes, the brace is to keep him from moving as he is tilting toward the side then down to the bottom, he can get out if he really wanted to, I have it made to be just slightly larger than his body. Just got home so, we’ll see how he swims
I know what the brace is for. I was talking about relieving bladder pressure by putting him just below the surface.
Do you see your anglefish eat dry foods floating on the surface of the water? Maybe your little guy gulped too much air when he took a bite of food. Also, my brother in law's angelfish was extremely sensitive to any high spikes in Nitrates. When you checked ammonia was your nitrates elevated?
Do you see your anglefish eat dry foods floating on the surface of the water? Maybe your little guy gulped too much air when he took a bite of food. Also, my brother in law's angelfish was extremely sensitive to any high spikes in Nitrates. When you checked ammonia was your nitrates elevated?
No it was not just my ammonia was a tad high, they were due for a water change the next day. I did feed them some frozen jumbo bloodworms that I bought at my local Lfs the day before, but he wasn’t bloated or swollen looking.
I came home this afternoon from work to find one of my angels swimming sideways then tilting nose up randomly. I tested my water and my ammonia tested at I think .50ppm (according to the api test kit chart) so I did two 50% water changes over a course of 4 hours and I’m waiting to test again tonight.. All my other fish (one female angel, some black neon tetra, Bn pleco, and 8 corydora) are all well and not showing signs of stress, lethargy, regular appetite and coloring. My female angel is also swimming and begging for food like normal. I made a brace for him in quarantine to keep him upright while I have a sponge filter running on low inside his quarantine bucket. I have seachem kanaplex, metroplex, sulfaplex, paragaurd, and stress guard on hand for medicine but I’m hesitating to treat as reading online has told me meds can make it worse? Also his coloring is normal, no red steaks, pale patches, milky spots or fuzz, no swollen belly or raised scales so I’m not sure constipation is the problem.
Just an update for everyone, he didn’t make it past day two. A follow up 50% water change was done after the first two and I’ve been keeping my fish fasted just in case. Thank you for your concern, I’m thinking jumbo bloodworms are off the menu

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