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  1. yoyohughes

    fish illness

    fair enough, yeh i do wash my hands nefore and after a thorough rummage but never when just dipping fingers in or adjusting something quickly, interesting to hear another point of view
  2. yoyohughes

    fish illness

    so recently my brothers girlfriend has been telling me to stop sticking my hands in my fish tank cus "fish are very susceptible to bacterial infections" she has no fish keeping experience but is at Uni for Biology and a lecturer told her so. however inhave never heard of fish getting ill due to...
  3. yoyohughes

    Honey gourami with possible swim bladder disease

    sorry for such a long reply, he didnt make it to the end of the day and i had forgotten about this post, thank you tho
  4. yoyohughes

    Honey gourami with possible swim bladder disease

    sorry for such a long reply, he didnt make it to the end of the day and i had forgotten about this post, thank you tho
  5. yoyohughes

    Honey gourami with possible swim bladder disease

    I have a honey Gourami for a biut a month and a bit along with 5 cardinal tetras a few shrimp and snails, but today the honey gourami was lying on the floor of the tank. i tried to help him go back upright and start swimming again, but when i let go he sinks back down with a small flutter. he...
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  9. yoyohughes


    Im wondering how many Honey Gouramis i could put in a 10 gallon planted tank. I seatched it and it said 1 in a 10 gallon and 20 gallon for 2. but i have seen many tanks smaller than 20 gallons with maybe even 4 gouramis getting along very well. so should i stick to 1 or perhaps maybe 2?
  10. yoyohughes

    Co2 or Fertilizer

    okay cool, thanks
  11. yoyohughes

    Co2 or Fertilizer

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  14. yoyohughes

    Co2 or Fertilizer

    i am looking to boost my plant growth in my little 9 gallon flex but i can only buy either some sort of fertiliser (probably tropica) or a very cheap co2 system. which one fertiliser or co2?
  15. yoyohughes

    lighting upgrade

    Does anyone know of a relatively cheap light that is brighter than the standard one that comes on a fluval flex 9? It's okay but not really enough.
  16. yoyohughes

    Dirted tank

    I've seen many people i watch i youtube have very successful dirted tanks
  17. yoyohughes

    Dirted tank

    Quick question, can i put garden soil under aqua soil? I know you can cap it with sand but will the aqua soil let it leak through?
  18. yoyohughes

    Noisy pump

    Okay thank you, could you leave a link for that other pump. Sounds like i need one.
  19. yoyohughes

    Noisy pump

    Yeh i did. I've shaken and re-ajusted it many times. Thanks though
  20. yoyohughes

    Noisy pump

    I've had a Fluval Flex 9 sonce Christmas and ever since i set it up the pump hums and slightly buzzes. Eventually i got used to it in my room and its fine. But i want to move the tank closer to my bed, so does anyone know the problem or how to fix it?
  21. yoyohughes


    Okay thanks all of you
  22. yoyohughes


    Simple question. Could a honey gourami live with danios or is the temperature too different?
  23. yoyohughes


    How many neon tetras can i keep in a fluval flex 9? 9 gallons/34 litres
  24. yoyohughes

    Separating aquasoil and sand

    Okay thanks
  25. yoyohughes

    Separating aquasoil and sand

    I've got a tank that has a base layer of sand to build height but then tropica aquasoil on top. I want to redo my tank but im not sure how to separate the two as they have become a bit mixed up. Any ideas?
  26. yoyohughes

    Neon tetra has lost colour!

    The water parameters are all fine. Did a water change anyways. Luckily i removed it this morning into basically a tub with some floating plants and some substrate. I will get some treatment asap.
  27. yoyohughes

    Neon tetra has lost colour!

    The tanks is 40 litres I'll check in a second the water parameters. But its eyes have now started to bulge.
  28. yoyohughes

    Neon tetra has lost colour!

    1 of my 7 neon tetras that i bought a few weeks ago has lost alot of it colour and is swimming at an angle. It's separated from the other who all seem fine. Not sure if its neon tetra disease or not.
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