tank cycling


Fish Herder
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
May 19, 2020
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somewhere I'm not even sure
I have my betta in a 5 gallon tank currently but I would like to move him to a 10 gallon. If I use the same substrate directly from his tank to the new tank and the same water from his tank plus some new water and the same decor and filter media can I put him directly in the new tank?
I would move the filter media over and let it cycle for a day then you should be find
As long as you move as much bacteria as possible - substrate, decor and filter - at the same time as the fish, yes you can put him straight in. The water won't contain any bacteria. As long as you have been doing big water changes weekly on the small tank, the tank water won't be different from your tap water so you can use all new tap water.
You will lose a few bacteria in the move but they'll make up their numbers so fast you won't see ammonia or nitrite above zero.

I did this when I upgraded from 125 to 180 litres; I checked the levels every day afterwards and they never got above zero.
Don't JUST move the filter and media though. The bacteria won't have anything to eat and will start to die. You need a source of ammonia in there IE your fish.
Your bb won’t die that fast. If you are getting fish in a couple of day, then you’re fine. If not, then add a few fish flakes every couple of days.
I have my betta in a 5 gallon tank currently but I would like to move him to a 10 gallon. If I use the same substrate directly from his tank to the new tank and the same water from his tank plus some new water and the same decor and filter media can I put him directly in the new tank?

IMO there isn't any reason to not move his fish in his situation and risk it (no new fish). I'd use the old water as well, you know its good and at least from a PH, mineral, etc view it will be closer to what they are used to after adding the additional 5G.
Its just like doing a 50% water change.

Dechlorinate the new water in a 5 gallon bucket b/f adding it to the old water and new tank.
Correct, what I'm saying though is you wouldn't do a 100% water change if you didn't have to. To each his own though.
Thanks for all the advice. The 10 gallon didn't work out because after I got my parent's permission to set it up they decided that I had too many tanks and they didn't want another one in the house. I'm still hoping it will work out soon though. Also I'm a she not a he. :)
I have my betta in a 5 gallon tank currently but I would like to move him to a 10 gallon. If I use the same substrate directly from his tank to the new tank and the same water from his tank plus some new water and the same decor and filter media can I put him directly in the new tank?
Will this be a new tank for Casper?
You can always tell them you will shut down the 5g and keep it in storage for an emergency tank. How many tanks do you have?
It was going to be a tank for my other Betta named John Lennon who's in a 5 gallon.

I currently have a 10 gallon fry tank (this is the tank originally planned for the Betta but then they said I could use it to raise some cory and molly fry and then put it away once they are full grown and sold but not for my Betta), a 29 gallon, two 5 gallons, and I'm caring for my brother's 3.5 gallon with a Betta, and a 3.5 gallon with my grandma's Betta.

I tried saying that I would put the 5 gallon away but my mom is really scared one of my tanks is going to suddenly explode and said no.
It was going to be a tank for my other Betta named John Lennon who's in a 5 gallon.

I currently have a 10 gallon fry tank (this is the tank originally planned for the Betta but then they said I could use it to raise some cory and molly fry and then put it away once they are full grown and sold but not for my Betta), a 29 gallon, two 5 gallons, and I'm caring for my brother's 3.5 gallon with a Betta, and a 3.5 gallon with my grandma's Betta.

I tried saying that I would put the 5 gallon away but my mom is really scared one of my tanks is going to suddenly explode and said no.
Spontaneous Tank Combustion has never been verified, at least to my knowledge.
That is quite a few tanks, though.

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