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  1. B

    Possible resistant Camallanus worms?

    Okay, I will do all of that, thank you for the advice!
  2. B

    Possible resistant Camallanus worms?

    I bought a 5 gallon that the snails have been in since treatment started. Some of them are not doing well, but I don’t know if that suggests they were carrying the worms/some other disease or if there just isn’t enough algae left for them and they refuse to eat any veggies I’ve put in with them...
  3. B

    Possible resistant Camallanus worms?

    I posted a thread back in December about the first worm, it popped out from between the fish’s pectoral fins, so I was told that it was most likely a roundworm and to treat with Flubendazole. When it didn’t work, I actually bought the exact medication in the link Slaphppy7 just posted (the vents...
  4. B

    Possible resistant Camallanus worms?

    I have been battling what I believe to be Camallanus worms in a 10 gallon with white clouds and a few platies since December 15, 2020. I have been treating once a week with Kusuri Wormer Plus, 75% WC and filter clean before and after dosing. It is not working. I increased the dose and I thought...
  5. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    So, last week I tried increasing the dose, putting it both in the water and in the form of medicated feed, and it did not work. The original white cloud still had the worm poking out from its vent. Yesterday, at least two worms had emerged from where the first worm was, so I tried medicating yet...
  6. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    So, I tried this... the worms are still going strong. Do you think it’s possible they’re just resistant to the type of medication I’m using? I’m not sure what to do next.
  7. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Does anyone have any experience using Kusuri Wormer Plus to make a medicated feed? I’m thinking of trying that, since the worms are almost completely internal now, not sticking out from the middle of the fish’s body.
  8. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Hmm, I’m at a complete loss as to why the meds aren’t killing the worms then.
  9. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Oops! That’s what I get for trying to multitask while writing a reply. I wrote the volume of one of my other tanks and not the white cloud tank. The white cloud tank is ACTUALLY 32.77L, and I’ve been putting 0.07g in. I have been putting 0.21g in my tank that is 95.57L, though.
  10. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Perhaps my math is just bad? The white cloud tank is 95.57 liters, and the Wormer Plus calls for 0.3g per 136.3L water, so I should put 0.07g in 95.57L, correct?
  11. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    The best by date is 4/23.
  12. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    I’m using Wormer Plus (Flubendazole) in all of the tanks except the tank with all of the snails and one platy fry. I’m using PraziPro in the snail tank. I’ve taken out the rocks except for the gravel substrate and I measure everything again before I medicate just to double check the dosage is...
  13. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Back again! Hopefully this is the appropriate way to go about this, I’m still new to these fish forums so please bear with me. I medicated my tanks for the first time last Thursday, and then again yesterday. The fish I originally noticed the worm in appeared to be doing better, but then last...
  14. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Yeah, I knew the eggs will only hatch in salt water and the larvae have to develop in salt water, but I have no experience with anything salt water. My well water is also quite so I’m not sure there would be enough calcium for the larvae to make it. I ordered some prazi and will be treating the...
  15. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    I’m okay with buying more medication, I’d rather have it on hand for emergencies anyway. They’re nerite snails, and everywhere I’ve read says it’s extremely hard to successfully breed them, although I may try.
  16. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Is there any way to treat the snails? I don’t want to put all this work and all the stress on my fish to treat them just to have the snails reintroduce the round worms to the tanks.
  17. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    Forgot to add: the worm is coming out of the fish between its pectoral fins, it’s nowhere near the vent. If you can imagine a fish’s “armpit,”that’s where the worm is coming from. Also, will these medications kill live plants? Most of my tanks are pretty heavily planted.
  18. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    I can get Flubendazole on Amazon as Kusuri Wormer Plus, but the product description specifically says to not use it with snails, and that you can actually use it to get rid of pest snails. I don’t want to kill any of my snails, since I have almost 30 between all my tanks. What should I do about...
  19. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    I treated them with General Cure only because I didn’t have any other idea what to do but I knew it had more parasite-killing ingredients than metroplex, and I wouldn’t be able to get at my tank until late the next day (today). My shubunkin had what was suspected to be internal parasites, and I...
  20. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    They look like camallanus worms to me too, but in all the pictures I’ve seen, the infestation seems to manifest as several worms coming out of/near the vent, and the one worm I have is no where near the fish’s vent. All of my other fish are completely fine, one of my platies just had its first...
  21. B

    How to treat this parasite? PLEASE HELP

    I recently got several nerite snails to try to control the algae in my tanks. I put them in my grow out tank because I don’t currently have a quarantine tank (my previous quarantine tank turned into a grow out tank). There are 4 platies and 6 White Cloud Mountain minnows. Today, I noticed that...
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  25. B

    Are these White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    They were in the same tank as zebra danios actually, and I googled danios and they are definitely pearl danios. Hopefully the pet store takes them back because danios will not work in the tank I planned on putting them in after they’re quarantined. Picture of pearl danio I found on google:
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  27. B

    Are these White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    I recently got some (what I presumed were) White Cloud Mountain minnows. Their coloration didn’t look like what I had seen online, but I figured it was just bad lighting/stress on the fish. They have not changed color since I got them. I got more white clouds today and they look exactly like...
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  31. B

    Mixing medications??

    Yes, I added salt about a week ago when I noticed the first stringy poop, since I had read before that it helps with constipation, treating very mild ailments, etc. and there were no other signs of anything wrong. I do not usually put salt in, and I remove it with a series of water changes after...
  32. B

    Mixing medications??

    Also- potentially silly question, but I don’t want to accidentally kill my fish. Do I need to completely replace my water before adding epsom salt to my tank if I already keep API’s aquarium salt in there? Are they basically the same thing anyway?
  33. B

    Mixing medications??

    Thank you everyone for your replies! Thankfully my fish isn’t swollen, isn’t breathing heavily, and still eats as they always have. Visually, he looks totally fine and normal except for the fact that he’s laying at the bottom unless it’s feeding time. I knew that Tetra Lifeguard wouldn’t treat...
  34. B

    Mixing medications??

    I have a sick goldfish in a 30 gallon tank. The tank is nearly four years old now so it’s well established, ammonia and nitrites are a fairly consistent 0, and I try to keep nitrates around 20 ppm with at least 30% water changes every week. My goldfish has had long, stringy, white poops twice...