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  1. W

    Im Back

    thought id say hi as im back :good:
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    Will Wooloworths Give Me A Refund ?

    will wooloworths give me a refund on neeed for speed carbon if i take it back??? i have got my reeseat but the celifane wrapping is off the case. thanks alex where should this topic go.???
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    New Tank Photo - Wood And Background Now..

    hi sum comments pleased dudes bump...........
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    New Tank Photo - Wood And Background Now..

    hi guys iv cut anew big of board out today its really strong i stood on it and jump up and down of it my dad did too and it dint do nothing solid as con concreet so i have layed this across the top of the other 1 i already have il explain u have the draw top i cut out another piace of board...
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    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    up dated with my background pic do u like it better now ???
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    Our My Draws To Small For My Tank

    hi thank you ^^^ erm do you think it will be ok till christmas or could it go anytime ?? hummm dam i get come wood from garden and put them under then edges for now to put the white of the edge pressing ont he wood then on to the floor. if i can get it a tight fit.. that should hold till...
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    Our My Draws To Small For My Tank

    i want to know if it will be ok on these, people say its going to give way looks sterdy IN REAL LIFE if so il buy a stand sometime... ask for one for christmas :D the tank has a plastic stand thing that the glass is on so its all on the plstic the plastic is on width ways but just abit over...
  8. W

    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    well its on my draws at the moment thanks for the surport people il look in to getting a proper stand i have enuff wood outside to build one. thank anyway people. dads getting a background for me today :D yippe
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    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    dont do this cuz ur scaring me
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    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    its 4 cm over i just mesered it surely that will bo ok will it
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    My New Tank :d 3 Foot

    hey well got this tank today for free i had my 2ft tank where that new one is not its was a long and hard process swaping them round but 5 hours later i did it here ya go people. soon as i got it in my room.. basicly done going shops 2mozz get plants and stuff oh and when i finished...
  12. W

    Filter Broken I Think Help

    hi i have a new tank its a tropiquarium 88 thats for light controls anyway my question is when i turn the filter on it makes that sound where as if its not submerged in water u no that noise od that its dry but its submerged ok its my mates old tank across the road and i got it for free...
  13. W

    Can Plants Live In Cold And Warm Water ?

    hi iv brought 20 potted plants i have 2 tank a goldfish tank and a tropical tank would it matter if i put 10 in one and and 10 in the other or do plants need to be in warm or cold what what im trying to say it, are there diffrent plants for warm n cold water like there is with fish. ?? thanks alex
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    why u bothered ?
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    My Latest Tank

    awsome come round and do my tank.
  16. W

    My 27.5 Uk Gallon

    i liked the 1st pic ebtter wen just sand wood n plants
  17. W

    New Tank Diary - 6x2x2 180g Tank

    hey sam your tanks are so cool i see tanks on the net then go down stairs to my 4ft en just think it looks cra..p well im going ot sort it out wen i get the cash i like ur bedroom its really smart , i got a tank in my room a pc and a t.v all runnning off one plug in the wall will it explode ...
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    New Tank Pics

    i find ur tanks quite boring to look at i like quite crampt natural looking tanks theres something about urs i dont like must be the emptyness but hey we all have opions its ur tank i dont have to see them everyday do what you think looks nice.
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    The Best £12 I Have Spent So Far...

    wen i get my 4ft resealed and fixed i will have to get someone of these would 2 be ok for a 4ft 60 gallon ?
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    My Fishtanks Corner Glue Gaveway.

    dam i read fuzzy wuzzy woo's stroy thats bad.
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    My Medium Tank Broke And Killed The House

    yeah thats what happend with my tank it just fell apart because there was non of them braces going across the top, well there was at one time of day The one in middle i knocked of by accident wen i was syponhing it and the one on the right just came unglued en soon as it dud wush becuase the...
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    Vote For My Friend In This Music Comp - 2 Clicks Please Vote Vote For Song Seven LIFE is By Seville..the voting box is bottom right
  23. W

    My Fishtanks Corner Glue Gaveway.

    thanks for ur story en for the help yeah this is worth fixing.
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    My Fishtanks Corner Glue Gaveway.

    this is beacause the braces that hold the glass together the things that go across the top of the tank from 1 side to other width ways well the middle 1 was unglued anyway and the one on the right came unglued so GUSH it gave way. The one in middle i knocked of by accident wen i was syponhing...
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    My Medium Tank Broke And Killed The House

    same situation as you tonight man but u had it worst then me. my topic
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    My Fishtanks Corner Glue Gaveway.

    You know where you have the corner of atank well i have a 4ft 60 gallon tank anyway the glue gaveway from the top about halfway down and the water was rushing out the side like is was a tap.this is beacause the braces that hold the glass together the things that go across the top of the tank...
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    75 Gallon Mbuna Photo Diary, Now W/pics Of The Fish.

    dam u got the filter bigger them me i got the 403 one hehe 45 pounds from pets at home cost yours ? and is that tank brand new ?
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    i dont like it its dirty as he.ll change the water
  29. W

    What Did You Get?

    5 jumpers a pc 19 inch screen a note book with a pen a bar of chocolate
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    New Tank!

    please come roun dmy house and lay my tank out for me yours is just how i want mine. :wub:
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    Do I Look Like Eminem ?

    lol well eminem is mu idol i was only a mess about some of you really think im trying to pass as him. i think its quite funny that i like eminem and keeping fish wierd in it
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    Do I Look Like Eminem ?

    do i look like eminem ?
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    Platies Have Fry

    no got neons and silver sharks
  34. W

    Google image your user name

    the road of withington ??? :unsure:
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    Platies Have Fry

    i dont know how meny she has had but me dad saw 2 new fish in the tank there are very small and orange coloured they are just big enuff now not to get eaten so all i have to do it watch them grow there are 2 fish i dont know how meny was dropped but i could of vacced them up with my syphon :( oh...
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    Withington's 4ft Tropical Fish Tank Photos

    gallon i can't say i know guessing about 60 but not that sure
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    Let It Snow

    i have a shy albino plec bless them ay he does a grate job at night time or maybe he is sleeping .