Our fish has a broken back?


New Member
Jul 13, 2003
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We have Siamese Algae Eater, and lately it looks like his back is kinda broken. Basically he's starting to have a slight V shape instead of being straight.

Is this a disease?

Thanks for the help!
Poor thing has he also gone skinny, or does he have a bloated look to him, also is his belly sunken in.
Everything else looks fine. But he seems to be breathing a bit faster (a little flicky with his movements) and is not scrounging for food as much as he used to.

I see no signs of dropsy, ick, fungus, bloat or anything else. It looks like he's developing human tetanus.
I would issolate him to make sure he hasn't got tb, if he's suffering i would end his suffering.
tb? I never thought about that. Can you post a link for what a fish with TB looks like? I'm googling and not finding pictures...

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