Search results

  1. C

    Rainbow Shark?

    Thanks for all the info! :) . I'll definately have to keep an eye on him and try to move the tetras into another tank to be safe. So far he doesn't look very aggressive and hides in his cave most of the day, but its not worth taking chances :/ .
  2. C

    Looking For Cool Types Of Fish

    I was looking for the exact same thing and I went with platys. They swim around very relaxedly and are a nice bright red.
  3. C

    Rainbow Shark?

    I just got two fish from my neighbor, a 5" Shark and a 6" Pleco. My neighbor had been keeping them in a 10 gallon octagonal tank with no room to swim. I moved them to my 55 gallon tank where they seem to be very happy. My question is what kind of shark is he, rainbow, red tailed, red finned, or...
  4. C

    Help- apple snails eggs

    I have the same question. One of my apple snails laid eggs on the lid cover of my hood, and one time when I shut the lid the eggs popped off and fell in the water :o . I grabbed them out and put them on a little slotted piece of plastic under the hood. What is the best way to hatch the eggs...
  5. C

    What kind of Crayfish do I have?

    Hi, I got a crayfish about a month ago from my lfs and when I asked what kind he was, they said he was a "common crayfish" :dunno: . I didn't bother to tell them that there were in fact over 250 species of crayfish in north america. So I am curious what kind of cray I actually got. Here are a...
  6. C

    What Shrimp am I?

    Ghost shrimp. They're cool I have a bunch of them.
  7. C

    Ph too low, why?

    Thanks a lot for your replies :D . I had no idea about the KH :unsure: .
  8. C

    Ph too low, why?

    I don't add chemicals to lower ph.I don't have any driftwood or co2 injection. I haven't checked the KH. One of the main reasons I want the ph at 7 is because below 7 the snails shells can start to dissolve.
  9. C

    Ph too low, why?

    Hi, I have a twenty gallon tank with 4 rasboras, lots of snails, and quite a few plants including java fern, banana plant, moneywort, and several unidentified. My tap water is about 7.5 ph, and I try to keep my tank at 7 ph. Recently my ph has been quite low, about 6.4, and I'm not sure why...
  10. C

    apple snails

    When I first got four apple snails they bred like crazy for the first few weeks, but then just stopped and I haven't gotten any eggs for a couple months. I don't know if it is a seasonal thing? or based on the water conditions or temperature or something?
  11. C

    Freshwater Clams

    From what I have read (although I have no experience with clams) they do not actually help clean gravel, but will filter food from the water. Also if they do spawn, they will release larvae which will latch onto fish as a parasite.
  12. C

    Your first fish

    4 goldfish in a little bowl. Two of them are still around, now in a 20 gallon tank :) .
  13. C

    How many Snails?

    Wow, I'm glad I found that out before I decided to get one. Maybe I'll get a few cory cats instead :)
  14. C

    How many Snails?

    Ok thanks for your replies :) wow I didn't realize how big plecostamuses could get! :blink:
  15. C

    best algae eating snail?

    Hi, I think an apple snail might be a good choice, They eat algae, they lay eggs above the water so you can control reproduction by removing the eggs, they do create quite a bit of waste though, especially if they're big, but just having one might not be too bad. And they do best in a ph of...
  16. C

    How many Snails?

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon planted tank with 4 brilliant rasboras and a ton of ivory snails. I had 4 full grown snails which layed a bunch of eggs that hatched before I found them. I had about fifty of the little snails crawling around my tank. I knew that was too many so I started feeding some of...
  17. C

    teenagers that watch your fish

    Of course the labels on the fish food containers often tell you to feed way to much anyways. Most say feed twice a day as much as can be consume in several minutes :crazy: . No wonder over feeding is the most common death in goldfish. Not only because of overeating but what too much food will...
  18. C

    Fiddler crabs

    OK thanks for your reply :)
  19. C

    Fiddler crabs

    Hi, I am looking at different types of crabs, and I just saw that red clawed crabs are nocturnal. I checked but couldn't find anything saying if fiddler crabs were nocturnal or not. I've had nocturnal pets before and they were pretty boring during the day :zz . Does anyone know if fiddler...
  20. C

    Red clawed crabs or fiddler crabs?

    Oh well there's no need to answer this post I think I've found all of the info i need :) Seth
  21. C

    Frog questions,

    Hi, I wouldn't think an adf would bother a snail or vice versa although I haven't tried it. As for the shrimp, I have heard of big ghost shrimp biting legs off of adfs, but small shrimp might not bother it.
  22. C

    Sand as a substrate

    Ok thanks for the welcome and the info :D
  23. C

    Sand as a substrate

    Hi, I would like to use sand as a substrate in a crab tank, but am unsure how to clean it. I have heard that anaerobic bacteria can build up in deep sand and cause dangerous chemicals to form. So my question is what is the maitenance that you do to keep your sand clean and safe? Thanks, Seth.