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  1. M

    Water softeners and aquarium

    I have been keeping 30-40 bettas and danios adults and babies for 6-7months with the softener. So perhaps the system does contaminate the water so much
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    Water softeners and aquarium

    Yes the softener is salt based either Sodium or Potassium. I mean other than the lack of calcium and magnesium do these salts actually have any harm to animals and plants? If not I already keep danios and bettas which are, to my understanding, low GH fish. And I already dose ferts that also...
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    Water softeners and aquarium

    So, just to be sure, if I do have one faucet that is not connected to the softener I should just switch to using that for my fishkeeping needs right?
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    Water softeners and aquarium

    Hey guys, I have been doing research on whether water softener systems in houses is safe for fish keeping. My original water in my area is well water with GH and Kh up in the areas of 15-18 (dgh and dkh) and the ph at 8.2. My family installed a water softener system (works with water crystals, i...
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    Hello So this morning I was checking on my baby bettas that I bred myself and one had a long and CLEAR tendril coming out of it. The tendril isn’t moving so I assumed it is not a worm/parasite. It’s similar to a fish bone almost. I will attach a picture, it is hard to photograph it but you can...
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    No it does boost GH. I conducted the experiment by getting a gallon of water putting the accurate dosage of thrive in drops and measured GH before adding thrive and after. We filter our water so there is almost no Calcium or Magnesium where my GH measures our the tap 1 dGH. After Thrive I...
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    no I wouldn’t add any normally but our house has a water purification system that removes almost all the nutrients and trace elements from water so if i dont have fertilizers my plants struggle unless I over stock my tanks so theres an abundance of nitrate. But I do not overstock, and since my...
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    Well water already normally contains a bunch of trace elements and minerals that exist in fertilizers they arent chemicals they are minerals that exist in every food and drink we have too and fish have in waters too. I do agree maybe it does not apply to an enclosed ecosystem because they are so...
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    Yeah it has Calcium and Magnesium in the fertilizer, does not affect Ph from my testings but increases GH when I dose it the right way. But I just did not know the reliability of that. Thanks guys
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    I think you misunderstand me, I don’t overdose them I slightly underdose even and that already gets my GH up to a good level. And I do weekly changes and dose the fertilizers again anyways. Sorry, yeah I never overdose.
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    Hey guys so I was wondering if liquid fertilizers can successfully double as GH boosters. Because I did a test with NilocG Thrive liquid fertilizer and it increased GH ( I test with api liquid tests). I do have soft water but liquid fertilizer adds calcium and magnesium and keeps my GH raised...
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    Ph from tap reads 7.5 but in tank reads 8.2

    Thank you, the aquarium has been running for a month and I got 2 others that have been running for 4 months. I recently moved houses ( I also had 8ph tap water) and when I got to new house and tested tap and I got 7.5, I was ecstatic, because now I could keep stuff like tetras (I haven't bought...
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    Ph from tap reads 7.5 but in tank reads 8.2

    I actually did a quick test where i put an airstone in a small cup of tap water and the ph did go upto where it is in the tanks. Also I did some KH and GH readings which came up to be , 170ppm KH and 55ppm GH and the ph is 8.2. Are these parameters okay? im worried my low GH means my fish aren’t...
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    Ph from tap reads 7.5 but in tank reads 8.2

    I didn’t think stratum would do anything because it is supposed to lower ph rather than raise. I am gonna do the 24 hour water test tomorrow and if i still get low on tap high in tank ig i might remove stratum
  16. M

    Ph from tap reads 7.5 but in tank reads 8.2

    Just like the title says; my ph with the API master kit gives me a 7.5 ph reading (using the high range ph) and when I measure my tank I get 8.2. The tank is 5 gallons, has a sponge filter, houses one batta and has fluval stratum capped with sand. I read that aeration causes ph readings to go...
  17. M

    Best aquarium racks?

