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  1. SAChichlidLover

    Plywood tank, tankmates?

    I have indeed and that video actually inspired the idea!
  2. SAChichlidLover

    Plywood tank, tankmates?

    Hey everyone glad to be back, So the plywood tank is underway now and I think I've ran through every american cichlid under the sun trying to find my favourite combos that will actually work well.. I was at first thinking peacock bass but not gonna let my inner impulses get the better of my...
  3. SAChichlidLover

    Algae Eater

    Is the algae forming on the glass? If so it is most likely a form of brown algae which most usually gets taken over by green algae in aquariums but high organics cause all types of algae so can I ask how much food you feed? And how many fish there are?
  4. SAChichlidLover

    Algae Eater

    I could say the same about pond snails right now.. Luckily they do an awesome job at cleaning my community of algae so I let them of lol
  5. SAChichlidLover

    Algae Eater

    Totally agree with @PlasticGalaxy here! Plecos are possibly the messiest fish I have ever owned and my albino bristlenose is only 8 months old and has managed to not only be the greediest fish in the community, but also pooped everywhere you could think of! Its like stringy landmines waiting to...
  6. SAChichlidLover

    A few old friends

    All beautiful and stunning fish! Especially love those cichlids ;)
  7. SAChichlidLover

    Picked up a festivum the other day!

    Yeah they are which I guess is why some people mix them.. Mixing them just isn't for me really, as possible as it is I'd prefer to do an all gourami tank rather than mix them with any sort of cichlid as they both just dont tend to get on well with exceptions of course :)
  8. SAChichlidLover

    Picked up a festivum the other day!

    Haha neither here, I think this is probably the cichlid clone of a gourami lol as he acts exactly like one apart from him being more than a bit greedy and the fact he acts like an angelfish haha
  9. SAChichlidLover

    Picked up a festivum the other day!

    MTS has probably burned my trousers nevermind just a hole in my pocket haha! Got him in my original cichlid tank at the moment but I plan on moving him out into a either a 50 gal with the fire mouths when it’s all ready or the plywood tank when he’s got decent size cant wait to share the planned...
  10. SAChichlidLover

    Picked up a festivum the other day!

    I know right! Really reminds me of a chocolate gourami at this size, acts like a gourami too apart from the fact it likes to snipe some of the condensated water off the lid thinking it’s bugs lol
  11. SAChichlidLover

    Picked up a festivum the other day!

    Hey everyone, just thought I’d show you my new male festivum that I got, Originally I didn’t want to get a single fish of this species as they thrive best in groups but he was pretty beaten up by the larger festive cichlids in the store so I thought I’d take him on and hopefully grow him out to...
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  14. SAChichlidLover

    Cichlid food

    Bug bite is really good for most cichlids especially the larger ones.. Peas is probably the best as it is significantly easier to digest for fish and also leaves significantly less bio load if uneaten but I would still remove it for obvious reasons haha. Eliotis are as you say omnivores and will...
  15. SAChichlidLover

    Festive cichlid opinions?

    Yeah that seems quite simple to be honest, tap Water round here is on the soft side anyways, not sure if they are worth trying though as there’s lots of differences about them with the current/proposed fish
  16. SAChichlidLover

    Festive cichlid opinions?

    Thanks so much! I wanted to try and look at some of the rarer varieties of festives as I actually really like the look of them! I’ve read that they are indeed a lot like angelfish so that has me wondering if my cichlid tank mates or my proposed cichlid tank mates are quite impossible especially...
  17. SAChichlidLover

    Festive cichlid opinions?

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask some questions about festive cichlids (festivum) as I was looking to include one into either my current cichlid setup or my concept cichlid setup. What sort of parameters do they require? What is the max size? How aggressive? (for a cichlid) and has anyone had...
  18. SAChichlidLover

    Cichlid food

    Hiya! I feed my cichlids a variety of food to be honest as it helps them grow and maintain colour.. For a main diet I use vitalis south american cichlid formula which is a smaller sinking pellet based feed. I like to include bloodworms and peas into the diet every two-three days as it is...
  19. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on this tank concept

    So essentially it’s a hardwood aquarium (oak, birch etc) which can either be silincone sealed or sealed using pond seal with glass/acrylic panels on the front to see the fish hahaha I was the exact same when I first heard of this type of aquarium but it’s also the cheapest and one of the easiest...
  20. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on this tank concept

    Thanks so much for the advice! I’ll see what I can do doubling the tank length wise and I planned on a female everything as I didn’t want to cause a new world war fish haha. To be honest I was thinking about swapping a few of the species but I definitely wanted to keep the oscar, dempsey and...
  21. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on this tank concept

