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  1. J


    I have Eco-Complete substrate in my planted tank with Amano/Japonica Shrimp. I find that the shrimp spend more time on my driftwood, plants, and glass than they do on the actual substrate.
  2. J

    Cherry / Other Dwarf Shrimp Tankmates

    Are there any larger sized shrimp that would fit into my tank? I primarily want them to help battle some hair algae issues I'm experiencing in my planted tank. My ottos won't touch that stuff. :(
  3. J

    Cherry / Other Dwarf Shrimp Tankmates

    Would Cherry Shrimp in a planted tank conflict with any of these fish? Discus Congo Tetra Rainbowfish Clown Loach (small) Corydoras Ottos
  4. J

    Major Algae Help Needed

    Thanks for the information and advice, folks. :good: Yesterday, I got rid of the Cabomba that was severely affected. I also got rid of all visible clumps of the hair algae. Then, I thinned out the Valisneria a bit and performed a 70% water change. I left my 2 big Amazon Swords alone, as...
  5. J

    Major Algae Help Needed

    It didn't crash... but it was "offline" for the 24-48 hours while I was changing the tanks over the weekend. I haven't experienced a break in the cycle (ammonia/nitrite spike), so I don't know what else could be causing it. This is so frustrating. I'm really depressed since my old tank was...
  6. J

    Major Algae Help Needed

    This is going to be a long post, so please bear with me! I have NOT had the most fun over the past 2-3 weeks. :( About 3 weeks ago, my 72G Bowfront unexpectedly cracked... every hobbyists worst nightmare. :crazy: Fortunately, I caught it before the tank exploded into my living room (and...
  7. J

    Please Help Me Out

    I started my planted tank a few months ago. Here are fast growing plants that I had great success with: Cabomba Anacharis Wisteria Water Sprite Vallisneria Onion Plant Moneywort Of these, my favorites are the Wisteria, Vallisneria, and Cabomba. I also have 2 beautiful Amazon Swords, which...
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    Tank Repair Help - Urgent!

    OMG! That's is so perfectly what I needed to see/hear! :good: I can't believe the All Glass Company uses such crappy plastic for an important support piece like that. I bought this tank almost 4 years ago and it didn't occur to even think about that piece. It's dangerous to assume the...
  9. J

    Tank Repair Help - Urgent!

    I need some help/assistance in a pretty urgent manner. I have a 72G bowfront being used for a planted, freshwater setup. This tank is approximately 3 years old. I just noticed a large crack in the (cheap) plastic ledge that runs across the middle to support the glass lid covers. Those of you...
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    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Hi There. Just wanted to give an updated journal image. I actually had to perform my first pruning this past weekend. As mentioned in my previous post, the Cabomba/Anacharis both reached the water's surface. I also had to "thin out" my Water Sprite since it was crowding my Amazon Swords...
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    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Well, here is an updated picture on Day 16. :good: I rearranged a few plants based on their relative growth (I'm looking at you Cabomba and Water Sprite!). I can't believe how fast those two plants have shot up to the water's surface. I also wanted to centerpiece the pair of Amazon Swords...
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    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Well, it's been a week... time for a photo update. I tried my best to get the same size and positioning for the photo. :fun: ORIGINAL SETUP ON DAY ONE CURRENT SETUP ON DAY EIGHT Yes, some of my Red Ludwigia and Anacharis decided to uproot themselves. I'll put them back in place on Sunday...
  13. J

    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Okay... I am still somewhat confused as far as the chemical names and the dosing "mix" routine. As far as the macro nutrient days... would this be the same as if I was dosing with Seachem Nitrogen/Potassium/Phosphorous liquids? As far as the trace nutrient days... would that be the same as if...
  14. J

    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Starting to get disappointed. Most of my Cabomba is turning brown. I also noticed some of my Water Sprite is also browning. Not sure what to do at this point. :no:
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    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Yeah... I adjusted the photoperiod like you suggested. I have a single light on for 5 hours apiece... instead of the overlapping 2 hours period in the middle. Well, I've tried reading that EI article several times and it still confuses the heck out of me. If someone is willing to tell me...
  16. J

    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Thanks so much! I wasn't sure about the lighting, but I certainly didn't want to run both strips continuously. So I decided to overlap them for 2 hours in the middle. Would you really suggest just running 130w for the whole photoperiod? I didn't want to shortchange the lighting to less than...
  17. J

    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    LOL. I believe you on the "false perling." Just happened to post this at the same time as the other thread. :P Tank specs are: 72G US Bowfront Substrate Eco Complete Lighting 260w (dual strip... 130w x 2) Photoperiod Routine 4 hours (130w - one strip) 2 hours (260w - both strips) 4 hours...
  18. J

    Instant Perling?

    Yes, I did a partial water change. -_- Ahh well... I could swear those bubbles weren't there after the water change, but only an hour later they started forming. Anyway, I'll check them again tonight to see if there is any action. :)
  19. J

    Instant Perling?

