Could a Catfish species work?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2020
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Would a catfish species work in these parameters?
GH: 21
PH: 7.8
Temp: 75-76
I was looking at Rineloricaria Fallax, but I think my tank is too warm for them. 75-76. I generally do not like to keep fish at the top of their range.

Any "cooler" water catfish? The other ones I was looking at (Platydoras Armatulus) have a minimum temp of 76 making my water too cool...Are all the cooler water catfish soft water? I was looking at Aspidoras as well, but those also require softer water than what I have.
Would a catfish species work in these parameters?
GH: 21
PH: 7.8
Temp: 75-76
I was looking at Rineloricaria Fallax, but I think my tank is too warm for them. 75-76. I generally do not like to keep fish at the top of their range.

Any "cooler" water catfish? The other ones I was looking at (Platydoras Armatulus) have a minimum temp of 76 making my water too cool...Are all the cooler water catfish soft water? I was looking at Aspidoras as well, but those also require softer water than what I have.
I LOVE Platydoras Armatulus, I had one for years before he finally passed . :( He liked the water pretty warm, it was usually about 80. Now I can't find them anywhere
What is the tank size?
I was looking at Rineloricaria Fallax, but I think my tank is too warm for them. 75-76.
The temperature isn't the problem, the GH is, it's pretty high and too high for South American suckermouth catfish.

The GH is fine for African Rift Lake cichlids and you could look at Synodontis multipunctatus or S. petricola. They do best in groups of 6 (preferably 10) or more.
The temperature isn't the problem, the GH is, it's pretty high and too high for South American suckermouth catfish.

The GH is fine for African Rift Lake cichlids and you could look at Synodontis multipunctatus or S. petricola. They do best in groups of 6 (preferably 10) or more.
All I have are cherry barbs so plenty of room to add a large group if need be :)

I was looking at the Synodontis but seriouslyfish has their lowest temp at 75. I would think my water would be too cool for them. Do they prefer the bottom of their temp range?
I think the two synos that Colin posted would work at 76-77F just comfortably, but if you can't locate them, the rubberlip would be another option for your hard water and cooler temps.
All are very attractive and unusual choices of catfish too.
I think the two synos that Colin posted would work at 76-77F just comfortably, but if you can't locate them, the rubberlip would be another option for your hard water and cooler temps.
All are very attractive and unusual choices of catfish too.
The Petricola is different than the Lucipinnis correct? Want to make sure I look for the right ones. If I go this route I think I would probably have to order online.
I'm not super versed on the synos, check the synonyms section on Seriouslyfish for them.
The GH is a bit high for cherry barbs too but if you already have them and want a catfish, go for the S. petricola because they are smaller than the multipunctatus.

Rainbowfish would do well in hard water but I wouldn't mix big species with cherry barbs because big rainbows will eat small fish.

The following link has all the different rainbowfish species known from Australia and New Guinea. Have a look and see if you like any.
The GH is a bit high for cherry barbs too but if you already have them and want a catfish, go for the S. petricola because they are smaller than the multipunctatus.

Rainbowfish would do well in hard water but I wouldn't mix big species with cherry barbs because big rainbows will eat small fish.

The following link has all the different rainbowfish species known from Australia and New Guinea. Have a look and see if you like any.

I've kept cherry's for over a decade in this water with no issues. On average they live about 6-7 years which I believe is at the top of their life expectancy. I currently have 3 that are 3yrs old and 3 that are a year old. The rest are new but are growing great so far. I've seen their hardness from 15-25 depending on the site.

I'll look for the petricola. I'll check out the rainbows too. Thanks! :)

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