    Its essentially a hardwood aquarium with a large acryllic/glass pane on the front to view the fish! Same here to be honest, always loved the bigger cichlids to be honest and aw missed oppurtunity haha thank you!
  22. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on this tank concept

    Fair point to be honest, I will try my best to fit a 180 in but it will be tough haha and it will probably will only add an extra tenner on lol. Haha I knew you would try and get me to get brasiliensis, I'm not really too bothered on what eartheater as long as its a large one that won't get...
  23. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on this tank concept

    Hi all, this is my proposed project so things might change last minute yet but heres a rough plan. After a month of research and planning I have came up with my new tank concept. Its going to be an aggressive/predatory cichlid tank with a jack dempsey, salvini, tiger oscar, gold saum, sailfin...
  24. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on blanched greens.

    To be honest, putting peas in the microwave with a tablespoon of water is pretty much the exact same apart from a few minor details lol
  25. SAChichlidLover

    Salvini cichlid temperament in 65 gal?

    Wow she is a real stunner! And yeah I think you are right.. Everyone seems to think dempseys are big bad fish but in most cases I've heard the dempseys are the bullied ones.
  26. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone know any good medium sized pleco species?

    Hahaha I know right! Its like weve just left them for years and they are screaming at us hahaha
  27. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone know any good medium sized pleco species?

    I can understand that to be honest haha. Mine are just greedy honestly I cant eat anything in the same room without an audience begging me when they already get fed plenty as it is! cheeky sods haha
  28. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone successfully kept algae crew (snails) with cichlids?

    I think my americans are just as bad constantly begging me for food, sat here trying to eat pizza in peace while watching them and I’ve got a huge audience begging me for some ???
  29. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on blanched greens.

    Oooh I’ll have to try spinach for my synodontis, he likes his veggies!
  30. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on blanched greens.

    my pleco will eat anything to be honest and don’t even get me started on the severums ?? They are the closest thing to me in a fish and have the biggest appetite of any fish I’ve ever owned.
  31. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on blanched greens.

    Yeah and me! Love peas the fish can have my leftovers! ??
  32. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone know any good medium sized pleco species?

    Yeah! When I lived in manchester at abyss aquatics a sailfin was £25! The syno is actually unidentified as it closes ly resembles the feather fin but seems to be much larger and darker, I couldn’t even find it on seriouslyfish but it doesn’t seem to be a hybrid either so I honestly am clueless...
  33. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone successfully kept algae crew (snails) with cichlids?

    South american/central american mixed tank with some of the cichlids actually hunted most of the pond snails that hitchhiked in on the jarva fern, I would say a few of my fish are more predatory than usual probably because my lfs decided on feeding the cichlids tonnes of live food for most of...
  34. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone know any good medium sized pleco species?

    That’s a great price for a sailfin! I’ve seen some going up for around £25! I bought my big syno for £12.50 absolute bargain thinking about it but my most expensive fish was either my threadfin acaras (£20 each) or geophagus (£25 for one male!) Crazy expensive haha but with this pandemic it...
  35. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone successfully kept algae crew (snails) with cichlids?

    Hey everyone, so this is going to be a weird one.. but I actually introduced two types of pond snails to my community and you are probably thinking why the hell would you do that are you crazy? haha well the result was actually no algae, no detritus, somehow ended up with less bioload (nitrates)...
  36. SAChichlidLover

    Opinions on blanched greens.

    Hi all was just wondering if anyone else on here feeds some of their fish blanched veggies like peas or lettuce or cucumber and whats everyones opinions on them? My synodontis goes nuts for blanched peas he can never get enough of them but thats if the severums dont get to them first lol or the...
  37. SAChichlidLover

    Salvini cichlid temperament in 65 gal?

    I adore salvinis but I'm also weary of them as the prize fish for me is the dempsey, sounds like a very interesting setup! I was planning on two female convicts as I know they will still probably lay eggs but without 1000s of unwanted fry is the goal haha. How is your salvini with your male...
  38. SAChichlidLover

    Anyone know any good medium sized pleco species?

    I'm in lincoln (unfortunately) haha, I wish I lived closer because nowhere round here has bristlenoses so I had to order one online when I first wanted one haha. My lfs has L number plecos but cheapest is £30 and I'd buy a good quality cichlid for that!
  39. SAChichlidLover

    Salvini cichlid temperament in 65 gal?

    Oh and the dempsey will be the largest at 10cm
  40. SAChichlidLover

    Salvini cichlid temperament in 65 gal?

    Same time addition :)