    I just planted my 72G bowfront tank tonight. I believe that I'm witness to perling within an hour of turning on the lights and CO2. :hyper: (sorry for the blurry pictures) Take a look at the leaves of the Water Sprite: Look along the edges of the Java Fern leaves: Here is the entire tank:
  20. J

    Jay's 72g Bowfront

    Well, I rushed home to find my Live Aquaria plant package waiting for me. After two hours of fiddling around with water, plants, and various equipment... I have my 72G tank planted. Below are some tank pictures. The plant contents are: Foreground Dwarf Hairgrass (3x) Anubias Nana (2x) -...
  21. J

    Requesting Plant Suggestions

    Thanks for the suggestions so far. Unfortunately, the LFS in my area don't have a great selection of plants (I'm in the USA). I was looking at Live Aquaria and they have several plant packages. Would this type of plant assortment work for starting up my tank? LINK I see that this package...
  22. J

    Timing Suggestions For New Planted Tank

    I'm ready to populate my first planted aquarium. However, I want to get some opinions on the photoperiod routine for the lights, CO2, and airstone. The tank is 72G (US) and approximately 22" tall. My questions are as follows...
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    Amazon Sword And Tiny Bubbles

    I'm not an expert, but I believe that is an abundance of oxygen being released by the plant... a good sign. :good:
  24. J

    Requesting Plant Suggestions

    Hi There. I recently changed my 72G (US) tank setup in preparation for a planted aquarium. I swapped out the regular black gravel with Eco Complete substrate. I also got myself a CO2 system and increased my lighting to the medium-high range. The temperature is around 78-79F. I'll be using...
  25. J

    Planted Tank Conversion

    Thanks for the replies so far. Though, I have a few follow-up questions. I don't recall exactly what my Kh reading was, but it was in the "very soft" range. What is a good way to naturally raise the Kh in my tank to prevent huge Ph swings? I don't want to start adding liquid/chemicals to...
  26. J

    Planted Tank Conversion

    Hi There. I'm finally getting around to converting my tank to live plants. I've toyed with the idea over the past year, but think I'm ready to make the switch this summer. I currently have a mature 72G (US) 48Lx18Wx22H bowfront tank set up... approximately 3 years old. It's running an Eheim Pro...
  27. J

    Planted Tank Suggestions

    I'm already on the second page without any replies. :sad: Nobody can offer help? :huh:
  28. J

    Planted Tank Suggestions

    Hi Everyone. I've been a member for a few years, but haven't posted in quite some time. I currently have a mature 72G (US) 48Lx18Wx22H bowfront tank set up... approximately 3 years old. It's running an Eheim Pro II 2026 canister filter, substrate is fine black gravel, and is home to 3 adult...
  29. J

    Discus Pictures

    I have 5 total. The one in the back is a Golden Dragon. Two Red Turqs (one heckel). I don't know the exact name of the large, pink Pigeon Blood one in the middle. There's also another Req Turq in this tank (hiding somewhere). Tank Size = 72g US bowfront Filter = Eheim Pro canister Tankmates =...
  30. J

    blue ram died

    Sounds like it's about a 46G US tank... but not exactly sure. That should have been sufficient territory for 3 rams... but it probably was based on the fact you introduced the 3rd ram after the other two claimed their territory already. Keep that in mind going forward when you get territorial...
  31. J

    blue ram died

    It definitely sounds like a territorial death to me. You added a new ram into the mix where two established rams had their territory marked. The new one was considered an invader and subsequently terrorized by the existing ones. I have 4 rams (2 bolivian and 2 golden), but my tank size is 72G...
  32. J

    i mean discus fish how hard can it be???

    An R/O unit is not required for Discus. I have successfully kept healthy Discus for over a year without an R/O unit. They have grown a lot in that time and their colors are brighter than ever. However, you need to put in a lot of reading and research about Discus before going to buy them. Make...
  33. J

    what fish go well with angels?

    I have Corys, Ottos, Harlequin Rasboras, and a Clown Pleco with my Angel. They all seem to coexist peacefully. :thumbs:
  34. J

    Tank Stand Stability

    Yes, I figured the All-Glass company would have made sure these stands could handle the weight pressure. However, I'm sure anyone can understand my concerns. I just e-mailed the company to find out. I have a 16G bow front as well, but it does not make any noises. :blink:
  35. J

    Tank Stand Stability

    I have a 72G US bow front all-glass tank and matching wood stand (see picture below) in my living room. I've had this tank set up and running with Discus for over a year already. Lately, I've been hearing creeking noises coming from the stand when I perform my water changes. I'm sure this...
  36. J

    might get a few blue rams

    Get a small bucket (like 3 gallons or so)... carefully dump the fish and water into the bucket. Get some new air line tubing and tie a loose knot near one of the ends. Place the end with the knot into the bucket. The other end (no knot) into your tank. Allow the water from your tank to slowly...
  37. J

    how do u sex oscars?

    Dim the lights... candlelight dinner... and some Barry White music. :rofl: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol:
  38. J

    what do they eat?

    1. Hikari Frozen Bloodworms 2. Hikari Discus Pellets 3. Hikari Sinking Pellets 4. Hikari Tropical Flakes I alternate #1 and #2 as staple foods. I use #3 and #4 as supplementary foods. I tried frozen brine shrimp, but they didn't like it... and it made a big mess.
  39. J

    Oto behaviour

    Did you just add the Ottos to your tank? Perhaps you acclimated them too quickly. Ottos are small fish and thus need to be acclimated slowly. I usually pour them into a bucket, then use air line tubing to do a slow drip from my tank. This takes a couple of hours, but they get acclimated to...
  40. J

    Oto behaviour

    One of my ottos actually laid on his back when I first introduced the group into my tank. Good thing I wasn't hasty in netting him out... he ended up just taking a nap or something. An hour later and he was suctioned to my tank wall with his buddies. Guess he swam away from the light! :lol: