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  1. J

    Guppy Disease?

    you donnt loose 70 fish for no reason aye an all with the same problem so therefore its to do with water chemistry or filter or paramaters honestly what i would do is start fresh clean absolute eveything in the tank even put new media in the canister and clean canister and then cycle again as...
  2. J

    Swordtail with Body Flukes

    i would do everything that colin has said but to me it sounds like ur paramaters are up **** creek the reason being he has got white spots and gills going red which is a sign of ammonia and nitrite quote me if im wrong collin another med that can work is sulfa tablets but really seems to me ur...
  3. J

    Fish with ich/ick

    best thing to do and i have had 100 percent sucess with what im going to say you say u have 2 mollies left best thing to do is 75% water change and vaccume gravel and more than normal and get eveything out as much as you can and get a cup with 1/4 full of tank water and add 1 tea spoon of sea...
  4. J

    can anyone please help black widow tetra looks like chunks missing !!!!!

    how how are you yes thats what i thought a physical fight the only fish in the tank that it might have been would of been is my angel but he hasnt picked on others yes he is doing good i have used formaldehyde green and sea salt and have been changing his water he is still eating and swiming...
  5. J

    can anyone please help black widow tetra looks like chunks missing !!!!!

    i have done 50% change in main tank and in qt tank i did 25% it could be old age but last night he was fine it honestly looks like my angel might of got him im allways putting him in time out for his behaviour works for 2 days then he back to himself all the other tetras are fine and all tests...
  6. J

    can anyone please help black widow tetra looks like chunks missing !!!!!

    hey guys im new to this forum i have been into fish along time but would like some opinions this morning i wake up to find my tetra looking like this fisrt thing i did was get him out then i did tests ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 20ppm so its not the water at fisrt i thought i had amonia...
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