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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. LordHappy

    By the way, which one's Pink?

    Happy day Colin...thank you for the courtesy of a response. I feed a piece of fruit 1/4-1/2 inch square once a week and a food stick that is less than 1/2 inch long once a week. 25 shrimp, 3 mystery snails and a flock of pond snails make quick work of any food there. I'll stop by the...
  2. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    *In the preceding post, between the words "to" and "it". inserts "paying for"*
  3. LordHappy

    By the way, which one's Pink?

    Happy day, The 10g tank is 4 months old, stable water parameters with 0 ammonia and 7.8ph. Soil capped with eco-complete, no filter. Just shrimp and snails and as of yesterday, I found three chili rasboras for $5. They are really hard to find here. Not sure why. Anyway, I feed twice a week...
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  5. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Happy all sorts of madness and mayhem has ensued. Graphics cards have gone into high burn mode, theoretical limits of open browser tabs have been tested and a plan is incubating. 32g Walstad tank with 3 pinocchio shrimp, 5 dwarf indian mudskippers and a small flock of bumblebee gobies...
  6. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Happy day Slap...they've been spraying down here for years at night, but now we're losing our small reptiles, amphibians and birds that fed on the blood-thirsty fellas. Not to mention that nile monitor lizard and other friendly pets released into the wild :-) Have you ever toured any of the...
  7. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Happy day EYP....$1.99? That's a great deal. At my two LFS, the only fish priced under $2 are danios and sometimes they have a $1 tank filled with their leftovers, which is where I got a weird, but kinda cool looking, pair of rasbora kalochroma. Bugie is very cool. And that's the fun...
  8. LordHappy


    Didja notice that's where my link led to? :-)
  9. LordHappy


    Happy can buy a piece of closed cell foam core board, or even just plastic, in any colour you like and put it against the glass. They trim up pretty well, too. You could also buy a vinyl sticker from any number of online vendors, or use a spray paint like Krylon.
  10. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Happy day EYP....I've watched this video a few times. I like the blugrass music...reminds me of The Grass is Dead, which recast some Grateful Dead into bluegrass finger-picking. Outside of three big box stores, our two LFS wouldn't ever have this "mixed in" and it would be $29.99, which is the...
  11. LordHappy

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Happy day...I kept a 29g brackish tank for about ten years. Raised a mono sebae and an archer, along with some columbian cats. This was in the old days before people kept fish in schools...but the archer and the mono became best buddies in what became a somewhat cramped tank. I couldn't ever...
  12. LordHappy

    hello people who like assorted tropical fish including: betas, axolotls, brine shrimp (sea monkeys), velociraptors, flamethrowers, and likely anime

    Happy day...I stand corrected. They are doing what they were designed to do, and the fact that I dislike the outcome is not their fault. They are tasty, though :)
  13. LordHappy

    hello people who like assorted tropical fish including: betas, axolotls, brine shrimp (sea monkeys), velociraptors, flamethrowers, and likely anime

    Happy day...I think this is a baaaad topic...if my wife finds out that she could go get a husband plushie, I might be doomed. I told her she couldn't have a boyfriend pillow on account of that being a violation to the sanctity of the marriage vows she made> Lion fish....awful creatures. They...
  14. LordHappy

    I think my fishless cycle is doomed!

    Happy day Slappy...its sorta how we roll over in Flori-duh...random acts of kindness, senseless acts of beauty...we even have a whole social phenomena and a coloring book named after my fellow men here in the state: I figure if someone can throw an alligator into a...
  15. LordHappy

    I think my fishless cycle is doomed!

    Happy day...every couple of weeks I throw out a pretty big pile of floating plants, some moss and other vegetable matter. If you send me a private message with your address, I'll send you a pile of plants via priority mail for free. Just toss them in the tank, they'll have some beneficial...
  16. LordHappy

    Hi there! I’m new here.

