Opinions on blanched greens.


Jan 31, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi all was just wondering if anyone else on here feeds some of their fish blanched veggies like peas or lettuce or cucumber and whats everyones opinions on them? My synodontis goes nuts for blanched peas he can never get enough of them but thats if the severums dont get to them first lol or the greedy geophagus who will eat anything he can fit into his mouth.. I prefer feeding blanched veggies every so often opposed to the veggie flakes and stuff you can find because well theyve stopped my fish from chomping my plants which took me ages to finally get growing and they seem to enjoy them more than bloodworms! What kind of trickery haha never thought I'd find a treat they would prefer but whatever suits them haha. My baby plecs also obsessed with peas and does a synodontis and tries to hog them all at once lol.
I use blanched cucumbers for my Pleco and lettuce for the snails. (To get rid of them)

I occasionally feed 1/4 of a pea, if my fish seem bloated.
I used to put spinach in the microwave for a few seconds, just enough to wilt it. But my blackworms and algae eaters seem to like raw just as much, and it's less work. :)
what are blackworms>
I use blanched cucumbers for my Pleco and lettuce for the snails. (To get rid of them)

I occasionally feed 1/4 of a pea, if my fish seem bloated.
my pleco will eat anything to be honest and don’t even get me started on the severums ?? They are the closest thing to me in a fish and have the biggest appetite of any fish I’ve ever owned.
...I've never blanched the cucumber I put in. Should I?
Also, I'm a really bad cook... How do I blanch something? Haha. ?

You boil it.

If its a cucumber, slice it up.

Boil it for a couple minutes

Dump it into cold water.

Feed to fish.

freeze whatever is left for later.

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