HELP! My swordtail has gone mad!!


Nov 10, 2004
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I noticed a few days ago that my swordtail was looking a bit off-colour, but I didn't think much about it. Today, however, it has started chasing ALL the other fish, its swimming in a "shaky" manner, and prefers staying at the top of the tank. It's fins are closed, tail is drooping. wtf is wrong with her? (she's a single female btw. the male died a few weeks ago).

Its behaving like some kind of psycho.

Nothing is wrong with the water, I did a wc 2 days ago. I've added a general-aid medicine to the water. What should I do now?

Edit: I've noticed that it swims very close to the bubbles of my sponge filter.
Clamped fins are a sign of stress, has he been flicking and rubbing on objects, how big is the tank in gallons, how many fish and which type, also can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, so we can take a look to see whats going on.
I've got a 23 gal tank with the swordtail, 5 widow-tetras, 2 platys, 2 gouramis, 4 zebra danios. Unfortunately, I don't get any water testing kits over here, so I really dont know what the stats are. :(

She hasn't been flicking and rubbing itself. But I did notice that some of its scales are becoming a little white at one area.

I'll be doing a water-change again tomorrow, and add some salt and all. I hope it doesn't die.

(Still behaving like a psycho btw)
My fish do that tail thing but I've had them for about a year and they've all had fry (only my females do that) I think its just when they've bin chased to mcuh.
akudewan said:
I've got a 23 gal tank with the swordtail, 5 widow-tetras, 2 platys, 2 gouramis, 4 zebra danios. Unfortunately, I don't get any water testing kits over here, so I really dont know what the stats are. :(

She hasn't been flicking and rubbing itself. But I did notice that some of its scales are becoming a little white at one area.

I'll be doing a water-change again tomorrow, and add some salt and all. I hope it doesn't die.

(Still behaving like a psycho btw)
Most LFSs do water tests for free. :nod:
Wilder said:
If the scales are white and patchy it sounds like columnaris.
The whitish patch has disappeared. But its behaviour is still the same.

I have asked Fish Shops throughout my city, but no one has any water testing kits, neither do they test the water themselves. My dad's coming back from Dubai tomorrow, hopefully he must have bought one. That's my only hope.

Anyways, just done a wc and added salt. Hopefully, things will improve.
akudewan said:
Wilder said:
If the scales are white and patchy it sounds like columnaris.
The whitish patch has disappeared. But its behaviour is still the same.

I have asked Fish Shops throughout my city, but no one has any water testing kits, neither do they test the water themselves. My dad's coming back from Dubai tomorrow, hopefully he must have bought one. That's my only hope.

Anyways, just done a wc and added salt. Hopefully, things will improve.
they have to have water test fish store is without them, thats just stupid bussiness pratice if they dont carry them
THat sounds like an awful lot of fish for that small a tank. And it totally sounds like stress from poor water quality. Test kits are super cheap. Check here for good prices:
Hi everyone. Thanks for all the replies.

jpinard: I asked people on the forum how many fish I could keep in my tank. And I was told that I could keep about 15 (keeping in mind the size of fish, ofcourse). My LFS told me I could keep 20 fish in my tank, but it's common sense that 20 would be a bit too much. Also, my gouramis are dwarf gouramis, and the zebras are ofcourse really small. So I really don't think my tank is overstocked.

My dad got back from Dubai yesterday, unfortunately he didn't find the testing kit (he didn't have much time to look around) However, he did get a 512 MB CF card for my camera :) so you can expect a lot of pics :)

As far as getting testing kits in my own city is concerned, well, I can just tell you to read this post:

That should explain a lot.

Getting on the main topic of discussion, my swordtail is not acting like a maniac any more. No more chasing, but its still looking a bit unwell. I'll keep a watch and do one more wc after 2 days, and add some of that "general-aid" medicine I bought. Its a really good medicine, and its non-toxic to all fish. It is infact used as a precautionary medicine in many cases. "Rid-All : General Aid" is the name.

Thanks for all the help.
I have paypal. I'd be happy to help you get one. I'd even help you a tiny bit with the price (I'm pretty brok, but I'd do what I could), and then get it all wrapped and shipped to you.

It's nice to see a person with a good ecological and environmental stance there in India. Let me know if you're itnerested.
I'm writing this a few minutes after my swordtail was fished out of the tank, because, well, it no longer lives. :( May it rest in peace.

Its condition seemed to be improving since the last few days, I thought it would make a full recovery.

jpinard: Thanks for offering the testing kit. However, there may be a few problems involved. I know a testing kit costs around $2 to $3, this I can very well afford to spend. But its the shipping that costs a lot of money. (I once tried ordering a book, but the cost of shipping was actually double the cost of the book!!)

Another problem is that I don't have an international credit card, So there's no way I can actually pay you.

I'm going out for over a week, to a camp near the Himalayas. :D
So I won't be able to come online. jpinard, I'll send you a PM after I return (on 5th June)

Thanks, everyone, for all the help and advice. Goodbye for now.
Sorry for your loss, R.I.P.

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