My Fishtanks Corner Glue Gaveway.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2005
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You know where you have the corner of atank well i have a 4ft 60 gallon tank anyway the glue gaveway from the top about halfway down and the water was rushing out the side like is was a tap.this is beacause the braces that hold the glass together the things that go across the top of the tank from 1 side to other width ways well the middle 1 was unglued anyway cuz i knocked it off wen syponing my tank out, and then the one on the right came unglued so GUSH it gave way.
so i jumped up shouted my dad en i held the glass trying to close the gap abit more while he emptyed it. id say 20 gallon went on the floor, luckly i had a spair tank close by nice and empty so i was lucky really. so all the fish are in the spair tank and my 4ft is now empty sitting there. en me and my dad have got the heaters going trying to dry the floor out ect hair dryers too haha en we got all windows open too the smell. eww :sick: thanks for reading

(The braces going across the tank to hold it together wen full. this is how i got the leak below)
The one in middle i knocked of by accident wen i was syponhing it and the one on the right just came unglued en soon as it dud wush becuase the tank is 4ft and it couldnt take the wight of the water on its one glue so wen the brace gave way it just ripped the glass off the glue
it could of been worse

so i have all my fish in 2ft tank.
en my 4ft can be repaired and a very wet floor.

thanks for reading Alex Withington :
this is beacause the braces that hold the glass together the things that go across the top of the tank from 1 side to other width ways well the middle 1 was unglued anyway and the one on the right came unglued so GUSH it gave way.

The one in middle i knocked of by accident wen i was syponhing it and the one on the right just came unglued en soon as it dud wush becuase the tank is 4ft and it couldnt take the wight of the water on its one glue so wen the brace gave way it just ripped the glass off the glue

i had a similer problem with the first tank i got. I aquired it from a former science teacher and i filled it up and everything was fine so i put it in my room to start cycling. To make a long story short in the middle of the night i woke up to water pouring on my floor from a hole in the seam of the tank. fourtunatly i only had about 10 gallons come out and no fish yet but not the best way to start the hobby. I just bought a new tank but it was only a 30 gal tank so not too expensive. I have heard you can use silicon to put it back together but im not really a handy man like than. good luck
thanks for ur story en for the help yeah this is worth fixing.

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