My New Tank :d 3 Foot


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2005
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hey well got this tank today for free

i had my 2ft tank where that new one is not its was a long and hard process swaping them round but 5 hours later i did it here ya go people.

soon as i got it in my room..

basicly done

going shops 2mozz get plants and stuff

oh and when i finished


you just so have 2 after like 5 hours

cya from alex
I give it a week before the tank bursts from the corners not being supported properly.

get a peice of wood cut to the size of the bottom of the tank and sit the tank on that.
its 4 cm over i just mesered it surely that will bo ok will it
not best to have that much tank sitting out unprotected best look in your garage for something to support it.....but nice get anyways :D
we aren't trying to scare you we are merely warning you of the possibility that some day your tank might just burst because of bad support...& really the first thing you check for when getting a fish tank set up is making sure your tank has enough space and support
It stands so proud, a thing of beauty, reasuringly expensive. Stella Artois!

Sling a background on your tank too, that'll make the plants look better.

I'm not sure if that stand will cut it, it maybe ok. For every UK gallon that's 15lbs of weight.

10 gallon = 150lb
20 gallon = 300 lb


If it becomes unstable and falls, the water will go through the floorboards and through the celing creating thousands of pounds of damage.

I got told to buy a proper stand in the event that would happen too :hey:
well its on my draws at the moment thanks for the surport people il look in to getting a proper stand i have enuff wood outside to build one. thank anyway people.

dads getting a background for me today :D yippe
up dated with my background pic do u like it better now ???
I personaly would never put anything bigger than a 10g tank on any peice of furniture. Most furniture isn't built withstand hundreds of pounds sitting ontop of it constantly. The joints on most cheap furniture are glue and staples, doesn't sound very safe to me.
I had my 2ft tank on a stand for a couple of years with about 4 cm overhanging each side...

and as far as I'm aware the tank didn't break and the water cover my living room carpet and my fish all dieing...

However i doubt its very good for the tank and i wouldn't recommend it.

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