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  1. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I've tested the tap 3 times all came back clearly zero. The tank must have been super high for whatever reason. Never saw high ammonia (only .25max), but maybe I missed the spike waiting for the tests. Today's readings look like they are confirming I'm almost out of this. Didn't realize...
  2. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    Ammonia has not spiked again, but I'll keep checking it just to be sure. Nitrates actually looked a lot better after the last water change (around 20). Hopefully nitrites won't take much longer. I tested the water again just now, roughly 8hrs since the water change and the nitrates are...
  3. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I do not have any local LFS, but I plan to call the Petco and Petsmart to see if they do tests and what kind they do. I'm hoping one of them does liquid and not strips. I just did a 45ish% water change now. Does this actually look a little lighter or no? I'm driving myself crazy over this. At...
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  5. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I know how the nitrogen cycle works, that is not what I'm confused about. I have never seen levels this high, even when initally cycling, which was years ago. I do not have any pure water sources so cannot try to figure out the true nitrite levels beyond 5.0ppm that we have. My fish are not...
  6. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    It says it expires 5/26. I always rinse with scalding hot water and let air dry. I've done the tap twice and it came back zero both times. I don't know why the tank is reading so high. I might have not shook/banged the nitrates good yesterday either, but I did it twice with the same reading...
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  8. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I was only trying to post videos to show the behavior of the fish before and after the water change. In case anyone saw anything concerning that I might be missing. The one fish with the dark spot on it's side had that when she was little and we got her from the pet store.
  9. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    <iframe src="" width="640" height="564" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src="" width="640" height="564" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay...
  10. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I did a water change of 15 gallons, as I did not let the water sit and was afraid too much new water might cause pH shock. It has been an hour since the water change and it has not turned cloudy. The fish have not gone gasping to the surface either. 15 minutes after the change I tested the...
  11. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    Tested the tap for ammonia and nitrites both came back zero. Our water has trace amounts of nitrates so I didn't test that.
  12. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    Now I'm confused. Based on your second paragraph and what Byron has said, my pH should be lower, but I just ran some tests and it's showing higher. Much higher. As far as I am aware I do not have any pH changing things in the tank. A piece of driftwood, maybe 4-5inches (lower if anything...
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  14. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    Am I expecting the water that was left out to be the same as the tank? Curious what exactly I'm looking for between the three readings. Thankfully whatever happened, appears to be short lived. They are all still acting normal and 2 pairs are exhibiting mating behavior.
  15. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    All 10 are back to normal as of the last 5hrs or so, and the haziness has finally completely cleared out. I will continue to monitor over the next few days while I wait for my test kit. My water is very hard. Generally the pH is around 7.6-7.8. GH 20ish and KH 13/14. I'll be sure to test the...
  16. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I do always use Prime, but I didn't even consider pH. I did the larger change first though, which I assume would have been the most drastic and they resumed normal behavior the same day. Maybe a delayed reaction? I did not let the water rest as long as I usually do, and the pH could have been...
  17. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    74/75, which is where it was before the water changes. The heater does have some kind of white substance at the bottom, unsure if it's some kind of algae or something else. Probably worth replacing when I go to pick up some air stones. I typically have the internal filter underwater, but I'll...
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  19. C

    Ammonia poisoning, low oxygen, or something else?

    I know the quickest way is to test the water, but I unfortunately do not have any tests. Mine are expired and our Walmart no longer carries any liquid tests. I ordered the API kit, but it will not be here until Friday. Hoping some of the other things going on might be abe to tell someone if it's...
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  21. C

    Rubber lip pleco above the water line

    I didn't even think about pH. Probably not worth testing since I don't know the store pH. I'll be sure to wait a few days before changing any water just incase. He seems to be doing better now. Back at the bottom of the tank stuck to the glass near some plants. Any idea why only some of the...
  22. C

    Rubber lip pleco above the water line

    It was a Petsmart. Not my favorite place but the Petco is 20mins further and it's already quite a drive. Unfortunately no local stores around here. We have really hard water so that shouldn't be a problem. I also made sure to not let the bag water get into the tank so whatever they were...
  23. C

    Rubber lip pleco above the water line

    Maybe not gasping, but definitely sitting at the surface. I always use the API master test kit. I did a water change two days ago and parameters were perfect when I checked today. If something has changed in the morning I'll change it again, but if not a water change will not change anything...
  24. C

    Rubber lip pleco above the water line

    What would cause a new rubber lip to be above the water line? I checked the water parameters and they are perfect (0 Ammon/Nitrite & 5-10 nitrates). I will double check again in the morning, but I would expect detection of ammonia/nitrites if that were the cause of the fish's behavior. I bought...
  25. C


    Keep the fish in. If you keep taking them out you are going to stress them more. Prime will only detoxify for up to 48hrs. Its not a cure all. You really want ammonia and nitrites at zero, which is why it's so important to get the real numbers so you know what you are working with. Half way...
  26. C


    You should test the water at least once a week. That will tell you when to change the water. When doing a fish in cycle you have to change the water at some point or you risk losing all your fish. What were your exact water parameters? Molly's have a large bioload for a live bearer and should...
  27. C

    Java Fern leaflets

    I'm assuming the leaf would melt as the leaflet took root? It was my understanding that the leaf would be fine after I took the leaflets off. I was planning on keeping the mother plant as I don't have many at the moment. I'm very new to live plants, but thought this was a slow growing one which...
  28. C

    Floaters that like current

    I have moderate flow in half my tank. I keep water lettuce and water wisteria and both are doing good. I was a bit worried about the water lettuce at first, but it bounces back up if it gets caught in the current.
  29. C

    Java Fern leaflets

    When should I take the leaflets off the mother plant? From what I have been reading it would take a long time for them to simply fall off. Do I need to wait until a small rhizome appears before removing and replanting? Would they be fine once they have a few leaves? I have several mother plants...
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  32. C

    Propogating floating water wisteria

    I have 2 new bunches of water wisteria. I have one bunch in the substrate and I have one floating. I was intending to plant as well, but the fish seem to like swimming in it, so I was going to leave it floating. It is currently tied together in a bunch and I'm wondering if it will still...
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  36. C

    Could a Catfish species work?

    I've kept cherry's for over a decade in this water with no issues. On average they live about 6-7 years which I believe is at the top of their life expectancy. I currently have 3 that are 3yrs old and 3 that are a year old. The rest are new but are growing great so far. I've seen their hardness...
  37. C

    Could a Catfish species work?

    The Petricola is different than the Lucipinnis correct? Want to make sure I look for the right ones. If I go this route I think I would probably have to order online.
  38. C

    Could a Catfish species work?

    You would recommend avoiding the Synodontis as well?
  39. C

    Could a Catfish species work?

    All I have are cherry barbs so plenty of room to add a large group if need be :) I was looking at the Synodontis but seriouslyfish has their lowest temp at 75. I would think my water would be too cool for them. Do they prefer the bottom of their temp range?
  40. C

    Could a Catfish species work?

    Standard 55 gal (208L). Dimensions of 48x13x21