Possible resistant Camallanus worms?


New Member
Jun 30, 2020
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United States
I have been battling what I believe to be Camallanus worms in a 10 gallon with white clouds and a few platies since December 15, 2020. I have been treating once a week with Kusuri Wormer Plus, 75% WC and filter clean before and after dosing. It is not working. I increased the dose and I thought it was working because the worms I could see were gone, so I did four weeks at the increased dose after however many weeks of exactly how much the package calls for. Today, on what I thought was going to be the last water change/filter cleaning, I noticed one of my white clouds has a worm beginning to peak out from its vent, despite dosing the tank yesterday morning.

To say I’m frustrated would be a massive understatement. Spending 4+ hours two days a week cleaning and sanitizing things for two months is seriously starting to wear on me. In addition to the 10 gallon, I have a 30 gallon with a ~5-year-old shubunkin. To be honest, the shubunkin is the only fish I truly care about, he’s basically my child at this point, I bought the white clouds and platies to be tank mates for the shubunkin but they got sick before that could happen. The issue is that I used a python water changer in both tanks before the worms emerged. The shubunkin seems healthy, but so did the white clouds and platies. I guess my question is, if I cull the 10 gallon, could I safely return to normal with the 30 gallon? Also, I have nerite snails that I purchased and put in the 10 gallon a few weeks before the worms emerged, and those snails are for the 30 gallon but hadn’t yet finished quarantining and now I don’t know if they’re safe to put with the shubunkin. The python has been thoroughly disinfected since last using it for water changes. I do use it to refill the tanks.

Any advice whatsoever is genuinely appreciated. I’m obviously willing to go through another round of treatment if my shubunkin absolutely needs it, but I’ve never seen any worms coming from his vent.
Wormer Plus contains flubendazole which is supposed to kill both round worms and flat worms. If you are sure they are camallanus worms, you could try a medication which contains levamisole. As I don't live in the US, I don't know which meds contain this, hopefully an American member will be able to suggest which meds to try.
I posted a thread back in December about the first worm, it popped out from between the fish’s pectoral fins, so I was told that it was most likely a roundworm and to treat with Flubendazole. When it didn’t work, I actually bought the exact medication in the link Slaphppy7 just posted (the vents on the fish in the 10 gallon look just like that photo of the worms, also) but I didn’t use it because the worms disappeared once I increased the dose. If I retire the 10 gallon, should I treat the 30 gallon with the levamisole? What about the snails?
I would try the levamisole med in every tank that could be contaminated. You also need to repeat the dose as the meds don't kill eggs and the repeat doses are to kill the worms which were eggs during the previous doses.

When I've had to treat a tank with nerites in I removed the nerites and put them in a bucket for the duration of the treatment. Run some carbon in the tank to remove as much of the medication as possible before putting them back. It's easy enough to do a 100% water change on a bucket. Make sure there is a cover over the bucket even if it's just an old towel.
I bought a 5 gallon that the snails have been in since treatment started. Some of them are not doing well, but I don’t know if that suggests they were carrying the worms/some other disease or if there just isn’t enough algae left for them and they refuse to eat any veggies I’ve put in with them for some reason.

Do you think I should let my shubunkin rest/recover a bit before treating him with the levamisole? I just feel that two straight months of treatment is a lot to begin with, and it’ll be another three or four weeks with the levamisole.
I would do a big water change then run carbon for a couple of days before starting the new medication.

You could try growing some algae for the snails. You need a glass container and some rocks. Fill the container with water, dechlorinate it, add the rocks and put it on a sunny windowsill. When the rocks grow algae put one of them in the nerites' tank. When they've cleaned it, put another one in and return the first to the container to grow more algae.

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