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  1. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    Any thoughts on this new strain that's been found? I'll try and find the paper I read about it on. There's just not much info out there on it. But I've seen it a few times in gourami's that have been sold in Australia recently. Also, what could it be if not white spot? I recently ordered some...
  2. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    I thought 4 weeks for a couple of fish in a 30L tank was fine. I'm interested to see what everyone else thought.
  3. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    This is all really interesting info. See for me, there I thought there WAS new medication on the market (as much as I knew) due to the sudden availability of it in stores. It might blow a few people's minds here, but Furan 2, Kanaplex, Ich X, and most of the Seachem meds range are illegal in...
  4. Stoopid_Fish

    Could you help me on info on both of those fishes

    Yeah, looks like a yo-yo loach and two stressed, somewhat stunted Chinese algae eaters.
  5. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    I was actually thinking this myself earlier. Fish are a little like the "designer dog", in a way. Premium prices for messed up, badly bred animals that are pumped out due to an increase in demand.
  6. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    We're somewhat restricted in Aus. One of the major suppliers here, Aquarium Industries, has been pumping out some shockingly ill fish lately. I've also experienced this Type II Ich that's been showing up more. It took around 8 weeks for the spots to even fall off the fish, even at 30 degrees C...
  7. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    Indeed, quarantining is an absolute necessity, especially now. I've just found I've had a few fish show signs of something nasty WEEKS into quarantine. I don't think a month in iso is enough any more!
  8. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    I feel this. I have fully planted tanks so treating them is not an option as I've heard too many stories of plant melt after a good med bombing. It also makes it hard to fish out any ill fish, or to even see them at times.
  9. Stoopid_Fish

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    Hey dudes! So I've been keeping fish since I was a kid, took a break of about 5 years after I had a massive tank crash in my 200L. (White spot, algae bloom, meds killed off the good bacteria, possible bacterial issues. Lost my 9 year old fatty clown loach and it scarred me for years. So I've...
  10. Stoopid_Fish

    What Got ya Started in the hobby?

    I was one of those annoying as **** kids who would go into the pet shops and be like "OI MISTER, ONE OF YA FISH IS DED!" because for some reason I was fascinated with staring at the fish. 20+ years later, still fascinated with the wetpets, work in a pet store, and now understand why those kids...
  11. Stoopid_Fish

    BAD noodles! BAD!! >.<

    Nope, no C02, just Fluval Stratum, high-ish light (good old cheapy white LEDs) and nitrates that are around 20-40ish. I've started some off in my 200L tank on Stratum and cheap LED's and it's going really well in there, and nitrates are around 15ish. I've started dosing with Liverpool Creek...
  12. Stoopid_Fish

    BAD noodles! BAD!! >.<

    Thank you! It took quite a while as my nitrates were always at 0 to verrrrry low. I added more fish and root tabs and BAM, it went MAD! I am wondering how the devil I'm going to get it back down though... I mean the noodles are cool and all, but I do not approve of this naughtiness.
  13. Stoopid_Fish

    BAD noodles! BAD!! >.<

    So I woke up this morning, turned on the light of my little 25L tank and OMFG my MC carpet is lifting!! How does that happen? What the actual hell! And then I peek underneath it.... BAD. NOODLEZ.
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  15. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    Same. Never seen it in 20+ years of playing with fishies so I'm very curious myself.
  16. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this is too far out there to be normal! I haven't been able to get him scraped yet (friend has a nasty cold at the moment) but contacting the agriculture part of the Government did cross my mind as well, but more for the possible danger of it getting...
  17. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    I've only really found info on this in regards to it being a cold water/koi disease, but the few pics I've found of it does loosely match the description. I have a girlfriend who has a lab microscope so I'm going to try and get her to do a slide for me so I can confirm what this gross stuff is...
  18. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    All up, maybe 4-5 weeks. I don't know how thoroughly he was being treated before I got him though. I think he was only getting meds maybe weekly when someone remembered, to be honest. His tank water was deep green from meds when I took him home. I've been treating his tank daily with Paraguard...
  19. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    Yikes. Gross. Thing is, it doesn't seem to have been going through any sort of cycle. They're just stuck, and not moving. I've been treating with Paraguard for a week so far, ich style, and he was being treated with BP Multi Cure before I got him.There's been no change yet. The temp is at 28...
  20. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    It was an empty, 40ish litre bare bottom tank that was kept cycled for sick fish. I didn't see him when he came in. It had been empty for a while prior to that, and none of the other fish in that store were/are showing any signs of the weird eggs. I do know he came in with a friend who died...
  21. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    I KNOW!! They DO look like freaky eggs. But he's very happy cruising about. He has a good appetite, his fins aren't clamped, he doesn't gasp or show any signs of stress. When I'm not near the tank he comes out and pokes about and nibbles his plants. But whatever this is, it's not right and it's...
  22. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    I'm also going to try and wipe off or remove some of the lumps that are hanging off a bit, but I'm going to give him a day to get over being man-handled the first time. I'd love to look at these creepy ball things under a microscope.
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  25. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    He's very timid because I'm his first person, and he only ate in front of me for the first time today so getting pics of him are a bit hard. I'll try and coax him out with more food in a bit. I did try and wipe them off, and they're rock hard and well and truly stuck onto him. It's not sand...
  26. Stoopid_Fish

    Help! What is this?!

    Looks like uneaten food pellets that have started to go fuzzy.
  27. Stoopid_Fish

    PARASITIC EGGS?! What is wrong with this gourami?!

    Hello all! I recently adopted this poor little wetpet from a local pet store who weren't having any luck clearing his issues. His water was deep, dark green from meds and I didn't actually get a good look at him until now. And OMG. I have NO idea what I'm dealing with here. I just saw all the...
  28. weird gourami.jpg

    weird gourami.jpg