    Happy day and welcome aboard! It looks like your addiction is well underway, and you've certainly found the right place to share your fintasies and other predictions.
  17. LordHappy

    Mbuna Condos, concepts for a African Cichlid tank

    Happy this is the 50g breeder...36x18x18. The pics are from a few months back. It started with an even layer of coral about 3-4 inches deep. Now they've dug it all out in all sorts of interesting ways and some piles are 6+ inches high. I perched the rocks on top of one another...
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  21. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Come on, you can totally see mounting securely-lidded tanks to the scorpion...
  22. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy day....I did, and all things considered, I chose to go in a new and exciting direction.
  23. LordHappy

    Mbuna Condos, concepts for a African Cichlid tank

    Happy day...I came across this post because I was trying to find a way to not think about the delicious pile of work I have. Then I decided that by sharing my experience, I could, in fact, not think about the work that awaits. Acting is always better than just thinking, I'm sure I was told. I...
  24. LordHappy

    Little bugs?

    Happy day....I agree, perhaps came in with some plants or food. Little bit of excitement for the fishies. Don't rush to throw "medication" in there.
  25. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy day...and so our hero, downcast and downtrodden, returned to the drawing board. Three hours of searching for a product, any product, failed to produce anything. Messages to very tall people were uniformly ignored, probably because all they hear is squeaking from somewhere around their...
  26. LordHappy


    Happy day...I jest not, Plecocaine is a wholesome meal for bottom dwellers. When you buy it the guy also sends samples of all his other foods, plus some Jolly Ranchers. This is sounding stranger by the minute...
  27. LordHappy


    Happy bottom dwellers love cucumber and Plecocaine, although I am not sure if it is available in the UK.
  28. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy the update thus far is that I have not been able to find a company that makes a gaming-style...or any comfy style....chair with a 36-inch telescoping post. This may require supreme engineering of using the top portion of a gaming chair mounted to a bar stool with a folding step...
  29. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy day...a long, long time ago, long before there were movies produced for Tik-Tok and Youtube, there was a style of acting called "method acting." And so one posited the notion that in addition to method acting, there might be a similar school of study called method posting., which would...
  30. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy day...perhaps you would, you know, give us a bit of a show on a trapeze above a bed with this music? Help us get into the spirit of the thing, really become a method-poster type of...type of...type? Fun side note...the Grateful Dead periodically played circus music during their set breaks.
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  32. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy day...I kept waiting for some circa -1974 adult film genre musical accompaniment.
  33. LordHappy

    Vote Now! March 2021 Tank of the Month Contest (16 gallons and smaller)

    Happy day, Size: 9.6g Light: ONF Nano. Age: 3 months Filtration: Walstad-method tank Hardscape: Okho stone (dragon stone), spiderwood, wood from my lake Floating Plants: Frogbit, damn duckweed, some sort of fuzzy, superhydrophobic floater, and red root floaters. Planted Plants: Dwarf...
  34. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Oh aye, its how I roll...
  35. LordHappy

    Small tank set up

    Happy day...there were 37 other things I wrote and deleted due to cultural differences and me being from foreign parts over yonder with a different government structure. You have inspired me to write my local officials about creating an agency called Fish Under Care and Kept Environmentally...
  36. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    I think the long rope is more colloquially called a noose, and the braking mechanism is built in.
  37. LordHappy

    The Problem of Seating

    Happy son said that this sort of demand was a precursor to the seats from the movie, Wall-E. I had an easier time getting the trapeze rigged above the bed than finding a chair with a 36-inch telescoping post. Does no one get stoned and sit in front of their fish tanks any more? How...
  38. LordHappy

    Large freshwater fish

    Happy day...I that's a great idea. You could even squeeze some of the muck out the 25s filter into the water, or just put the whole cartridge into it.
  39. LordHappy

    Large freshwater fish

    Happy've experienced a nice array of thoughts here, shifting through the genres. Perhaps keep reading a bit more, dial back on the impulse and see how you feel after a week of watching YT vids and such, then make the purchase.