    I currently own the EDSAL particle board muscle racks that hold 800 lbs per shelf. However I noticed that the board inevitably bends slightly causing the aquariums be a not so level. Is there any recommendations for aquarium racks/shelving I can find in the US? I have a 20 gallon long, 3gal...
  18. M

    Aggression levels of betta brothers

    Hey so, recently my opal male betta and koi female mated and I have been raising their fry for 3 weeks now. I plan on selling/giving away the male offspring and actually wondered if male betta brothers who have always lived in the same space together will get along as adults too. I am assuming...
  19. M

    Fertilizers and Water Changes

    So I have a quick question. I have Seachem flourish and NilocG’s Thrive and I am testing both on different tanks. I am curious about water changes while using these products. So if I have a 20 gallon and I use 2 pumps of Thrive (it says 1 pump per 10Gal) or Flourish do I need to do weekly water...
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    Zebra Danio Breeding

    They look beautiful. I really love the look of Zebra Danios. They remind me of a common fish that I used to catch and see back in Turkey as a kid. Thats why I want to keep them. I just wanted to make sure they dont breed as fast or easily as platys or guppies because I won’t be able to keep up...
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    Zebra Danio Breeding

    A 20 Gallon Long is 30 inches or 76cm long. The height and depth is 13 inches or 33cm
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    Zebra Danio Breeding

    20G is 75L tank. And I was thinking I can add like 3 in the first week while using bacteria supplement and plants, then 3 more and keep increasing. Or keep 3 for a week or two then add 7-8 more. I am aiming for like 11-12 fish
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    Zebra Danio Breeding

    Also side note, how many zebras do u think is good for 20gal? some say 6 some say 12 im a bit confused. I will add them in pairs most likely to slowly mature the tank and let the bacteria colony grow.
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    Zebra Danio Breeding

    So 64F which is essentially non heater in Summer seasons and heating in winter seasons. Interesting thank you!
  25. M

    Zebra Danio Breeding

    I am looking at Zebra Danios (as well as other species for a species only tank, but I want to learn a lot about each species) to keep them in a 20 gallon long. I want to know if they will breed on their own in the main tank without my influence. I will be feeding them live food + flakes, frozen...
  26. M

    Question about Platys

    Hey, so I am setting up a 20 gal long and want to create a rock-heavy aquascape with the only plants being Vallisneria and Java moss. I have been looking at different stocking ideas and having a Platy-only aquarium sounds very fun to me. However I was uncertain if they’d be happy in a rock heavy...
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    An idea for a divided betta tank

    Hey I was just thinking and learning more about the benefits and disadvantages of dividing a tank in 2 with a divider to house 2 bettas. I know there are issues with pheromones and etc but thats not why I am here now. I wanted to share my idea and see if it is plausible; So what if I divide a...
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Then I think I might just have to give them away so they get a better life instead of stressed and unhappy
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Should I just donate my HRs to the local petco then? Also I was thinking maybe the betta will do fine with Kuhli Loaches? Although I know they dont do well in 10Gal. Any suggestions for tank mates would be cool althought I will aim to donate the rasboras and keep the betta in the 10Gal
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    I would’ve loved to do like a 20Gal+ but my university allows 10GAL aquariums in dorms at max if its bigger you are forced to remove it otherwise u get fined. I was thinking of just doing a big aquarium and leaving it back home and have my family care for it daily and do big weekly cleanups by...
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Tank dimensions are 20Lx10Wx12H its a standard Aqueon 10gallon
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Yeah I thought so thank you for all the feedback and advice, If I see anything off about the HRs I guess I will reply or make a new thread !
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Yeah I do that right before I put drops
  34. M

    Stocking question

    Hey I’ve got a heavily planted 10 gallon with a male betta and 6 harlequin rasboras as well as 3 nerite snails. So far they all get along and they all interact peacefully. However I felt like maybe the rasboras’ group of 6 is too small, and maybe i should add 3 more for a group of 9. Cyclewise...
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Today , i use the API master kit
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    40 to 60 ? really okay. The betta and rasboras shoal together and he is never bothered by them. The rasboras also follow the betta around since he is always hunting for blackworms around and under stuff. In terms of relationship the two parties act mutual but maybe im missing something.
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    it was 5 days ago i do around 10-15% every 7 days even tho nothing really builds up in terms of Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate but I clean up the gravel.
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Here ill attach a whole pic of the tank (sorry for bad lighting. They seem to do this in the evening mostly. So like 5-7pm. Maybe their group is too small? Could I add 3 more HRs to make a 9 member group + the betta would that be too much fish for a 10gal. Tank is fully cycled and I have never...
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    Harlequins Hovering in the same spot?

    Hey just a quick question about my Harlequins: This is the first time they started doing this. They just group and hover in this same spot for hours. Water parameters are optimal (Ammonia , Nitrite 0, Some Nitrate, temp is 80F and ph is 7.4 - same as tap, did not want to chemically alter water)...