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  1. J

    HELP! My swordtail has gone mad!!

    I have paypal. I'd be happy to help you get one. I'd even help you a tiny bit with the price (I'm pretty brok, but I'd do what I could), and then get it all wrapped and shipped to you. It's nice to see a person with a good ecological and environmental stance there in India. Let me know if...
  2. J

    Our fish has a broken back?

    tb? I never thought about that. Can you post a link for what a fish with TB looks like? I'm googling and not finding pictures...
  3. J

    Our fish has a broken back?

    Everything else looks fine. But he seems to be breathing a bit faster (a little flicky with his movements) and is not scrounging for food as much as he used to. I see no signs of dropsy, ick, fungus, bloat or anything else. It looks like he's developing human tetanus.
  4. J

    HELP! My swordtail has gone mad!!

    THat sounds like an awful lot of fish for that small a tank. And it totally sounds like stress from poor water quality. Test kits are super cheap. Check here for good prices:
  5. J

    Our fish has a broken back?

    We have Siamese Algae Eater, and lately it looks like his back is kinda broken. Basically he's starting to have a slight V shape instead of being straight. Is this a disease? Thanks for the help!
  6. J

    Is there a disease that will erode a fishes lower

    For the last few hours I have been running with Autogen completely off and it has been a revelation to me that not only does the scenery look much more "realistic", the shimmer is also so slight that it does not ruin the "immersion" factor for me. In fact with the AA and AF cranked up on the ATI...
  7. J

    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Well, the remaning babies are OK so far. The big guy is trying so hard to make it, I just want to cry. Even though he can barely move he still feeds, but like you mentioned about your fish, his feces is white too... I sure wish we could figure out what this is... I added Melafix just because...
  8. J

    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Well, I was a genetic engineer when I was younger at the University of Michigan and was part of the team that identified and sequenced the Cystic Fibrosis gene on chromosome 7. From my experience I highly doubt this is a problem of genetic inbreeding... What I saw in my tank was not reminicent...
  9. J

    Dalmation Molly Crisis

    Harmony, my Mollies are going through the EXACT same thing right now. Our female got it first, and then died, and now our male has it. Exact same symptoms. Did you try and anti-bacteria treaments? It's definately not a swimbladder problem as some suggested... Did your tank have any snails...