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  1. JakeKPO

    My betta tank

    Hello all! I recently purchased some new decor for my Fluval spec V I have one female betta in there and some mopani wood and some moss balls and one silk plant and some tall fake grass Let me know what you think I’m in love
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  3. JakeKPO

    Too Bright?...

    Hello All! I Have recently been questioning weather my aquarium light is too bright for my betta she is not very active during the day when the light is on and is active when its off or the Fluval Spec is in night mode. I have white substrate and some good plants in it (Fake BTW) if this is to...
  4. JakeKPO

    Is it worth it?

    Alright ill think about it thanks
  5. JakeKPO

    Is it worth it?

    Hello All! I have recently stumbled upon this amazing decor (Below) and it is ~$38 after tax it comes with the fake mopani wood and 3 fake moss balls that i will probably not use i have real ones and this big plant in the back it is all fake so i like it because im a newbie i have a Fluval Spec...
  6. JakeKPO

    Fluval timer suggestions

    Well unfortunately I doubt you will be able to do this Because the only way to turn it from night to day is by touching the switch I’m sorry
  7. JakeKPO

    Fluval timer suggestions

    Are you trying to have it change from day to night automatically I have the same tank so I can try to help also I'm in love with your scape
  8. JakeKPO

    Betta near filter.

    Looks good two things the betta leaf is to low if you want him to sleep on it put in about 1/2” below the surface and second I think a 25 gallon might be a little big but I could be wrong
  9. JakeKPO

    Betta near filter.

    Yah I have a spec so I put the heater right in the filter compartment so that.kight be it
  10. JakeKPO

    Betta near filter.

    Mine I doing the same thing I don't know what it could be maybe the heat from the filter or maybe the flow idk
  11. JakeKPO

    Good day

    Really nice tank! Love the planted look keep it up welcome to the forum
  12. JakeKPO

    Whats Yours?

    Yah idk how big of a tank you would need for a 5 foot monster Edit: Looked it up only 1000g How?
  13. JakeKPO

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    look 24
  14. JakeKPO

    Whats Yours?

    Hello all! JR Here I just have a question for all of you It is What is Your Favorite Fish You have Either Kept or seen or would love to keep mine was for the longest time a Tiger Oscar i just thought the orange coloring with the black was so cool until... I Saw My First Red Asian Arowana The...
  15. JakeKPO

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Wow I might be to young for this forum :lol:
  16. JakeKPO

    New Tank #DreamTank

    I dont think i am ready for live plants i have moss balls but there is really nothing to them
  17. JakeKPO

    New Tank #DreamTank

    I keep the lid on to keep the betta from jumping out thankfully i dont really worry about her umping but better safe than sorry and i like it because it keeps most particles from the air out besides the huge hole in it
  18. JakeKPO

    Weird Oil film on the surface of the water

    this is what it looks like if that helps at all
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  20. JakeKPO

    Weird Oil film on the surface of the water

    Okay thanks so much I will keep a close eye on it if it gets much worse I will come back to the forum
  21. JakeKPO

    Weird Oil film on the surface of the water

    Hello all! So I recently got a new tank the Fluval Spec and I have started to notice this film on the top of the water that looks like if you were to dump oil in water what could this be from? Is it harmful? Is it good bacteria? Idk let me know ASAP thanks
  22. JakeKPO

    New Tank

    I’m sorry did not know
  23. JakeKPO

    New Tank

    Hello all! So I recently purchased one of my Dream tanks for my betta it is the Fluval Spec V Freshwater Kit and I love it but I was wondering if there is anything I should buy for it to make it better? be it décor, Accessories, Filter media etc. to make the tank look/run even better or stuff...
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  26. JakeKPO

    tank cycling

    I would move the filter media over and let it cycle for a day then you should be find
  27. JakeKPO

    New Tank #DreamTank

    Yes it is
  28. JakeKPO

    New Tank #DreamTank

    Hello all so below is a Fluval Spec 5 Gallon Freshwater Aquarium It is my dream nano tank I love the look of it and my betta dose too let me know what I can do to make. Look better
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  30. JakeKPO

    Filter Very Dirty :(

    Also the water is a little cloudy and there is like this what looks like clear food flakes in the filter but it’s not good discolored idk
  31. JakeKPO

    Emergency, fish dying.

    xD Most Are let me take a look at the options ill be back
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  33. JakeKPO

    Emergency, fish dying.

    do they All Eat Well (Trying To diagnose )
  34. JakeKPO

    Emergency, fish dying.

    How old are the fish in question?
  35. JakeKPO

    Emergency, fish dying.

    I think what might cause the fish to do that might be stress have you done anything recently to the tank
  36. JakeKPO

    Random pictures...

    Is That An Albino Pleco if not what is it sorry i am very new to the hobby
  37. JakeKPO

    Emergency, fish dying.

    Do you have any type of aeration in the tank if not go out and get some because the same problem and it was because there was a lack of oxygen
  38. JakeKPO

    Filter Very Dirty :(

    Hello All! So I Just looked in my filter and its only been about 2 weeks since i have changed out the cartridge and i noticed it was very very brown So i took some of the tank water and put it in a cup and washed out the filter and the water was very brown after now idk if its time for a new...
  39. JakeKPO

    Betta Sleeps all day

    I have a lamp next to the tank I’ll try that
  40. JakeKPO

    Betta Sleeps all day

    Hello all! my fellow keepers I have a question. So I have my tank light turn on at 8:30 am and turn off at 10:00 pm Becuase I like to look at my tank and my babies in it. But my betta seams to lay on her leaf all day and when I turn the light off to see if she dose anything she starts to swim...